mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

i have many friends in Nashville. this is personal now. STOP SCHOOL SHOOTINGS AND ALL MASS SHOOTINGS NOW!

Armed and fully vetted combat Veterans in schools. School shooting will fall towards zero. Gun free zones are bullet magnets.

I know this is a private Christian school -- but something tells me that they were probably negatively affected by the public school system.....until we put God back in our classrooms, we will have more of this....

Presbyterians are not real Christians anyway, so I know they didn't have God in the classroom
Why are Presbyterians not Christian?

Why are Presbyterians not Christian?

Because they self identify as Presbyterians and not Christians?

I'm all ears, any thoughts on how to prevent them?

Please not the lame "get rid of guns", or more layer after layer of regulations. We have enough regulations.
Duh.. Thoughts and extra prayers?
I never said that. We know the hazards involved with alcohol and labels have to list possible risks.
Potheads are duped into believing their drug is safe because of the current power of the pot lobby.
A bad thing doesn’t qualify another bad thing.
So should alcohol be illegal too? I thought we learned this shit doesn't work.
Not happening because libs would shit their pants.
They will do that anyway

Not happening because libs would shit their pants.

They'd really shit their pants if they heard my idea:

Hang the shooter's naked corpse by one foot from a lamp post. Slit him open from dick to throat and let the crows and flies feast on him. Then when he becomes ripe, haul him off to the county dump. Be sure to have field trips for the kids to view the hanging body, so future school shooters can see what would happen to them too.

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