mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

It's part of the solution. God in the classroom perhaps would create a more solid foundation at home and the family structure.
Perhaps that would create a safer environment and less violence.

There’s no evidence that theists or Judeo-Christian religious dogma make for ‘better people.’

Indeed, the opposite is true – for more than 2000 years great evil has been done with ‘god’ as ‘justification’; for more than 10,000 years great evil has been done with religious dogma as ‘justification.’
I wish I had a better one, but can't say that I do. Like every other issue in this country, this one is now 100% political. Neither side cares about solving the problem, just using it to attack the other side.

Neither side cares about solving the problem

That is a lie...conservatives want to solve the problem, and have offered actual solutions to the problem.

Anti-gun fanatics/democrats, do not want to solve the problem....they get too much emotional mileage out of exploiting school shootings.....without the rare school shooting, they could never move their anti-gun, gun control agenda through legislatures....

Mass public shootings, in particular school shootings, are like Christmas day to anti-gun fanatics...they get to pull out their anti-gun wish lists and spew them out through the democrat party news organizations..... NRA con-vention would be a safe place for a shooter?
what a stupid response for a dembot repeating a stupid dembot talking point

i tell ya what why don’t we make everyone that enters a school or movie go through armed security and searched? have armed security in constant patrol in the building?

you do that then maybe they’ll be just as safe as at an NRA convention

i’m just glad the armed police officers got there so quick to take this bitch down…thankfully the dems weren’t there to defund the police

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