mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

Between the pedophiles trying to have sex with them, the transgenders trying to turn them into the opposite gender, and the other nutcases shooting at them, it's pretty hard being a kid these days. We didn't have these problems when we were kids.

You understand
They'd really shit their pants if they heard my idea:

Hang the shooter's naked corpse by one foot from a lamp post. Slit him open from dick to throat and let the crows and flies feast on him. Then when he becomes ripe, haul him off to the county dump. Be sure to have field trips for the kids to view the hanging body, so future school shooters can see what would happen to them too.
Snuff porno?
It's part of the solution. God in the classroom perhaps would create a more solid foundation at home and the family structure.
Perhaps that would create a safer environment and less violence.

I'm not sure that putting God in the classroom would have the effect you think it might. Why do I say this? Because there are a lot of different Christian factions, and many of them believe that other Christian factions aren't "real" Christians.

See Biff Poindexter's post about the school not being "real" Christians. If you had God as a prevalent point in schools, there might be a whole bunch more shootings as various Christians would want to get rid of the people they consider to be "heathens" claiming to be Christians. Or worse yet, you'd have the Christians wanting to "cleanse" their schools of unbelievers.
i have many friends in Nashville. this is personal now. STOP SCHOOL SHOOTINGS AND ALL MASS SHOOTINGS NOW!

I'm all ears, any thoughts on how to prevent them?

Please not the lame "get rid of guns", or more layer after layer of regulations. We have enough regulations.

Yeah, because everything else is working so well.

Three more little kids dead, for the freedom of some redneck prick, can pretend he's a man.

Eat a bag of dicks meister.
A guy on my main source forum from there said the school and church did heavy active shooter training a year or so ago.
Yeah, because everything else is working so well.

Three more little kids dead, for the freedom of some redneck prick, can pretend he's a man.

Eat a bag of dicks meister.
please be civil in MY Thread...and in all other threads
when will this stop...other countries arent allowing them kids to be slaughter..where are all the pro lifers?
I'm not sure that putting God in the classroom would have the effect you think it might. Why do I say this? Because there are a lot of different Christian factions, and many of them believe that other Christian factions aren't "real" Christians.
I never said that. Being brought up with Christian values from birth may have stopped countless incidents.
It's more the family structure, having two parents and not just one.

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