mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

So…yes. Hate crime against Christian’s by a far left gender identity loon….

Candace Owens


Mainstream sources now confirming that it was in fact “trans” Audrey Hale, who went by Aiden. It always a very clear case of mental illness when someone identifies as trans. This was an anti-Christian hate crime motivated by radical left gender ideology.
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*Unconfirmed* reports identify the Nashville shooter as “Audrey Hale”, a biological female that identifies as “He/Him” on their LinkedIn Authorities believe the transgender shooter previously attended the Christian school Instagram account “creative.aiden” has been deleted
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So…yes. Hate crime against Christian’s by a far left gender identity loon….

Candace Owens

Mainstream sources now confirming that it was in fact “trans” Audrey Hale, who went by Aiden. It always a very clear case of mental illness when someone identifies as trans. This was an anti-Christian hate crime motivated by radical left gender ideology.
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*Unconfirmed* reports identify the Nashville shooter as “Audrey Hale”, a biological female that identifies as “He/Him” on their LinkedIn Authorities believe the transgender shooter previously attended the Christian school Instagram account “creative.aiden” has been deleted
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Did you miss the word "unconfirmed"?
That would apply to guns all over the world.....why do so many die in America?
I keep giving you the answer and you still don't get it. Mental illness. There are probably a notably higher percentage of armed people in Switzerland than the USA. Why aren't there more mass shootings there, since you believe being armed is the problem.

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