mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

The another new face of the gun lobby in a Merica.
How? What a meaningless gesture.



See? I can do it too.
Dude you’re so virtuous and awesome.. let’s make social media posts with these slogans and not lift a finger or even have any idea of how to prevent it!

There’s no evidence that theists or Judeo-Christian religious dogma make for ‘better people.’

Indeed, the opposite is true – for more than 2000 years great evil has been done with ‘god’ as ‘justification’; for more than 10,000 years great evil has been done with religious dogma as ‘justification.’
Christians aren't the cause of the shooting. Go grind your ax in your own shed.
Terrible outcome. Why shoot 9 year olds if you’re mad at the world? Mass shooters are cowards.
The shooter went to a christian school as a child....K-6th.
Anyone can be a murderous nut it seems. Good reason to lock down all public places like we live in El Salvador or somewhere.
A lot of trannies get loaded on the wrong hormones for their actual body.

And that can easily cause erratic behavior, like this event in Tennessee.

TIme, IMHO, to outlaw the use of this kind of chemical in patients, unless they have a serious illness like prostrate cancer where hormonal treatments can save their lives.
A lot of trannies get loaded on the wrong hormones for their actual body.

And that can easily cause erratic behavior, like this event in Tennessee.

TIme, IMHO, to outlaw the use of this kind of chemical in patients, unless they have a serious illness like prostrate cancer where hormonal treatments can save their lives.
12 shooting deaths everyday involve kids….all involving guns. One in history involves a trans… right wingers “outlaw the trans!”
12 shooting deaths everyday involve kids….all involving guns. One in history involves a trans… right wingers “outlaw the trans!”

Would it make you feel better if they were one of the 273 Fentynal Opiod deaths everyday?
Do you want to take away only guns or stop the Mexicans from bringing in tons of drugs also?
12 shooting deaths everyday involve kids….all involving guns. One in history involves a trans… right wingers “outlaw the trans!”

This individual is hardly unique.

The Late mass-murderer, Chicago's Richard Speck was a tranny on hormone treatement.

LGBTQ+ people are very represented among the ranks of criminals.

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