mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

My only suggestions are to rebuild mental hospitals and incarcerate the obviously crazy; stop trannie transitions helped by professionals; and stop homelessness whatever it takes.

And stop all teddy-tossing and cellophane-wrapped flower bunch tossing.
Would that hospital include Dave keresh?
The weed they grow now is far higher in strength than what hippies were smoking back in the 1960's and 1970's. It can hospitalize some users.
It’s ten to thirty times more potent than pot of the early 1970’s that caused depersonalization issues for me and others I know.
Think of the risk caused by second hand pot smoke. Think of kids or babies in the vicinity of ignorant potheads today.
PEER Pressure for one. Bullying. blacks beating up on them in packs. Bad home life. Lots' of reasons. If it was not available (in cute little pills, gummy bears?), do you think they would eat Tide Pods?
Fuckup so-called patriots…
Sen Cotton: it's disappointing Biden wants to politicize the shooting and enact assault weapons ban to disarm law abiding American citizens

Terrible outcome. Why shoot 9 year olds if you’re mad at the world? Mass shooters are cowards.
y western machismo they are.
Terrible outcome. Why shoot 9 year olds if you’re mad at the world? Mass shooters are cowards.
For some reason we say call mass shooters cowards. Western machismo has declined massively even though there are people who spew it regularly. Progressives with the help of some Republicans has turned us towards a globalist nation instead of a free and sovereign one. So, the middle east kill as many as you can way of thinking is more entrenched here through diversity. If you are going to leave this world, then for some taking out as many as you can with you makes sense. We have two choices to vote for and in red areas many law enforcement have not learned a thing from what has happened in Prog areas. In those areas have at it and turn them Prog.

Clueless bitch

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