mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

I don't care what guns she used or the color of her skin. All school shooters have some form of mental illness and this girl will be no different. But we will no doubt have the usual tirades from the Democrats and their media about guns being the problem.
It sure would. Most mass killers are potheads. Fact.
Pot can cause psychosis and psychotic episodes.
Psychosis leads to violence.
Half the people in this country are on one drug or another and there are potheads all over this planet. Countries with REAL gun control don`t have to live with this shit. Tying this to cannabis is beyond idiotic.
I don't care what guns she used or the color of her skin. All school shooters have some form of mental illness and this girl will be no different. But we will no doubt have the usual tirades from the Democrats and their media about guns being the problem.

so what your solution to this on going problem?
I stand corrected it was a female shooter armed with two rifles and a pistol!

The live Fox News feed said that she blasted through a locked glass door.

Three adults and three children killed exclusive of the shooter.....The female shooter may be a teen.
Actually, the shooter is a trans Antifa activist
Half the people in this country are on one drug or another and there are potheads all over this planet. Countries with REAL gun control don`t have to live with this shit. Tying this to cannabis is beyond idiotic.
The most peaceful places on Earth are homogeneous. Should we try that? For some reason, I doubt that metric ever entered the equation. Comparing things like gun control from one country to the next is usually a pathetic attempt at ignoring all other factors.
I'm all for that...But, and that's a big BUT.......that would be after the school shootings and mass shootings, right?
That's not stopping them.

Well, the fact that they need to be shot before they mass shoot people to be effective as a deterrent is the problem that hasn't been solved.
Wait a minute. You want to arm the same woke teachers that are in a union, are "grooming" our children, and inviting drag queens in to give presentations?
Good point....but I think those types are so woked-out and liberal they would refuse to carry. However, some moderates and right-leaning ones might. And knowing this, maybe the woke scum would finally quit!! This might be a great way to get those assholes out of our schools. And without them maybe our students would also grow up saner.

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