Mass Killings: The Blame

Actually, guns are NOT the problem. Its the free and open access to anyone and everyone that is the problem. We give ANYONE free access to firearms with little or no inspection. Anybody gets a gun! Mentally ill dingbats that then shoot up schools? They can get a gun! See the problem there?

So how do we decide what mentally ill is? Should every citizen see a liberal shrink in hopes he won't determine us unfit to own a gun?

And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Damaged Eagle

My point is every right has some restrictions. So should the right to bear arms. Why do people need military grade weapons, armor piercing ammo and bump stocks to create fully automatic weapons for home defense or hunting? Why is the NRA pushing to make silencers legal? Why would you want people to be able to carry guns in a bar? Why should a state with a strict vetting system for concealed carry be forced to accept concealed carry from a state with no vetting?

My point is not wholesale gun bans and is some reasonable measures to try and reduce gun violence along with increased resources and parity for mental health.

View attachment 177553

Why do the civil law enforcement agencies require military grade equipment?



Q. Why do the civil law enforcement agencies require military grade equipment?


Because of the the ever increasing number of miscreants set loose in society by Liberalism, Progressivism, cultural Marxism.

You, of course, are a sterling example.
What is it with you people and this obsession on type of weapon used? If we ban one weapon (which we've done in the past with no success) they just get a different weapon. You solve nothing.......absolutely nothing.
What is it with you people who can't be told the obvious? The weapons of public massacre are large capacity handguns and military style semi automatics. Just how dense do you have to be to not accept that? Severely controlling those weapons will lower the rate of public massacre.

This is far less obvious, which is why you miss it:

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:
In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”
What is the explanation….seems to be more and more mass killings….

1. Guns???

If guns kill people, I guess pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.
No….it’s not inanimate objects that are the ultimate cause.

….there were lots of guns in earlier times….the .45 cal handgun was available….it’s called the 1911 because it was developed in 1911…and it has been ubiquitous since World War I.

In the 1990s with a handgun ban in effect, Wash DC had the highest murder rate in Western Civilization, ….and now you can own guns legally, and the homicide rate has declined.

2. Well, there was the St Valentine’s Day Massacre….and the Texas Tower…but, today we have incidents like the school shooting, and I heard on the news that Chicago sends police to funerals, where people are shooting others who they claim caused the the death they were memorializing.

And this….
“6 dead in 'calculated' shooting at backyard party in Pa.”
6 dead in 'calculated' shooting at backyard party in Pa.

It’s practically commonplace today.

But, no… not the availability of guns….it’s the degradation of the culture.

It's something else.....something that didn't begin with the start of this nation.
as always the fault is with the Pander to the rich, full of s*** and hate propaganda bought off GOP.

1. Let me review the view set forth in the OP..... is not weapons of any sort.
It is the plummeting view of the value of human life that began with Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

2. Mull this quote over:

Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”

That is the view of every one of these political stances:
Communism, Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism.

3. Seen even more darkly here:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

4. My claim is that the American view, here, would result in a very different society, one that takes lives far less frequently:

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

^^^^ Tyrone not able to post anything original being devoid of Original Thought posts another copy and paste of something random he's got off the Internets. Tyrone have you ever not posted anything that was not a copy and paste of something you got off the Internets? You have never posted anything except one line things of your own to accompany these copy and pastes, never seen you post a paragraph of your own material ever.
I've said to severely control them both you unbelievably dense rightard. What is it with you people?

Maybe we know how to write and you don't. You said high capacity handguns. Handguns don't have high capacity--only magazines do. And that wouldn't do squat because a magazine can be changed in less than three seconds; one second with some practice. So again, nothing solved.

another poster when asked what he wanted banned the poster said

nearly the same thing

" high capacity handgun" and "military style semi autos" must be leftard talking point today

i didnt even bother to respond


A distinction without a difference. You may believe knowledge of what a gun is called makes a difference, better to mock those who claim guns don't kill people as some guns are made for that express purpose.

well it certainly is a difference

making such statements as "high capacity handgun" only shows a poster does not know what the fuck they are talking about

It shows they only parrot pre-packaged slogans and buzz words as substitutes for thinking on their own.

yes certainly and it makes it hard to take them seriously and to try and reason with them
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The US has the largest prison population in the world.Your society has failed and yet you give these people guns.
So, your answer to fixing our failed society is take guns from all law abiding Americans, but the criminals and elites keep theirs.

This is the opinion of one who is likely a totalitarian.
So Ray are you willing to pay for a few full time armed guards in every school funded by taxpayers? I am. It's time. You would agree for sure.

It's up to the people of each community. If they want armed security, then it goes to the vote of the people and they decide. It's not a federal issue, but a local one.

"5 American cities that require you to own a gun
1. Kennesaw, Georgia

Kennesaw has the most well-known gun mandate in the country. In 1982, a law was passed requiring heads of households to own at least one firearm.

Other cities have used Kennesaw as an example for gun mandates

2. Nelson, Georgia

Nelson unanimously passed an ordinance making gun ownership mandatory in 2013.

3. Nucla, Colorado

Nucla became the first city to mandate gun ownership in Colorado.

With just around 700 people, Nucla passed what they call the "Home Protection Ordinance" in 2013, but does not actually enforce it.

4. Gun Barrel City, Texas

Gun Barrel got its fitting name as a safe haven for outlaws like Bonnie and Clyde during the Prohibition era.

The city's motto is "We shoot straight with you."

5. Virgin, Utah

In 2000, the city council passed an ordinance making firearm ownership mandatory. The mayor at the time encouraged this move because most citizens had already owned guns."

5 American cities that require you to own a gun
Actually, guns are NOT the problem. Its the free and open access to anyone and everyone that is the problem. We give ANYONE free access to firearms with little or no inspection. Anybody gets a gun! Mentally ill dingbats that then shoot up schools? They can get a gun! See the problem there?

So how do we decide what mentally ill is? Should every citizen see a liberal shrink in hopes he won't determine us unfit to own a gun?

And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...
So Ray are you willing to pay for a few full time armed guards in every school funded by taxpayers? I am. It's time. You would agree for sure.

It's up to the people of each community. If they want armed security, then it goes to the vote of the people and they decide. It's not a federal issue, but a local one.

"5 American cities that require you to own a gun
1. Kennesaw, Georgia

Kennesaw has the most well-known gun mandate in the country. In 1982, a law was passed requiring heads of households to own at least one firearm.

Other cities have used Kennesaw as an example for gun mandates

2. Nelson, Georgia

Nelson unanimously passed an ordinance making gun ownership mandatory in 2013.

3. Nucla, Colorado

Nucla became the first city to mandate gun ownership in Colorado.

With just around 700 people, Nucla passed what they call the "Home Protection Ordinance" in 2013, but does not actually enforce it.

4. Gun Barrel City, Texas

Gun Barrel got its fitting name as a safe haven for outlaws like Bonnie and Clyde during the Prohibition era.

The city's motto is "We shoot straight with you."

5. Virgin, Utah

In 2000, the city council passed an ordinance making firearm ownership mandatory. The mayor at the time encouraged this move because most citizens had already owned guns."

5 American cities that require you to own a gun
Damaged Eagle

My point is every right has some restrictions. So should the right to bear arms. Why do people need military grade weapons, armor piercing ammo and bump stocks to create fully automatic weapons for home defense or hunting? Why is the NRA pushing to make silencers legal? Why would you want people to be able to carry guns in a bar? Why should a state with a strict vetting system for concealed carry be forced to accept concealed carry from a state with no vetting?

My point is not wholesale gun bans and is some reasonable measures to try and reduce gun violence along with increased resources and parity for mental health.

View attachment 177553

Why do the civil law enforcement agencies require military grade equipment?



Q. Why do the civil law enforcement agencies require military grade equipment?


Because of the the ever increasing number of miscreants set loose in society by Liberalism, Progressivism, cultural Marxism.

You, of course, are a sterling example.

Never mind Wry Catcher; he's one of those intellectually challenged phonies who runs around babbling about dope laws and Prohibition being big giant failures, and then starts threads bloviating about doing just that with firearms, lol lol lol he's just a parrot. Nothing to see in his inane ramblings.
Maybe we know how to write and you don't. You said high capacity handguns. Handguns don't have high capacity--only magazines do. And that wouldn't do squat because a magazine can be changed in less than three seconds; one second with some practice. So again, nothing solved.

another poster when asked what he wanted banned the poster said

nearly the same thing

" high capacity handgun" and "military style semi autos" must be leftard talking point today

i didnt even bother to respond


A distinction without a difference. You may believe knowledge of what a gun is called makes a difference, better to mock those who claim guns don't kill people as some guns are made for that express purpose.

well it certainly is a difference

making such statements as "high capacity handgun" only shows a poster does not know what the fuck they are talking about

It shows they only parrot pre-packaged slogans and buzz words as substitutes for thinking on their own.

yes certainly and it makes it hard to to them seriously and to try and reason with them

It is impossible to reason with the irrational, it is impossible also to reason with peoples who are devoid of Original Thought or an Independent Though Process you cannot have any level of actual discussion with them because they are reliant completely on being fed from Third Sources which they then just parrot.
Actually, guns are NOT the problem. Its the free and open access to anyone and everyone that is the problem. We give ANYONE free access to firearms with little or no inspection. Anybody gets a gun! Mentally ill dingbats that then shoot up schools? They can get a gun! See the problem there?

So how do we decide what mentally ill is? Should every citizen see a liberal shrink in hopes he won't determine us unfit to own a gun?

And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

Thanks to 'progressives' and the ACLU.
another poster when asked what he wanted banned the poster said

nearly the same thing

" high capacity handgun" and "military style semi autos" must be leftard talking point today

i didnt even bother to respond


A distinction without a difference. You may believe knowledge of what a gun is called makes a difference, better to mock those who claim guns don't kill people as some guns are made for that express purpose.

well it certainly is a difference

making such statements as "high capacity handgun" only shows a poster does not know what the fuck they are talking about

It shows they only parrot pre-packaged slogans and buzz words as substitutes for thinking on their own.

yes certainly and it makes it hard to to them seriously and to try and reason with them

It is impossible to reason with the irrational, it is impossible also to reason with peoples who are devoid of Original Thought or an Independent Though Process you cannot have any level of actual discussion with them because they are reliant completely on being fed from Third Sources which they then just parrot.
I know, Polislick is so frustrating cause she does it all the time..
Actually, guns are NOT the problem. Its the free and open access to anyone and everyone that is the problem. We give ANYONE free access to firearms with little or no inspection. Anybody gets a gun! Mentally ill dingbats that then shoot up schools? They can get a gun! See the problem there?

So how do we decide what mentally ill is? Should every citizen see a liberal shrink in hopes he won't determine us unfit to own a gun?

And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

Thanks to 'progressives' and the ACLU.
Nope it was all over lawsuits and insurance premiums for malpractice back in the 1990's. Just like you can't sue your surgeon because of a liability release form before the operation..
Actually, guns are NOT the problem. Its the free and open access to anyone and everyone that is the problem. We give ANYONE free access to firearms with little or no inspection. Anybody gets a gun! Mentally ill dingbats that then shoot up schools? They can get a gun! See the problem there?

So how do we decide what mentally ill is? Should every citizen see a liberal shrink in hopes he won't determine us unfit to own a gun?

And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

No they are not supposed to be on psychotic drugs they are supposed to be on anti-psychotic drugs, if they are on the wrong drugs and/or on the wrong dosage of drugs then yes it is the responsibility of who has prescribed them.
another poster when asked what he wanted banned the poster said

nearly the same thing

" high capacity handgun" and "military style semi autos" must be leftard talking point today

i didnt even bother to respond


A distinction without a difference. You may believe knowledge of what a gun is called makes a difference, better to mock those who claim guns don't kill people as some guns are made for that express purpose.

well it certainly is a difference

making such statements as "high capacity handgun" only shows a poster does not know what the fuck they are talking about

It shows they only parrot pre-packaged slogans and buzz words as substitutes for thinking on their own.

yes certainly and it makes it hard to to them seriously and to try and reason with them

It is impossible to reason with the irrational, it is impossible also to reason with peoples who are devoid of Original Thought or an Independent Though Process you cannot have any level of actual discussion with them because they are reliant completely on being fed from Third Sources which they then just parrot.

it is and it simply compounded when they do not even know what they are talking about
Actually, guns are NOT the problem. Its the free and open access to anyone and everyone that is the problem. We give ANYONE free access to firearms with little or no inspection. Anybody gets a gun! Mentally ill dingbats that then shoot up schools? They can get a gun! See the problem there?

So how do we decide what mentally ill is? Should every citizen see a liberal shrink in hopes he won't determine us unfit to own a gun?

And those Liberal 'shrinks' are a major origin of the problem,

Nearly every mass shooter is on or has stopped taking meds that Liberal shrinks have prescribed for them.
Hardly so is a psychologist responsible for actions of people on psychotic drugs, they would be if they were institutionalized. But the USA doesn't do that..Most crazy folks are in jails and prisons or taken care of by relatives...

No they are not supposed to be on psychotic drugs they are supposed to be on anti-psychotic drugs, if they are on the wrong drugs and/or on the wrong dosage of drugs then yes it is the responsibility of who has prescribed them.
Mental health is a cop out in any form, even for those that think they are mad....Hence psychologist are more about government mandated healthcare that makes kids go see counselors and doctors when they utter the wrong words in school.....I could give you a placebo and you would never know it and yet your mind would correct itself..

^^^^ Tyrone not able to post anything original being devoid of Original Thought posts another copy and paste of something random he's got off the Internets. Tyrone have you ever not posted anything that was not a copy and paste of something you got off the Internets? You have never posted anything except one line things of your own to accompany these copy and pastes, never seen you post a paragraph of your own material ever.
All you do is post demented insane Right wing drool cup ,slack jaw talking points ...sweetheart go make some sammiches like a good little Right wing female douche

^^^^ Prime example of Tyrone's low IQ, unable to post anything intelligent about the OP topic because he's just a low IQ Far Left Troll who should just stick to posting in the Badlands thread The Trump Administration and not come upstairs where most peoples do attempt to discuss with each other even if they disagree.
Every Picture tells a story , don't it ...I am speechless LOL

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