mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

This is already the deflection right-wingers are gonna try to run with......

You can't clutch your pearls now when you folks have been trafficking in this bullshit for years..

How soon you morons forget this...

It's a shame at a time like this you would post such tripe....You are a bad person.
Parents waiting at nearby church.

Uvalde parents grieving didn't stop you morons from lying about that shooting either......
Sandy Hook parents grieving didn't stop you morons from lying about that shooting either...
Etc, etc, etc...

Too late to clutch your pearls now...fuck what you talking about
Murder isn't a Christian value? Really? Because it's been a Christian value in many Christian circles for a long time..............all the way from the Crusades way back when, up to now where there are lots of Christians and Christian preachers calling for the killing of homosexuals or those who don't believe in God as the people calling for the killing do.

Your behavior is going to result in the "Modern Crusades".
The MAJORITY of normal people eventually get fed up with the insanity of the rainbow minority that never knows when to back off.
If nobody has posted the score to date, it's 3 children and 2 adults dead. I don't have info on the number of wounded.

This one has to qualify for 2Aguy's list that brings mass shootings officially up to 3 in 2023.
Looks like they are bringing the surviving children to their waiting parents now.

This pic says it all.


BTW.....There are around 33 staff members in the school and some 210 students at the school.
Why are you DEPENDENT on psychotropic substances ?
Why is your life so bankrupt that you need to get high?

I find thousands of great things about life to "get high on naturally" every day.
Maybe you are like an have a problem but can't / won't admit it.

Pot is a PSYCHOTROPIC mind altering substance. it is not as innocent and harmless as you claim.
There are many validated reports on the rise in auto related accidents and deaths due to people driving while high.

They also do other things while in Altered States". Sometimes very bad things.

You don't know much about marijuana do you? No, it's not physically addictive in any way, and no, it's not any more mood altering (probably much less) than alcohol. As far as the auto related incidents while people were high? Might wanna go do some research, as they were involved in accidents because they were driving too slow and cautious, not speeding down the freeway like a maniac. If your metric for behavior on marijuana is based on Reefer Madness, might wanna update your knowledge base, as NONE of the behaviors that were portrayed in that movie could have been caused by marijuana. Heroin, cocaine, and speed? Yes. Marijuana? No.
There were more shootings in America after all of their wars, and each new war takes it to the next higher level.

We could dig out the statistics to show at least how the mass shootings have increased, and then correlate that to America's wars.

The only problem being, there may not be any period of time over 6 months when America wasn't involved in a war?
There are the cartels and biker vermin who dominate the market, all use murder and beatings as a business tool, on top of the new breeds of plants.

Apparently, you know as much about cartels and 1 percenter bikers as you do about marijuana. NO. They don't deal mainly in cannabis, they prefer to deal more on the heroin, fentanyl and meth side of things.
Why are we discussing this? I mean, these are about as common as fender bender accidents now.
There were more shootings in America after all of their wars, and each new war takes it to the next higher level.

We could dig out the statistics to show at least how the mass shootings have increased, and then correlate that to America's wars.

The only problem being, there may not be any period of time over 6 months when America wasn't involved in a war?

All of the deaths from school shootings don't come close to the 15 million murdered by European governments under the German socialists.......
Three children, 2 adults killed in Nashville school shooting, suspect dead
Teenager no rights to firearm background check useless. Arm the employees of the schools to stop this shit

She had two assault rifles. She didn't buy them. She got them from somebody. Whoever she got them from is done.

Your premise is wrong. Keep in mind you, and everybody else is only armed because of a Supreme Court decision. A wrong decision.

Also keep in mind the current makeup of the court is temporary.

As temporary as that wrong decision.

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