mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

Nope, not true at all. The Crusaders started killing Jews in their own countries and while working their way East killed Jews and "odd looking Christians" within the Bysantine Empire.
Christians have been persecuted and killed by Jews and every other non-Christian throughout all of history.
Nope, not true at all. The Crusaders started killing Jews in their own countries and while working their way East killed Jews and "odd looking Christians" within the Bysantine Empire.

Damn! For once you are correct!
I see i wasn't the only one considering all possibilities of the identity and motive of the shooter.

they also identified her as verified female. Odd to have a woman do something like this but then the media has been ginning up racial disatisfaction and anger for a long long long time. Woman kill they own children but i don't think it is common to go on a tear and kill other peoples'. However, it's a whole new ballgame now.

oh hayul. She uses he/him pronouns.
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Why should the feds pay for security for a private Christian school?
Are those kids' lives worth less than the lives of kids who go to public schools?

The Democrats are using those kids'deaths to promote their anti-gun agenda. They might as well be just as willing to spend some money to protect their lives.
Odd. I was thinking the same about you since you are so obsessed with your fellow posters instead of the thread topic.
Naw, you're thinking about why the shooter wasn't a white male. You admitted to it. All you care about is your political agenda.
Nope, not true at all. The Crusaders started killing Jews in their own countries and while working their way East killed Jews and "odd looking Christians" within the Bysantine Empire.

Weren't the crusaders part of the catholic system?
They just confirmed on Fox .. investigator says on social media female identifying as male

So a trans bitch kills Christian children.
Agree. Guns aren't violent until someone pulls the trigger. You seem to be waking up.
Man did that ever go over your head. Rub your gun a little harder and maybe the liberty genie will come out and explain it to you.

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