mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

Guns still seem to be the choice for those wishing to inflict maximum carnage.

They should at least be made to be difficult to acquire.

They are. And since mass public shooters rarely have prior criminal records, nothing you do would stop them from being legally able to buy a gun.......
Q. What's stopping these mass murders?

A. Not a thing as long as the 2nd A. exists.

No other "civilized" nation has such a stupid rule; the Bill of Rights, when innocent people lose their life every-day in the United States, is a clear violation of a Right! Is this civilized?

Europe murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children in just 6 years, 1939-1945....not war dead...these are people rounded up by their governments under the control of the socialists, marched into forests and death camps and murdered....after they registered guns, then banned and confiscated them...

Number of people murdered with guns in the entire 246 year history of the United States? About 2,460,000......

So no, those other "civilized" countries around the world are vastly worse for murder than the United States........
The shooter identified as this story goes away

In 3.......2.......1........

Authorities confirmed at a press conference that the 28-year-old woman who killed six, including three children, at a Christian school in Nashville identified as transgender.

The shooter, a white 28-year-old Nashville woman who identified as a man, was engaged by police at the Covenant School around 10:27 a.m., 14 minutes after the first call was made to police, Nashville authorities said in a press conference.


A transgender targeting a Christian's gone......
It's part of the solution. God in the classroom perhaps would create a more solid foundation at home and the family structure.
Perhaps that would create a safer environment and less violence.
Read the First Amendment: ..."Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise."

In recent years mass murders have killed innocents in Church's and Private Schools.
Read the First Amendment: ..."Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise."

In recent years mass murders have killed innocents in Church's and Private Schools.

Authorities confirmed at a press conference that the 28-year-old woman who killed six, including three children, at a Christian school in Nashville identified as transgender.

The shooter, a white 28-year-old Nashville woman who identified as a man, was engaged by police at the Covenant School around 10:27 a.m., 14 minutes after the first call was made to police, Nashville authorities said in a press conference.


A transgender targeting a Christian's gone......
The Right is trying so hard to make this a trannie issue.

Ummm, sweetcheeks, the TRANNIES have made this a tranny issue. The last four mass shooters have ALL been trannies. You have to be blind, or stupid, in your case it is no doubt both, to ignore the violent tendencies of the militant tranny movement.
Ummm, sweetcheeks, the TRANNIES have made this a tranny issue. The last four mass shooters have ALL been trannies. You have to be blind, or stupid, in your case it is no doubt both, to ignore the violent tendencies of the militant tranny movement.

The democrats keep telling them they are being oppressed by now they are murdering conservatives....the evil of the democrats just never freaking ends....
They are. And since mass public shooters rarely have prior criminal records, nothing you do would stop them from being legally able to buy a gun.......
That’s one thing the left hates hearing. Nothing they have ever suggested would have stopped even one of these incidents. Actual enforcement of the current laws would be a good first step.

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