mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

The shooter was identified as 28-Year Old Audrey Hale, a former student of the school.
Former student who was molested by a staff member when a student? (just spitballing here)

Maybe...but then you would have more people shooting up public schools since they are filled with teachers molesting students......and the democrats controlling the system ignoring it...
wow now victim blaming? some radical trans targets a christian school and the dembot cult blames the victims
Nope....but if armed people are the solution why didn't this private school put an armed person there?
I'm all ears, any thoughts on how to prevent them?

Please not the lame "get rid of guns", or more layer after layer of regulations. We have enough regulations.
Guns still seem to be the choice for those wishing to inflict maximum carnage.

They should at least be made to be difficult to acquire.
Maybe...but then you would have more people shooting up public schools since they are filled with teachers molesting students......and the democrats controlling the system ignoring it...
Why do you lie? Yes, there are teachers who have been convicted of molesting students. but saying the schools are filled with teachers molesting students is a bald faced lie.
Nope....but if armed people are the solution why didn't this private school put an armed person there?
likely cause it’s a church as well and didn’t want that imagine…it should of been a safe space…but sadly we live in xiden’s america. where radical demafasict are running wild.

the chief just confirmed there was another target but she/he didn’t go there because of security

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