mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

I saw a video on Facebook of a foldable bullet proof safe room that can be built into classrooms. That is today's America. How sad..................all because guns trump children.
You deny the simple reality that the right to keep and bear arms can also protect children. Now, all we are waiting for is confirmation that all the proposed gun grabbing lunacy would have done nothing to prevent this incident.
She had two assault rifles. She didn't buy them. She got them from somebody. Whoever she got them from is done.

Your premise is wrong. Keep in mind you, and everybody else is only armed because of a Supreme Court decision. A wrong decision.

Also keep in mind the current makeup of the court is temporary.

As temporary as that wrong decision.

Before 1995 there were ZERO school shootings for 150 years.

Why did it start in the 1990's?
Oh that will work out REAL well..... :icon_rolleyes:

It wouldn't hurt...and likely would stop these attacks since mass public shooters intentionally target gun free zones. We know this from their statements and writings about these attacks.
I would agree at least as a temporary measure until America stops going to war. Just be very cautious on who is allowed to carry guns in the schools!

Remember, all the bad guys with guns used to be good guys with guns.

not seeing the truth in the last statement.
This is starting to smell like a priest, minister, whatever causing a teenage girl to feel that revenge was worth more than her life.

So sad.
You deny the simple reality that the right to keep and bear arms can also protect children. Now, all we are waiting for is confirmation that all the proposed gun grabbing lunacy would have done nothing to prevent this incident.
How's that "protecting children" working out today?
How's that "protecting children" working out today?

They didn't protect the children.......we will find out if they had an armed resource officer and whether it was a gun free school zone....

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