mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

I see i wasn't the only one considering all possibilities of the identity and motive of the shooter.

they also identified her as verified female. Odd to have a woman do something like this but then the media has been ginning up racial disatisfaction and anger for a long long long time. Woman kill they own children but i don't think it is common to go on a tear and kill other peoples'. However, it's a whole new ballgame now.

oh hayul. She uses he/him pronouns.

Trannie, doing child focused "art". So, most likely a pedo too.
How is it that we instantly know when a white male commits some horrid killing? But, it takes time when a tranny or some other person with different colors commits some egregious act.
Man did that ever go over your head. Rub your gun a little harder and maybe the liberty genie will come out and explain it to you.
Too bad a staff person didn't have a gun. Good chance some kids would be alive. But you filth don't give a shit about lives. Your agenda is all that matters.
It is? :heehee: So why is our right to bear arms frequently infringed in places like Waco Rallies and NRA con-ventions?
because of fruitcake leftists trying to get in to kill Trump supporters and the former President. THAT is why.
Recriminalize pot. Discourage drug use.
Emphasize the need for family structure. Pretty much anything that runs counter to counter culture and current democrat policy.
Ridiculous rightwing reactionary nonsense.

The authoritarian right is always advocating for more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

Turning the United States into a conservative fascist state seeking to compel conformity and punish dissent and expressions of individual liberty is an example of Republicans’ contempt for the rights and protected liberties of the American people.
This was a hate crime against Christians by a transsexual.

Expect the story to be off the MSM by tomorrow.
Too bad a staff person didn't have a gun. Good chance some kids would be alive. But you filth don't give a shit about lives. Your agenda is all that matters.
These killings usually happen in gun free zones.
I'm all ears, any thoughts on how to prevent them?

Please not the lame "get rid of guns", or more layer after layer of regulations. We have enough regulations.
Too bad you haven't had a child to be killed with firearms. You are ****!
I'm okay with that. You let the feds in then they try to take over everything else. they've already ruined public school education. We'll take care of our own.
The feds have almost nothing to do with public school education. I was a teacher and administrator, so I think I should know. It would be unconstitutional.

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