mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

Imagine my surprise!:rolleyes:

28-Year-Old Deceased Nashville Shooter Identified- ‘Audrey Hale” an Illustrator, Identifies as Transgender – Included Manifesto (PHOTOS)​

Curb your enthusiasm.
Or some kind of personal grudge since the shooter once attended that school.

We'll find out, hopefully. When the perp is one of yours, like this nutjob, your media tends to circle the wagons and censor anything that doesn't fit the narrative.

In fact, given the circumstances, a tranny murdering Christians, my money's on the corporate media memory-holes this in about 24 hours.
I hope so.
The small school is run by a church and does not employ a school resource officer.

Shortly before 10.13am, the woman entered the school through a side door and began opening fire on the second floor.

Katherine Koonce, head of school, was among those shot dead by Hale
It's unclear how she gained access to the building. Police say all of the doors were locked.
Police arrived at the scene and heard the gunshots coming from the 2nd floor.
By 10,.27am, she had been shot dead. She was armed with two assault-style rifles and a handgun.
i have many friends in Nashville. this is personal now. STOP SCHOOL SHOOTINGS AND ALL MASS SHOOTINGS NOW!

It's just another tranny. It's okay to do mass shootings when it's a tranny, right?
The small school is run by a church and does not employ a school resource officer.

Shortly before 10.13am, the woman entered the school through a side door and began opening fire on the second floor.

Katherine Koonce, head of school, was among those shot dead by Hale
It's unclear how she gained access to the building. Police say all of the doors were locked.
Police arrived at the scene and heard the gunshots coming from the 2nd floor.
By 10,.27am, she had been shot dead. She was armed with two assault-style rifles and a handgun.
The state of Tenn allocated $150K per year for each school (public and private) for security. This school could have used that money to hire a deputized school resource officer. However, the Democrat leaders of Nashville removed all resource officers from the schools in the Metro District to kiss BLM ass.

As always Democrat incompetence is usually the root of everything gone bad.
To stop school shootings persecute the drag queens.

I hope this was a sarcastic response, because drag queens are males who identify as females.

This shooter was a female who identified as a male.

Hale reportedly identified as transgender and used the pronouns he / him. In answer to a question as to whether this might have any bearing on a motive, Chief Drake said: “There is some theory to that. We’re investigating all the leads and once we know exactly, we will let you know.”
However, the Democrat leaders of Nashville removed all resource officers from the schools in the Metro District to kiss BLM ass.

As always Democrat incompetence is usually the root of everything gone bad.
Certainly you can provided PROOF of this ^^^^^ claim.

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