mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

If somebody like me is telling you that shit was ugly you might oughta reassess. You do you though.

Thanks, I always do.

Go back through the school shooting threads and you will find god being out of the classrooms being mentioned a lot as the cause
Yeah, because everything else is working so well.

Three more little kids dead, for the freedom of some redneck prick, can pretend he's a man.

Eat a bag of dicks meister.

You loons love that can be women, women can pretend to be men. Children can decide to change genders....on and on and on

The world is upside down
So......................what is a "real" Christian, and how would being one stop shootings exactly?
In very much the same way, Trump has protected us from an infestation of illegals into our southern border, just by his very presence - all the way to how he single-handedly kept Ukraine safe with his very presence..

The same goes for Christian schools....if they truly had the presence of Jesus in their school, the schools are safe.....schools who turn away from Jesus (public schools) are not protected by Jesus
Or, doing so could negatively affect their moral judgement.

Interesting thing about pot vs. alcohol.

Alcohol lowers a person's inhibitions, and many times when a person is drunk, they do things that they wouldn't do normally (such as dancing naked on a table, running around with a lampshade on their head, going home with ugly people, etc.)

Marijuana doesn't have that effect. If you wouldn't do something normally, you won't do it stoned either. Marijuana actually causes a person to be a bit more cautious in many things. Saying it affects a person's "moral judgement" (whatever the hell that is), is nothing more than propaganda from those who want it to be kept illegal.
Thanks, I always do.

Go back through the school shooting threads and you will find god being out of the classrooms being mentioned a lot as the cause
I would never allow another person's ignorance and cruelty to justify my own. If you're better than them you should be better. That's a pretty nasty I told you so. Kids are dead and dying. Parents are mourning.

And you're over here with your gotcha. "Told you prayer doesn't work."


I know this is a private Christian school -- but something tells me that they were probably negatively affected by the public school system.....until we put God back in our classrooms, we will have more of this....

Presbyterians are not real Christians anyway, so I know they didn't have God in the classroom

You know this is just par for the course in your blue cities.
In very much the same way, Trump has protected us from an infestation of illegals into our southern border, just by his very presence - all the way to how he single-handedly kept Ukraine safe with his very presence..

The same goes for Christian schools....if they truly had the presence of Jesus in their school, the schools are safe.....schools who turn away from Jesus (public schools) are not protected by Jesus seem to be quite the brainwashed idiot.

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