Mass Killings: The Blame

The Catholics didn't need head meds when they slaughtered 3,000 Protestant Huguenots in Paris on St. Bartholomew day in 1572...
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The US has the largest prison population in the world.Your society has failed and yet you give these people guns.
So, your answer to fixing our failed society is take guns from all law abiding Americans, but the criminals and elites keep theirs.

This is the opinion of one who is likely a totalitarian.
I dont have an answer to Americas problems. I am just pointing out the absurdity of the gun nut argument.

These are the excuses I have seen put forward.

Broken homes
No God in schools
Mental health
Video games
Lack of respect

None of them hold any water because the same things are happening all over the world. Everywhere. The only issue is unfettered access to guns. You know it and I know it. Why dont you deal with it ?
Nope, it was T
Actually, guns are NOT the problem. Its the free and open access to anyone and everyone that is the problem. We give ANYONE free access to firearms with little or no inspection. Anybody gets a gun! Mentally ill dingbats that then shoot up schools? They can get a gun! See the problem there?

So how do we decide what mentally ill is? Should every citizen see a liberal shrink in hopes he won't determine us unfit to own a gun?

And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

Thanks to 'progressives' and the ACLU.
Nope it was all over lawsuits and insurance premiums for malpractice back in the 1990's. Just like you can't sue your surgeon because of a liability release form before the operation..

nope it was started by Ted Kennedy, actually, and the ACLU, over the conditions in state mental health asylums. They threw the baby out with the bath water, and the rest is history. The APA rolled over for mentally ill homosexual mau-mauing in the 1970's, and they caved, so the 'mental health' establishment has been cowed ever since as well, they have little credibility now, also thanks to 'progressives' and the ACLU.

You should be proud of your peers and what they have wrought, like the other clueless Burb Brats are.
Actually, guns are NOT the problem. Its the free and open access to anyone and everyone that is the problem. We give ANYONE free access to firearms with little or no inspection. Anybody gets a gun! Mentally ill dingbats that then shoot up schools? They can get a gun! See the problem there?

So how do we decide what mentally ill is? Should every citizen see a liberal shrink in hopes he won't determine us unfit to own a gun?

And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

No they are not supposed to be on psychotic drugs they are supposed to be on anti-psychotic drugs, if they are on the wrong drugs and/or on the wrong dosage of drugs then yes it is the responsibility of who has prescribed them.
Mental health is a cop out in any form, even for those that think they are mad....Hence psychologist are more about government mandated healthcare that makes kids go see counselors and doctors when they utter the wrong words in school.....I could give you a placebo and you would never know it and yet your mind would correct itself..

There are peoples with serious mental health issues who are in society that should not be in society but are because of not enough spaces in Psychiatric Hospitals, Schizophrenics are very often released into the Community and are expected to administer their own medication, part of the illness of Schizophrenia is that they do not recognise they even have a mental illness, so if they don't recognise that they even are mentally ill they are likely to not be trusted to take their own medication but they are and usually nobody gives a crap until the police pick them up in public because they are off their meds and nearly causing a situation.
Nope, it was T
So how do we decide what mentally ill is? Should every citizen see a liberal shrink in hopes he won't determine us unfit to own a gun?

And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

Thanks to 'progressives' and the ACLU.
Nope it was all over lawsuits and insurance premiums for malpractice back in the 1990's. Just like you can't sue your surgeon because of a liability release form before the operation..

nope it was started by Ted Kennedy, actually, and the ACLU, over the conditions in state mental health asylums. They threw the baby out with the bath water, and the rest is history. The APA rolled over for mentally ill homosexual mau-mauing in the 1970's, and they caved, so the 'mental health' establishment has been cowed ever since as well, they have little credibility now, also thanks to 'progressives' and the ACLU.

You should be proud of your peers and what they have wrought, like the other clueless Burb Brats are.
How can I have had Ted Kennedy as a peer you rotgut whiskey drinker?
So how do we decide what mentally ill is? Should every citizen see a liberal shrink in hopes he won't determine us unfit to own a gun?

And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

No they are not supposed to be on psychotic drugs they are supposed to be on anti-psychotic drugs, if they are on the wrong drugs and/or on the wrong dosage of drugs then yes it is the responsibility of who has prescribed them.
Mental health is a cop out in any form, even for those that think they are mad....Hence psychologist are more about government mandated healthcare that makes kids go see counselors and doctors when they utter the wrong words in school.....I could give you a placebo and you would never know it and yet your mind would correct itself..

There are peoples with serious mental health issues who are in society that should not be in society but are because of not enough spaces in Psychiatric Hospitals, Schizophrenics are very often released into the Community and are expected to administer their own medication, part of the illness of Schizophrenia is that they do not recognise they even have a mental illness, so if they don't recognise that they even are mentally ill they are likely to not be trusted to take their own medication.
I know these guys, they and many like them wrote the Bible...
Actually, guns are NOT the problem. Its the free and open access to anyone and everyone that is the problem. We give ANYONE free access to firearms with little or no inspection. Anybody gets a gun! Mentally ill dingbats that then shoot up schools? They can get a gun! See the problem there?

So how do we decide what mentally ill is? Should every citizen see a liberal shrink in hopes he won't determine us unfit to own a gun?

And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

No they are not supposed to be on psychotic drugs they are supposed to be on anti-psychotic drugs, if they are on the wrong drugs and/or on the wrong dosage of drugs then yes it is the responsibility of who has prescribed them.

The 'progressives' and the ambulance chasing law firms that staff the ACLU made it impossible for schools to disciple kids, but since the 'progressives' are just fine with doping them up, schools just fill them full of dope as a substitute. This makes it easy to get them on meth and heroin, another big 'progressive' pastime.
Nope, it was T
And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

Thanks to 'progressives' and the ACLU.
Nope it was all over lawsuits and insurance premiums for malpractice back in the 1990's. Just like you can't sue your surgeon because of a liability release form before the operation..

nope it was started by Ted Kennedy, actually, and the ACLU, over the conditions in state mental health asylums. They threw the baby out with the bath water, and the rest is history. The APA rolled over for mentally ill homosexual mau-mauing in the 1970's, and they caved, so the 'mental health' establishment has been cowed ever since as well, they have little credibility now, also thanks to 'progressives' and the ACLU.

You should be proud of your peers and what they have wrought, like the other clueless Burb Brats are.
How can I have had Ted Kennedy as a peer you rotgut whiskey drinker?

You loves you some Ted, hippie. Quit trying to be witty; you have to be sober to do that well.

Want to put in a plug for what brand of beer you like to wash your breakfast meth down with while you're here??
Actually, guns are NOT the problem. Its the free and open access to anyone and everyone that is the problem. We give ANYONE free access to firearms with little or no inspection. Anybody gets a gun! Mentally ill dingbats that then shoot up schools? They can get a gun! See the problem there?

So how do we decide what mentally ill is? Should every citizen see a liberal shrink in hopes he won't determine us unfit to own a gun?

And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

No they are not supposed to be on psychotic drugs they are supposed to be on anti-psychotic drugs, if they are on the wrong drugs and/or on the wrong dosage of drugs then yes it is the responsibility of who has prescribed them.

The 'progressives' and the ambulance chasing law firms that staff the ACLU made it impossible for schools to disciple kids, but since the 'progressives' are just fine with doping them up, schools just fill them full of dope as a substitute. This makes it easy to get them on meth and heroin, another big 'progressive' pastime.
You are insane.Come back and talk about the issue.
Actually, guns are NOT the problem. Its the free and open access to anyone and everyone that is the problem. We give ANYONE free access to firearms with little or no inspection. Anybody gets a gun! Mentally ill dingbats that then shoot up schools? They can get a gun! See the problem there?

So how do we decide what mentally ill is? Should every citizen see a liberal shrink in hopes he won't determine us unfit to own a gun?

And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

No they are not supposed to be on psychotic drugs they are supposed to be on anti-psychotic drugs, if they are on the wrong drugs and/or on the wrong dosage of drugs then yes it is the responsibility of who has prescribed them.

The 'progressives' and the ambulance chasing law firms that staff the ACLU made it impossible for schools to disciple kids, but since the 'progressives' are just fine with doping them up, schools just fill them full of dope as a substitute. This makes it easy to get them on meth and heroin, another big 'progressive' pastime.
It has more to do with perversion of professions to earn a buck...than a political ideology...even though to establish the operation took govt. intervention it was propelled by corporate interest thus making it closer to fascism than progressive...
And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

No they are not supposed to be on psychotic drugs they are supposed to be on anti-psychotic drugs, if they are on the wrong drugs and/or on the wrong dosage of drugs then yes it is the responsibility of who has prescribed them.
Mental health is a cop out in any form, even for those that think they are mad....Hence psychologist are more about government mandated healthcare that makes kids go see counselors and doctors when they utter the wrong words in school.....I could give you a placebo and you would never know it and yet your mind would correct itself..

There are peoples with serious mental health issues who are in society that should not be in society but are because of not enough spaces in Psychiatric Hospitals, Schizophrenics are very often released into the Community and are expected to administer their own medication, part of the illness of Schizophrenia is that they do not recognise they even have a mental illness, so if they don't recognise that they even are mentally ill they are likely to not be trusted to take their own medication.
I know these guys, they and many like them wrote the Bible...

Who are these peoples you are meaning?

^^^^ Tyrone not able to post anything original being devoid of Original Thought posts another copy and paste of something random he's got off the Internets. Tyrone have you ever not posted anything that was not a copy and paste of something you got off the Internets? You have never posted anything except one line things of your own to accompany these copy and pastes, never seen you post a paragraph of your own material ever.
All you do is post demented insane Right wing drool cup ,slack jaw talking points ...sweetheart go make some sammiches like a good little Right wing female douche

^^^^ Prime example of Tyrone's low IQ, unable to post anything intelligent about the OP topic because he's just a low IQ Far Left Troll who should just stick to posting in the Badlands thread The Trump Administration and not come upstairs where most peoples do attempt to discuss with each other even if they disagree.

YouTubes and photoshops by other people are Tyrone's competence level here. Wonder how many years it took him to master posting them on message boards, probably at least a dozen.
The US has the largest prison population in the world.Your society has failed and yet you give these people guns.
So, your answer to fixing our failed society is take guns from all law abiding Americans, but the criminals and elites keep theirs.

This is the opinion of one who is likely a totalitarian.
I dont have an answer to Americas problems. I am just pointing out the absurdity of the gun nut argument.

These are the excuses I have seen put forward.

Broken homes
No God in schools
Mental health
Video games
Lack of respect

None of them hold any water because the same things are happening all over the world. Everywhere. The only issue is unfettered access to guns. You know it and I know it. Why dont you deal with it ?

I think video games and mental health are parts of the problem.

^^^^ Tyrone not able to post anything original being devoid of Original Thought posts another copy and paste of something random he's got off the Internets. Tyrone have you ever not posted anything that was not a copy and paste of something you got off the Internets? You have never posted anything except one line things of your own to accompany these copy and pastes, never seen you post a paragraph of your own material ever.
All you do is post demented insane Right wing drool cup ,slack jaw talking points ...sweetheart go make some sammiches like a good little Right wing female douche

^^^^ Prime example of Tyrone's low IQ, unable to post anything intelligent about the OP topic because he's just a low IQ Far Left Troll who should just stick to posting in the Badlands thread The Trump Administration and not come upstairs where most peoples do attempt to discuss with each other even if they disagree.
prime example of Right wing debauchery is this "Lucy Hamilton"...this Right wing crotch rocker speeds off into fantasy land where she is the one with the wide and deep knowledge base ; she is the one with the cogent arguments ; she is the one with Gravitas sprinkled with reason and logic throughout .

I will agree with that provided all agree that the Chipmunks are the singing sensation of the 21 st century OK ?

Donnie Dotardo spent the Sandy Hook anniversary a short time ago masturbating and huffing chemicals with the NRA ...NUff said OK

Keep digging that hole for yourself.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

No they are not supposed to be on psychotic drugs they are supposed to be on anti-psychotic drugs, if they are on the wrong drugs and/or on the wrong dosage of drugs then yes it is the responsibility of who has prescribed them.
Mental health is a cop out in any form, even for those that think they are mad....Hence psychologist are more about government mandated healthcare that makes kids go see counselors and doctors when they utter the wrong words in school.....I could give you a placebo and you would never know it and yet your mind would correct itself..

There are peoples with serious mental health issues who are in society that should not be in society but are because of not enough spaces in Psychiatric Hospitals, Schizophrenics are very often released into the Community and are expected to administer their own medication, part of the illness of Schizophrenia is that they do not recognise they even have a mental illness, so if they don't recognise that they even are mentally ill they are likely to not be trusted to take their own medication.
I know these guys, they and many like them wrote the Bible...

Who are these peoples you are meaning?

The ones he talks to in his head.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

No they are not supposed to be on psychotic drugs they are supposed to be on anti-psychotic drugs, if they are on the wrong drugs and/or on the wrong dosage of drugs then yes it is the responsibility of who has prescribed them.
Mental health is a cop out in any form, even for those that think they are mad....Hence psychologist are more about government mandated healthcare that makes kids go see counselors and doctors when they utter the wrong words in school.....I could give you a placebo and you would never know it and yet your mind would correct itself..

There are peoples with serious mental health issues who are in society that should not be in society but are because of not enough spaces in Psychiatric Hospitals, Schizophrenics are very often released into the Community and are expected to administer their own medication, part of the illness of Schizophrenia is that they do not recognise they even have a mental illness, so if they don't recognise that they even are mentally ill they are likely to not be trusted to take their own medication.
I know these guys, they and many like them wrote the Bible...

Who are these peoples you are meaning?
Do you really think a sane guy or a guy not induced with LSD would see a bush that was on fire yet wasn't consumed?

^^^^ Tyrone not able to post anything original being devoid of Original Thought posts another copy and paste of something random he's got off the Internets. Tyrone have you ever not posted anything that was not a copy and paste of something you got off the Internets? You have never posted anything except one line things of your own to accompany these copy and pastes, never seen you post a paragraph of your own material ever.
All you do is post demented insane Right wing drool cup ,slack jaw talking points ...sweetheart go make some sammiches like a good little Right wing female douche

^^^^ Prime example of Tyrone's low IQ, unable to post anything intelligent about the OP topic because he's just a low IQ Far Left Troll who should just stick to posting in the Badlands thread The Trump Administration and not come upstairs where most peoples do attempt to discuss with each other even if they disagree.

YouTubes and photoshops by other people are Tyrone's competence level here. Wonder how many years it took him to master posting them on message boards, probably at least a dozen.

Could be a Bot.
No they are not supposed to be on psychotic drugs they are supposed to be on anti-psychotic drugs, if they are on the wrong drugs and/or on the wrong dosage of drugs then yes it is the responsibility of who has prescribed them.
Mental health is a cop out in any form, even for those that think they are mad....Hence psychologist are more about government mandated healthcare that makes kids go see counselors and doctors when they utter the wrong words in school.....I could give you a placebo and you would never know it and yet your mind would correct itself..

There are peoples with serious mental health issues who are in society that should not be in society but are because of not enough spaces in Psychiatric Hospitals, Schizophrenics are very often released into the Community and are expected to administer their own medication, part of the illness of Schizophrenia is that they do not recognise they even have a mental illness, so if they don't recognise that they even are mentally ill they are likely to not be trusted to take their own medication.
I know these guys, they and many like them wrote the Bible...

Who are these peoples you are meaning?
Do you really think a sane guy or a guy not induced with LSD would see a bush that was on fire yet wasn't consumed?
They can do wonderful things in Hollywood ...yes one could have a bush with many vents through which gas would flow and burn as it exited without burning the bush made of fire resistant material ...

^^^^ Tyrone not able to post anything original being devoid of Original Thought posts another copy and paste of something random he's got off the Internets. Tyrone have you ever not posted anything that was not a copy and paste of something you got off the Internets? You have never posted anything except one line things of your own to accompany these copy and pastes, never seen you post a paragraph of your own material ever.
All you do is post demented insane Right wing drool cup ,slack jaw talking points ...sweetheart go make some sammiches like a good little Right wing female douche

^^^^ Prime example of Tyrone's low IQ, unable to post anything intelligent about the OP topic because he's just a low IQ Far Left Troll who should just stick to posting in the Badlands thread The Trump Administration and not come upstairs where most peoples do attempt to discuss with each other even if they disagree.

YouTubes and photoshops by other people are Tyrone's competence level here. Wonder how many years it took him to master posting them on message boards, probably at least a dozen.

Could be a Bot.
are you talking of Russian Troll farms that came to Trumps help
Mueller Indicts Trump's Claim That Russian Interference Is 'Fake News'

Putin's chef, a troll farm and Russia's plot to hijack US democracy
The Guardian-Feb 17, 2018
In his first criminal charges related to election meddling, Mueller accused 13 Russians and three Russian companies of an elaborate effort to disrupt the 2016 presidential poll with a covert trolling campaign, aimed in part at helping Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton. After more than a year of statements ...
How Russian trolls' support of third parties could have cost Hillary ...
Quartz-16 hours ago
Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare ...
CNBC-Feb 16, 2018
Robert Mueller investigation: What is a Russian troll farm?
In-Depth-USA TODAY-Feb 16, 2018
Bombshell Russia indictments: What do they all mean?
Opinion-Washington Post-Feb 16, 2018
Indictment Leaves No Doubt: Russia Backed Trump. But Was It the ...
So how do we decide what mentally ill is? Should every citizen see a liberal shrink in hopes he won't determine us unfit to own a gun?

And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

No they are not supposed to be on psychotic drugs they are supposed to be on anti-psychotic drugs, if they are on the wrong drugs and/or on the wrong dosage of drugs then yes it is the responsibility of who has prescribed them.

The 'progressives' and the ambulance chasing law firms that staff the ACLU made it impossible for schools to disciple kids, but since the 'progressives' are just fine with doping them up, schools just fill them full of dope as a substitute. This makes it easy to get them on meth and heroin, another big 'progressive' pastime.
It has more to do with perversion of professions to earn a buck...than a political ideology...even though to establish the operation took govt. intervention it was propelled by corporate interest thus making it closer to fascism than progressive...

Actually it comes directly from Soviet culture war agendas; it started first with the fabrication of false 'moral relativism' themes in propaganda campaigns in Europe and then the U.S., via intellectuals and sympathetic academics and ballooned from there.

The major influence on your beliefs, and most other 'progressives', is derived directly from Antonio Gramsci's work on how to destroy cultures, particularly western ones with relatively free presses, the tactics don't work in police states with controlled medias, like Communist ones themselves, but they work over time here.

Gramsci, for those who don't know, is the architect and inspiration for Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, i.e. Gramsci For Dummies, and the principal influence on modern media and the Left, especially 'progressive' and left wing media campaigns. Of course, the vast majority of the puppets don't have the first clue who their Master is they are serving, they're just dumbed down alienated knee jerk reactionaries who like parroting whatever gibberish they're fed, as long as it's insane, anti-social, and destructive.
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No they are not supposed to be on psychotic drugs they are supposed to be on anti-psychotic drugs, if they are on the wrong drugs and/or on the wrong dosage of drugs then yes it is the responsibility of who has prescribed them.
Mental health is a cop out in any form, even for those that think they are mad....Hence psychologist are more about government mandated healthcare that makes kids go see counselors and doctors when they utter the wrong words in school.....I could give you a placebo and you would never know it and yet your mind would correct itself..

There are peoples with serious mental health issues who are in society that should not be in society but are because of not enough spaces in Psychiatric Hospitals, Schizophrenics are very often released into the Community and are expected to administer their own medication, part of the illness of Schizophrenia is that they do not recognise they even have a mental illness, so if they don't recognise that they even are mentally ill they are likely to not be trusted to take their own medication.
I know these guys, they and many like them wrote the Bible...

Who are these peoples you are meaning?
Do you really think a sane guy or a guy not induced with LSD would see a bush that was on fire yet wasn't consumed?

Not sure what you are meaning, are you anti-Psychiatry as in would agree with for example Thomas Szasz in 1961 when he compared it to Alchemy and Astrology in his book "The Myth of Mental Illness"

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