mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

Changing the American culture of continuous wars in which human lives have no value in the eyes of Americans, should be considered as the cause of most of the shootings.

Even though there's no obvious way of changing that at this particular time, there's no reason why the cause shouldn't be acknowledged.

In the near future the China/Russia/Brics alliance could have a positive effect on lowering the incidence in that America's wars of aggression will be less possible as nations align with the peaceful alliance side.

Already, another US led war in the ME is going to be difficult for America to justify.

Buuuuut China makes their population "peaceful" by killing them in mass quantities.

Methinks you are a Chinese troll.
It sure would. Most mass killers are potheads. Fact.
Pot can cause psychosis and psychotic episodes.
Psychosis leads to violence.

And they will still get it, and they will still smoke it, so outlawing it won't prevent anything.
I'm all ears, any thoughts on how to prevent them?

Please not the lame "get rid of guns", or more layer after layer of regulations. We have enough regulations.
If we have enough regulations, why the daily body count?
They just need to take prayer out of the Christian schools is all.

That should fix everything.

Leaving it in did not seem to help. Thus is the nature of prayer, you never know what you will get
With me...there is only one God, my God. I hope you don't mind that I use Him as my go to, ABS.

I don't mind at all Meister. Many people understand a Higher Power (or God if you will) in many different aspects and forms. I allow anyone to have their own understanding of God, as long as they allow me to have mine. The Supreme Being, God, Higher Power, or Is (whatever you wish to call it), talks to each of us in a voice that each of us understand. If you look at the core values of just about all of the major religions, they all say pretty much the same thing. The only real difference is the terms they use to explain it.
Changing the American culture of continuous wars in which human lives have no value in the eyes of Americans, should be considered as the cause of most of the shootings.

Even though there's no obvious way of changing that at this particular time, there's no reason why the cause shouldn't be acknowledged.

In the near future the China/Russia/Brics alliance could have a positive effect on lowering the incidence in that America's wars of aggression will be less possible as nations align with the peaceful alliance side.

Already, another US led war in the ME is going to be difficult for America to justify.
Then there should have been many more mass shootings after WWI and WWII.

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