mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

Murder isn't a Christian value? Really? Because it's been a Christian value in many Christian circles for a long time..............all the way from the Crusades way back when, up to now where there are lots of Christians and Christian preachers calling for the killing of homosexuals or those who don't believe in God as the people calling for the killing do.
God's Will! (cry of the murdering Crusaders)
The shooter is a 28 year old woman from Nashville.

Murder, however, is an atheist the mass murder of close to 200 million people since 1917 was done by atheist, socialists........
Then American socialists, atheists have murdered over 300 million people in it's 40 wars of aggression since the end of WW2.

And that's all I'm going to say that's off the topic of America's mass gun murders that have increased to 3 in 2023, counting today's.
She had two assault rifles. She didn't buy them. She got them from somebody. Whoever she got them from is done.

Your premise is wrong. Keep in mind you, and everybody else is only armed because of a Supreme Court decision. A wrong decision.

Also keep in mind the current makeup of the court is temporary.

As temporary as that wrong decision.
That's been reported, or you're just talking out of your ass?
So what? You think that means they magically don't smuggle it into the U.S. any more?.

They might bring in limited amounts, but that's doubtful as there are many places here in the US where it is legal, and much less of a hassle to take it into places where it's not without the problems of crossing national borders. They deal mainly in the hard drugs which are much more profitable.

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