mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

Wait a minute. You want to arm the same woke teachers that are in a union, are "grooming" our children, and inviting drag queens in to give presentations?
Not the woke ones that are grooming the kids or the drag queens with their own mental derangements.
Only arm the sane teachers that aren't afraid of their own shadow.

Are there any left?
Murder isn't a Christian value? Really? Because it's been a Christian value in many Christian circles for a long time..............all the way from the Crusades way back when, up to now where there are lots of Christians and Christian preachers calling for the killing of homosexuals or those who don't believe in God as the people calling for the killing do.

No.....murder is not a Christian is not allowed or condoned by God. That some people calling themselves Christians have committed murder doesn't change the fact it is not allowed.
now ths is police leave the dais...this woman who claims to be a visitor to the area takes the mic before they are turned off and starts with the gun control nonsense.

how does that happen. How is she so bold to usurp the stage?? Press set up? NPD set up? Is this another federal set up and psyops??
Murder isn't a Christian value? Really? Because it's been a Christian value in many Christian circles for a long time..............all the way from the Crusades way back when, up to now where there are lots of Christians and Christian preachers calling for the killing of homosexuals or those who don't believe in God as the people calling for the killing do.

Murder, however, is an atheist the mass murder of close to 200 million people since 1917 was done by atheist, socialists........
She had two assault rifles. She didn't buy them. She got them from somebody. Whoever she got them from is done.

Your premise is wrong. Keep in mind you, and everybody else is only armed because of a Supreme Court decision. A wrong decision.

Also keep in mind the current makeup of the court is temporary.

As temporary as that wrong decision.
The reason we are armed is because we have a God given right to self defense & to stand against tyranny.
We also have the 2A that codifies this so stupid sheeple aren't fooled by bed wetters like you
excuse me but am i seeing that this shooting of christian children is justified because of centiuries old violence in the middle east between jew.christians and muslims?
Apparently, you know as much about cartels and 1 percenter bikers as you do about marijuana. NO. They don't deal mainly in cannabis, they prefer to deal more on the heroin, fentanyl and meth side of things.

You don't know jack. They're biggest growers in Canada, running tons of it into the U.S. every month, and have for years.
we know the death count..we know the shooter...what facts do you need to wait for?
We don't know much about the shooter yet. That is where the rubber will meet the road.

Heck, I just heard from a guy in Nashville that it might be a tranny but nothing firm so we will have to wait and see....Just going with female now.
No.....murder is not a Christian is not allowed or condoned by God. That some people calling themselves Christians have committed murder doesn't change the fact it is not allowed.

Then why does it say in the Bible to kill the unbelievers and the infidels?
She had two assault rifles. She didn't buy them. She got them from somebody. Whoever she got them from is done.

Your premise is wrong. Keep in mind you, and everybody else is only armed because of a Supreme Court decision. A wrong decision.

Also keep in mind the current makeup of the court is temporary.

As temporary as that wrong decision.
She wasn't a teen. It is now being reported she was 28.
The Mayor of Nashville is a goddamn Democrat. The Democrats removed school resource officers from the Nashville schools in order to kiss the ass of the BLM.

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