mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

Just a thought....who forces them to take fentanyl?

PEER Pressure for one. Bullying. blacks beating up on them in packs. Bad home life. Lots' of reasons. If it was not available (in cute little pills, gummy bears?), do you think they would eat Tide Pods?
How so? Sending thoughts and prayers?
Teddy bears!! throw teddy bears on a memorial pile by the school! That'll help. And flowers wrapped in cellophane, that's always big. That's our actual national response to all these. (It would be okay with me if no one did anything, especially stuffed animals and flowers!!)
PEER Pressure for one. Bullying. blacks beating up on them in packs. Bad home life. Lots' of reasons. If it was not available (in cute little pills, gummy bears?), do you think they would eat Tide Pods?
So, they have a you think those three children today had a choice?
Teddy bears!! throw teddy bears on a memorial pile by the school! That'll help. And flowers wrapped in cellophane, that's always big. That's our actual national response to all these. (It would be okay with me if no one did anything, especially stuffed animals and flowers!!)
You know....maybe suburban parents will pay more attention to the gun con-trol debate when 2024 comes around. School shootings can happen to anyone.
12 shooting deaths everyday involve kids….all involving guns. One in history involves a trans… right wingers “outlaw the trans!”
NONSENSE!! Near me there was a tranny who shot several people, I forget how many died, at a warehouse in Maryland. That was only three or four years ago! It was a male, but he "identified" as female; he was also diagnosed schizophrenic. He got mad at something, God knows what, drove all the way back to Baltimore to get his gun, came back and shot up the place.

He had been hired for security ---------------------------------------
NONSENSE!! Near me there was a tranny who shot several people, I forget how many died, at a warehouse in Maryland. That was only three or four years ago! It was a male, but he "identified" as female; he was also diagnosed schizophrenic. He got mad at something, God knows what, drove all the way back to Baltimore to get his gun, came back and shot up the place.

He had been hired for security ---------------------------------------
They hired a schizophrenic as a security guard?

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