mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

A former student at that school....a christian former student at that school.
Another stupid comment.

A lot has happened since your 2018 article, but thanks for your your input.
Come on. Drug overdose deaths might have increased, but let's just be real, overdose deaths are not that common in children. The leading cause of death is HOMICIDE, usually with a gun.

Europe murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children in just 6 years, 1939-1945....not war dead...these are people rounded up by their governments under the control of the socialists, marched into forests and death camps and murdered....after they registered guns, then banned and confiscated them...

Number of people murdered with guns in the entire 246 year history of the United States? About 2,460,000......

So no, those other "civilized" countries around the world are vastly worse for murder than the United States........
Still spouting your bullshit stat?
Has anyone from GLAAD or any of the other LGBTQIA++BLAH community come out and made a statement other than bashing the guns yet?

They're pushing this ideology and trying to turn your kids into one of them, perhaps they should address the mental health issues that could drive someone to do this.

I'm sure they'll get right on it.
In case any of these Moon Bats are still in denial about the bitch being transsexual:

Come on. Drug overdose deaths might have increased, but let's just be real, overdose deaths are not that common in children. The leading cause of death is HOMICIDE, usually with a gun.
How about gun related deaths compared to opioid/fentanyl deaths.
Also, break down the age groups amoung the children. That was done earlier in this thread.

Imagine my surprise!:rolleyes:

28-Year-Old Deceased Nashville Shooter Identified- ‘Audrey Hale” an Illustrator, Identifies as Transgender – Included Manifesto (PHOTOS)​


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