mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

We do. That’s why we have guns, to protect them.

The tranny wacko job was killed by men with guns.
More guns, more safety....right?

And I see you too are trying to link this to trannies based on lied. :heehee:
Yep....the Right is working overtime making up stuff in order to blame trannies.

No, but we could can see how converting to someone you aren't has deep psychological effects. The people who push this abominable behavior will be held to account.
You're a very sick creature. We're probably going to be reading something like this about you one of these days.
Odd. I was thinking the same about you since you are so obsessed with your fellow posters instead of the thread topic.
Thinking guns are magical political talismans could easily be described as a delusion.

No one claimed they were magical. Just exceedingly useful when you need them.

Which in your batshit crazy world, is ever more frequent.
The Jews fought on the side of the Muslims. That shows how much you are an ignorant piece of shit!
Nope, not true at all. The Crusaders started killing Jews in their own countries and while working their way East killed Jews and "odd looking Christians" within the Bysantine Empire.
Looks like pronoun people are the actual biggest threat to people’s lives:


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