mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

I'm not giving up my gun to accomodate your delicate sensibilities when YOU SEEM PERFECTLY Fine with Christian children being murdered. If i give up MY gun, that's is telling these nuts to come to my home because we're a gun free zone. And THAT is not gonna happen.
I'm not giving up my gun to accomodate your delicate sensibilities when YOU SEEM PERFECTLY Fine with Christian children being murdered. If i give up MY gun, that's is telling these nuts to come to my home because we're a gun free zone. And THAT is not gonna happen.
Of course you aren't giving up your gun. It's way more important than mere children.
Motive of the shooter? A former teacher who is not happy with the teachings in a christian school? A trans mtf who is NOT happy with the biblical view of homosexuality and transgenderism or just God's word in general.

The shooter went from first floor to second....was she(?) looking for someone in particular??
Of course you aren't giving up your gun. It's way more important than mere children.
my CHILDREN ARE important and that is why i'm keeping it. How many parents have watched their families, THEIR CHILDREN killed by tyrants after being disarmed.
Agreed, our schools should look like prisons. it is the only answer. :rolleyes:
Yes it is the incredibly obvious answer.

I care far less what my kids' school "looks like" to the snowflakes who were in hysterics about a physical barrier on the border but are fine being fondle searched by TSA than I care that the kids get home alive at the end of the day.
Agreed, our schools should look like prisons. it is the only answer. :rolleyes:
The White House has some of the best physical security in the world. Does it look like a prison?

But, hey! No matter what it looks like. It needs to be done, or do you think the casualties are a small price to pay for aesthetics?
I saw a video on Facebook of a foldable bullet proof safe room that can be built into classrooms. That is today's America. How sad..................all because guns trump children.
You think guns are magically going to go away?
The White House has some of the best physical security in the world. Does it look like a prison?

But, hey! No matter what it looks like. It needs to be done, or do you think the casualties are a small price to pay for aesthetics?

I think that we as a country are better than having to turn our schools into fortresses to keep our kids safe. But, it seems I am wrong
Want a solution??? ARM THE SCHOOLS!! That's what will make these crazies think twice.
I would agree at least as a temporary measure until America stops going to war. Just be very cautious on who is allowed to carry guns in the schools!

Remember, all the bad guys with guns used to be good guys with guns.
She had two assault rifles. She didn't buy them. She got them from somebody. Whoever she got them from is done.

Your premise is wrong. Keep in mind you, and everybody else is only armed because of a Supreme Court decision. A wrong decision.

Also keep in mind the current makeup of the court is temporary.

As temporary as that wrong decision.
Only armed because of a Supreme Court decision? You need to stop sniffing glue.
Kook criminals get their weapons of choice by any means necessary. We dont take cars from everyone because some drunk drivers kill people.
You Dims are idiots.
She had two assault rifles. She didn't buy them. She got them from somebody. Whoever she got them from is done.

Your premise is wrong. Keep in mind you, and everybody else is only armed because of a Supreme Court decision. A wrong decision.

Also keep in mind the current makeup of the court is temporary.

As temporary as that wrong decision.
Come take my gun that defends my family prick. All this is for you is a political wedge, get bent.
Yes it is the incredibly obvious answer.

I care far less what my kids' school "looks like" to the snowflakes who were in hysterics about a physical barrier on the border but are fine being fondle searched by TSA than I care that the kids get home alive at the end of the day.

First off, I think TSA is a violation of the constitution.

That aside, It can take up to 2 hours to get though the life at TSA, you want all our kids lined up outside their schools waiting for their turn to be searched?

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