Mass Killings: The Blame

The US has the largest prison population in the world.Your society has failed and yet you give these people guns.
So, your answer to fixing our failed society is take guns from all law abiding Americans, but the criminals and elites keep theirs.

This is the opinion of one who is likely a totalitarian.
I dont have an answer to Americas problems. I am just pointing out the absurdity of the gun nut argument.

These are the excuses I have seen put forward.

Broken homes
No God in schools
Mental health
Video games
Lack of respect

None of them hold any water because the same things are happening all over the world. Everywhere. The only issue is unfettered access to guns. You know it and I know it. Why dont you deal with it ?

I think video games and mental health are parts of the problem.
And these are issues in countries that dont see their schools shot up. So why America ?
No they are not supposed to be on psychotic drugs they are supposed to be on anti-psychotic drugs, if they are on the wrong drugs and/or on the wrong dosage of drugs then yes it is the responsibility of who has prescribed them.
Mental health is a cop out in any form, even for those that think they are mad....Hence psychologist are more about government mandated healthcare that makes kids go see counselors and doctors when they utter the wrong words in school.....I could give you a placebo and you would never know it and yet your mind would correct itself..

There are peoples with serious mental health issues who are in society that should not be in society but are because of not enough spaces in Psychiatric Hospitals, Schizophrenics are very often released into the Community and are expected to administer their own medication, part of the illness of Schizophrenia is that they do not recognise they even have a mental illness, so if they don't recognise that they even are mentally ill they are likely to not be trusted to take their own medication.
I know these guys, they and many like them wrote the Bible...

Who are these peoples you are meaning?
Do you really think a sane guy or a guy not induced with LSD would see a bush that was on fire yet wasn't consumed?

Do you really think allegory didn't exist back then?
The US has the largest prison population in the world.Your society has failed and yet you give these people guns.
So, your answer to fixing our failed society is take guns from all law abiding Americans, but the criminals and elites keep theirs.

This is the opinion of one who is likely a totalitarian.
I dont have an answer to Americas problems. I am just pointing out the absurdity of the gun nut argument.

These are the excuses I have seen put forward.

Broken homes
No God in schools
Mental health
Video games
Lack of respect

None of them hold any water because the same things are happening all over the world. Everywhere. The only issue is unfettered access to guns. You know it and I know it. Why dont you deal with it ?

I think video games and mental health are parts of the problem.
And these are issues in countries that dont see their schools shot up. So why America ?

It happens here because of people like you and your mental illnesses being 'normalized' and tolerated.
This is the same as if the Federal Transportation Administration was prohibited from finding out what led to air Tragedies


Says the Dickey Amendment "prevents the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from even researching the relationship between gun violence and public health. ... The government can’t study gun violence but is spending $400,000 analyzing the effects of Swedish massages on rabbits."
Steve Israel on Monday, October 2nd, 2017 in an op-ed in the "New York Times"

Does US really spend research dollars on massages for rabbits but not gun violence?[/URL]

The NRA has blocked gun violence research for 20 years.
Here's why the federal government can't study gun violence - ABC News
The US has the largest prison population in the world.Your society has failed and yet you give these people guns.
So, your answer to fixing our failed society is take guns from all law abiding Americans, but the criminals and elites keep theirs.

This is the opinion of one who is likely a totalitarian.
I dont have an answer to Americas problems. I am just pointing out the absurdity of the gun nut argument.

These are the excuses I have seen put forward.

Broken homes
No God in schools
Mental health
Video games
Lack of respect

None of them hold any water because the same things are happening all over the world. Everywhere. The only issue is unfettered access to guns. You know it and I know it. Why dont you deal with it ?

I think video games and mental health are parts of the problem.
And these are issues in countries that dont see their schools shot up. So why America ?

I think because a lot of America is violent in general, the whole culture has been geared toward violence for decades and their children are not being taught any self control or discipline, if something goes wrong it's immediately time to get even eg. the Florida school shooting that boy had been expelled for whatever reason and instead of going to the school and having a rational exchange with teachers etc about what caused him to be expelled and discussing his behaviour he just went immediately for the get even option and went and shot up the school, TOTALLY devoid of ALL self control and TOTALLY devoid of ALL personal responsibility and that is all the result of the teachers dropping the ball, his parents dropping the ball and then resulting in him dropping the ball meaning that IF he would have already been taught self control and discipline then he never would have been expelled from that school to begin with.
The US has the largest prison population in the world.Your society has failed and yet you give these people guns.
So, your answer to fixing our failed society is take guns from all law abiding Americans, but the criminals and elites keep theirs.

This is the opinion of one who is likely a totalitarian.
I dont have an answer to Americas problems. I am just pointing out the absurdity of the gun nut argument.

These are the excuses I have seen put forward.

Broken homes
No God in schools
Mental health
Video games
Lack of respect

None of them hold any water because the same things are happening all over the world. Everywhere. The only issue is unfettered access to guns. You know it and I know it. Why dont you deal with it ?

I think video games and mental health are parts of the problem.
And these are issues in countries that dont see their schools shot up. So why America ?

I think because a lot of America is violent in general, the whole culture has been geared toward violence for decades and their children are not being taught any self control or discipline, if something goes wrong it's immediately time to get even eg. the Florida school shooting that boy had been expelled for whatever reason and instead of going to the school and having a rational exchange with teachers etc about what caused him to be expelled and discussing his behaviour he just went immediately for the get even option and went and shot up the school, TOTALLY devoid of ALL self control and TOTALLY devoid of ALL personal responsibility and that is all the result of the teachers dropping the ball, his parents dropping the ball and then resulting in him dropping the ball meaning that IF he would have already been taught self control and discipline then he never would have been expelled from that school to begin with.
I dont believe that American parents are any better or worse than parents all over the world. Unless you have a credible link of course. That is not the reason. Guns are the reason.
Doesn't seem to work that way very often...

NRA/Gun Proponent's answer to every mass shooting: more guns, less restriction. We've seen decades of deregulation to what result? Increased mass shootings.

The latest shooting could have been avoided if the ball wasn't dropped. He SAID he was going to do it. Law enforcement were at his residence 39 times! HE killed the people, and yes, some others dropped the ball on him too. What some do not seem to get it that if he didn't have guns, he would have done this with something else if he was going to do it.
Nonsense. for that to be true we would see school slaughters in every country in the civilised world. Access to machine guns is the difference.

"Access to machine guns is the difference."

You need to get educated on this, in America they cannot just go and buy a machine gun, you not knowing anything about guns in general probably do not even know the difference between an AR-15 and an M&P380.

What to know about machine gun laws in the US
But they can legally and easily purchase bump stocks that can make a gun fully automatic.



From the OP:

In the 1990s with a handgun ban in effect, Wash DC had the highest murder rate in Western Civilization, ….and now you can own guns legally, and the homicide rate has declined.
So, your answer to fixing our failed society is take guns from all law abiding Americans, but the criminals and elites keep theirs.

This is the opinion of one who is likely a totalitarian.
I dont have an answer to Americas problems. I am just pointing out the absurdity of the gun nut argument.

These are the excuses I have seen put forward.

Broken homes
No God in schools
Mental health
Video games
Lack of respect

None of them hold any water because the same things are happening all over the world. Everywhere. The only issue is unfettered access to guns. You know it and I know it. Why dont you deal with it ?

I think video games and mental health are parts of the problem.
And these are issues in countries that dont see their schools shot up. So why America ?

I think because a lot of America is violent in general, the whole culture has been geared toward violence for decades and their children are not being taught any self control or discipline, if something goes wrong it's immediately time to get even eg. the Florida school shooting that boy had been expelled for whatever reason and instead of going to the school and having a rational exchange with teachers etc about what caused him to be expelled and discussing his behaviour he just went immediately for the get even option and went and shot up the school, TOTALLY devoid of ALL self control and TOTALLY devoid of ALL personal responsibility and that is all the result of the teachers dropping the ball, his parents dropping the ball and then resulting in him dropping the ball meaning that IF he would have already been taught self control and discipline then he never would have been expelled from that school to begin with.
I dont believe that American parents are any better or worse than parents all over the world. Unless you have a credible link of course. That is not the reason. Guns are the reason.

No guns are not the direct reason, there are root causes underneath, I could also mention that their diet is all wrong and full of E numbers because of the obsession with McDonalds etc about 15 years ago Harvard University did a study and they had I think 10 children who for 5 years they fed a normal diet and 10 children who mainly were told to eat all the crap they wanted to for 5 years and at the end of the 5 years the scientists at Harvard conclude that the children who were told to eat all the crap they wanted to full of E numbers were more hyper and prone to becoming aggressive than the children who were fed a normal diet.

Leftists just want to blame guns and are completely unwilling for shall I say Political Reasons to even discuss the root causes to the actual problem. If guns were the direct problem then in America they would be having MILLIONS of spree shootings a year every year because they have 326 MILLION population and something like 250 MILLION guns within the population, yet they do not have MILLIONS of spree shootings a year they have less than a hundred a year in relation to the size of their population so no guns are not the problem, the underneath problems are the root cause and those are the situations that need fixing and that need the debate and discussion and without ANY hysteria involved.
What is the explanation….seems to be more and more mass killings….

1. Guns???

If guns kill people, I guess pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.
No….it’s not inanimate objects that are the ultimate cause.

….there were lots of guns in earlier times….the .45 cal handgun was available….it’s called the 1911 because it was developed in 1911…and it has been ubiquitous since World War I.

In the 1990s with a handgun ban in effect, Wash DC had the highest murder rate in Western Civilization, ….and now you can own guns legally, and the homicide rate has declined.

2. Well, there was the St Valentine’s Day Massacre….and the Texas Tower…but, today we have incidents like the school shooting, and I heard on the news that Chicago sends police to funerals, where people are shooting others who they claim caused the the death they were memorializing.

And this….
“6 dead in 'calculated' shooting at backyard party in Pa.”
6 dead in 'calculated' shooting at backyard party in Pa.

It’s practically commonplace today.

But, no… not the availability of guns….it’s the degradation of the culture.

It's something else.....something that didn't begin with the start of this nation.

I guess America just has a lot more crazy people than everyone else, if guns aren't the problem. That could very well be true, judging by how mentally disturbed Repugs like you think.

I'm just following your incoherent Repug "logic", that's all....

Morons like you are a tabula rasa in the sense that you know nothing....less than nothing.

But....I'm here to instruct dunces like you:

Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe

1) In his address to the nation after the Planned Parenthood attack, Obama claimed: “I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings: This just doesn’t happen in other countries.

Senator Harry Reid made a similar statement on June 23rd: “The United States is the only advanced country where this type of mass violence occurs. Let’s do something. We can expand, for example, background checks. … We should support not giving guns to people who are mentally ill and felons.

We prefer not to make purely cross-sectional comparisons, but this claim is simply not true. The data below looks at the period of time from the beginning of the Obama administration in January 2009 until the end of 2015. Mass public shootings – defined as four or more people killed in a public place, and not in the course of committing another crime, and not involving struggles over sovereignty."
UPDATED: Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe - Crime Prevention Research Center

Now, say 'thank you.'
I like guns, but I like people even more, even people that like guns are people, I like you too. You deserve a long life, your kids needn't fear someone with a blunderbus or a MG 42 walking in their school, shame on the NRA for making us chose. Children or guns, do you really want to push the issue?
I like guns, but I like people even more, even people that like guns are people, I like you too. You deserve a long life, your kids needn't fear someone with a blunderbus or a MG 42 walking in their school, shame on the NRA for making us chose. Children or guns, do you really want to push the issue?

"Children or guns, do you really want to push the issue?"

There is no such issue.

It appears that you choose bloviation as a disguise for ignorance.

The latest shooting could have been avoided if the ball wasn't dropped. He SAID he was going to do it. Law enforcement were at his residence 39 times! HE killed the people, and yes, some others dropped the ball on him too. What some do not seem to get it that if he didn't have guns, he would have done this with something else if he was going to do it.
Nonsense. for that to be true we would see school slaughters in every country in the civilised world. Access to machine guns is the difference.

"Access to machine guns is the difference."

You need to get educated on this, in America they cannot just go and buy a machine gun, you not knowing anything about guns in general probably do not even know the difference between an AR-15 and an M&P380.

What to know about machine gun laws in the US
But they can legally and easily purchase bump stocks that can make a gun fully automatic.



From the OP:

In the 1990s with a handgun ban in effect, Wash DC had the highest murder rate in Western Civilization, ….and now you can own guns legally, and the homicide rate has declined.

The solution to reducing or preventing these school shootings is not banning guns, but there is a solution and it's the sign on the right below:


Did you read about this Becky Griffin maniac, never heard of her until the other day she is some reporter for MTV and in typical Leftist fashion where they are having this pathetic Collective Bedwetting display at telling people they want to SAVE LIVES by banning guns while at the SAME time are ALL fanatically pro-Abortion on Demand that TAKES LIVES at a rate of one MILLION of the most innocent ripped from the womb as they slumber each year, Griffin's solution to stop the mass shootings is to call for more abortion:



What In The Fresh Hell Is This? Reporter Suggests More Abortions Would Have Prevented Florida Shooting
And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

No they are not supposed to be on psychotic drugs they are supposed to be on anti-psychotic drugs, if they are on the wrong drugs and/or on the wrong dosage of drugs then yes it is the responsibility of who has prescribed them.

The 'progressives' and the ambulance chasing law firms that staff the ACLU made it impossible for schools to disciple kids, but since the 'progressives' are just fine with doping them up, schools just fill them full of dope as a substitute. This makes it easy to get them on meth and heroin, another big 'progressive' pastime.
It has more to do with perversion of professions to earn a buck...than a political ideology...even though to establish the operation took govt. intervention it was propelled by corporate interest thus making it closer to fascism than progressive...

Actually it comes directly from Soviet culture war agendas; it started first with the fabrication of false 'moral relativism' themes in propaganda campaigns in Europe and then the U.S., via intellectuals and sympathetic academics and ballooned from there.

The major influence on your beliefs, and most other 'progressives', is derived directly from Antonio Gramsci's work on how to destroy cultures, particularly western ones with relatively free presses, the tactics don't work in police states with controlled medias, like Communist ones themselves, but they work over time here.

Gramsci, for those who don't know, is the architect and inspiration for Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, i.e. Gramsci For Dummies, and the principal influence on modern media and the Left, especially 'progressive' and left wing media campaigns. Of course, the vast majority of the puppets don't have the first clue who their Master is they are serving, they're just dumbed down alienated knee jerk reactionaries who like parroting whatever gibberish they're fed, as long as it's insane, anti-social, and destructive.
I beat them to the punch I have no culture to destroy...
So strict gun control in Chi town doesn't work? (Now think about it, the shoot out at the OK Corral was about gun control, Earp & Co were just trying to enforce gun bans in Tombstone). It speaks more for WHY we need to ban guns altogether.

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed":


This is an archaic and foreign language to government school grads.
NRA is complicit in these mass gun murders in that they are funding everything that feeds into this madness. Guns are an anachronism we don't need, and obviously firearms are feeding into self destructive nature we don't need anymore. Like any PAC, they wield way to much power. That has got to end.

Spoke like a true totalitarian.
I declare "Eminent Domain" over your AR 15 ...for the good of society we must buy back your weapon ...

The Blood of our martyred school kids are the Physical graffiti in our consciousness that lets us know that the sadistic vandals of the NRA are in charge of our laws...they will NOT allow research into gun violence much less allow any common sense regulation of machines used for quick effective mass murder...the accomplices in all this is primarily the GOP..... ban the AR 15 Buy back the rest ....mandatory ...eminent domain
So strict gun control in Chi town doesn't work? (Now think about it, the shoot out at the OK Corral was about gun control, Earp & Co were just trying to enforce gun bans in Tombstone). It speaks more for WHY we need to ban guns altogether.

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed":


This is an archaic and foreign language to government school grads.
Evidently it is also to private and homeschoolers..Since many are religious and do not carry weapons....duh....
What is the explanation….seems to be more and more mass killings….

1. Guns???

If guns kill people, I guess pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.
No….it’s not inanimate objects that are the ultimate cause.

….there were lots of guns in earlier times….the .45 cal handgun was available….it’s called the 1911 because it was developed in 1911…and it has been ubiquitous since World War I.

In the 1990s with a handgun ban in effect, Wash DC had the highest murder rate in Western Civilization, ….and now you can own guns legally, and the homicide rate has declined.

2. Well, there was the St Valentine’s Day Massacre….and the Texas Tower…but, today we have incidents like the school shooting, and I heard on the news that Chicago sends police to funerals, where people are shooting others who they claim caused the the death they were memorializing.

And this….
“6 dead in 'calculated' shooting at backyard party in Pa.”
6 dead in 'calculated' shooting at backyard party in Pa.

It’s practically commonplace today.

But, no… not the availability of guns….it’s the degradation of the culture.

It's something else.....something that didn't begin with the start of this nation.
I personally blame the fuck who decided to commit this atrocity and his parents for failing to teach right from wrong. I also blame the courts for making it so easy for our children to misbehave. All your children have to realize is that if you ground them, they can just leave. There realy is nothing you can do. If you smack them, they call the cops send you to jail. You get a domestic violence charge which ruins you in so many ways it is rediculous and they realize they can do what the fuck they want. So what does one do?

You hit the nail on the head. I listen to my police scanner all the time. Most of our calls are about kids; many times from the parent.

The single mother does okay with kids until they hit that age. After that, the child (particularly males) will keep crossing the line to see how far he can go. Police calls got so frequent here that our city created an ordinance that anything past three calls to a residence, the home owner gets hit with a bill for police services. Our cops don't have the time or resources to be surrogate fathers for ever single-parent home.

So after the kids learns there are no lines, he does whatever he damn well pleases. Then it bleeds into our school system, and eventually authority. Then they end up dead or in prison.
We are kindred souls on this subject, my freind. Nothing threatens our country like this issue. When we live in a society where parents have been stripped of all influence, the kids are not going to fair well in adult life.
What is the explanation….seems to be more and more mass killings….

1. Guns???

If guns kill people, I guess pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.
No….it’s not inanimate objects that are the ultimate cause.

….there were lots of guns in earlier times….the .45 cal handgun was available….it’s called the 1911 because it was developed in 1911…and it has been ubiquitous since World War I.

In the 1990s with a handgun ban in effect, Wash DC had the highest murder rate in Western Civilization, ….and now you can own guns legally, and the homicide rate has declined.

2. Well, there was the St Valentine’s Day Massacre….and the Texas Tower…but, today we have incidents like the school shooting, and I heard on the news that Chicago sends police to funerals, where people are shooting others who they claim caused the the death they were memorializing.

And this….
“6 dead in 'calculated' shooting at backyard party in Pa.”
6 dead in 'calculated' shooting at backyard party in Pa.

It’s practically commonplace today.

But, no… not the availability of guns….it’s the degradation of the culture.

It's something else.....something that didn't begin with the start of this nation.
I personally blame the fuck who decided to commit this atrocity and his parents for failing to teach right from wrong. I also blame the courts for making it so easy for our children to misbehave. All your children have to realize is that if you ground them, they can just leave. There realy is nothing you can do. If you smack them, they call the cops send you to jail. You get a domestic violence charge which ruins you in so many ways it is rediculous and they realize they can do what the fuck they want. So what does one do?

You hit the nail on the head. I listen to my police scanner all the time. Most of our calls are about kids; many times from the parent.

The single mother does okay with kids until they hit that age. After that, the child (particularly males) will keep crossing the line to see how far he can go. Police calls got so frequent here that our city created an ordinance that anything past three calls to a residence, the home owner gets hit with a bill for police services. Our cops don't have the time or resources to be surrogate fathers for ever single-parent home.

So after the kids learns there are no lines, he does whatever he damn well pleases. Then it bleeds into our school system, and eventually authority. Then they end up dead or in prison.
We are kindred souls on this subject, my freind. Nothing threatens our country like this issue. When we live in a society where parents have been stripped of all influence, the kids are not going to fair well in adult life.
My influence has not been stripped..I raised 4 and they listened to me, no one else, until they needed to..
The latest shooting could have been avoided if the ball wasn't dropped. He SAID he was going to do it. Law enforcement were at his residence 39 times! HE killed the people, and yes, some others dropped the ball on him too. What some do not seem to get it that if he didn't have guns, he would have done this with something else if he was going to do it.
Nonsense. for that to be true we would see school slaughters in every country in the civilised world. Access to machine guns is the difference.

"Access to machine guns is the difference."

You need to get educated on this, in America they cannot just go and buy a machine gun, you not knowing anything about guns in general probably do not even know the difference between an AR-15 and an M&P380.

What to know about machine gun laws in the US
But they can legally and easily purchase bump stocks that can make a gun fully automatic.



From the OP:

In the 1990s with a handgun ban in effect, Wash DC had the highest murder rate in Western Civilization, ….and now you can own guns legally, and the homicide rate has declined.
And what else changed in that time period?

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