mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

Guns still seem to be the choice for those wishing to inflict maximum carnage.

They should at least be made to be difficult to acquire.

Why? I have guns and I've never shot anyone. So why should I be punished for someone else's illegal actions?

If someone ran over a bunch of people with a truck, would you want to make those difficult to acquire?
Oh well here we go. A trans person shoots up a Christian school.

Happy, Leftists?

Actually, no, they aren' they can't exploit this 24/7 because it was a woman pretending to be a man, which is now the most protected class of the victim they have to pretend this didn't happen and remove it from the democrat party press coverage....
Q. What's stopping these mass murders?

A. Not a thing as long as the 2nd A. exists.

No other "civilized" nation has such a stupid rule; the Bill of Rights, when innocent people lose their life every-day in the United States, is a clear violation of a Right! Is this civilized?
Spoken as a true card carrying commie, Rye.

Lets keep it with the reality......we do have the Second Amendment...get over it.

There’s no evidence that theists or Judeo-Christian religious dogma make for ‘better people.’

Indeed, the opposite is true – for more than 2000 years great evil has been done with ‘god’ as ‘justification’; for more than 10,000 years great evil has been done with religious dogma as ‘justification.’
Thanks for your opinion....though I disagree with your premise.

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