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Mass killings

Then perhaps you commies should stop demonizing everyone who disagrees with you. But semiauto weapons have been available to the public for more than 110 years. The steady decline of morality and personal responsibility in the country is relatively new and can be tracked directly to the removal of discipline in the schools, starting in the early 60's. That's about the time you commies started taking over the education system and the very reason I chose not to bring children into this world.


The mentally ill can not heal themselves.

Mental illness isn't new either.


It isn't and we have had issues for decades.

Actually people have had issues with mental illness from the beginning of time. But in the past even they knew they would be held responsible for their actions, if they were functional, that's not necessarily the case now.


People have mental illness elsewhere in the world too. But itā€™s not being manifested in other first world countries by mass shootings every week. Mass shootings are a uniquely American phenomenon.

There are a couple of factors at play that other nations donā€™t have:

1. Easy access to mass killing guns; and

2. A long, miserable history of violence, genocide, segregation and institutionalize racism towards non-whites going back to the founding of the nation.

Trump isnā€™t the first President to use race for political gain, but he is the first to directly embolden them to commit violence and heā€™s using the same rhetoric that Hitler used to vilify Jews. ā€œVerminā€, ā€œinfestationā€, ā€œdangerousā€, words that both dehumanize and condemn, virtually painting a target on these people.

You're a fucking idiot, tell the people in Europe there is no access to mass killing weapons, they've experienced shooting, bombings and chemical attacks. And note to the clueless, this is the 21st century, perhaps you should stop judging people of the past by todays standards. Also Trump never said an area was infested with people, never called people vermin and some areas are dangerous. Perhaps you should change the channel or stop watching the commie propaganda media all together, they're lying to ya.

Only in America...


You're a lying POS.

It can all be tracked to the lack of discipline and no respect for authority taught in the government halls of indoctrination over the law 50+ years. Society has been on a steady decline since.


Bullshit. It can all be tracked to demonizing ā€œothersā€ and to the easy availability of mass killing weapons.

Then perhaps you commies should stop demonizing everyone who disagrees with you. But semiauto weapons have been available to the public for more than 110 years. The steady decline of morality and personal responsibility in the country is relatively new and can be tracked directly to the removal of discipline in the schools, starting in the early 60's. That's about the time you commies started taking over the education system and the very reason I chose not to bring children into this world.


We havenā€™t referred to conservatives as an ā€œinfestationā€ or said ā€œAmerica will never be great again until we get rid of all the conservativesā€. I read shit like this board every single day.

ā€œLiberals are scumā€ ā€œliberals favour open bordersā€. ā€œKill them allā€. None of the liberals here are spouting racist violent rhetoric of the kind I read every single day.

There are liberals on this board that can't wait until Conservative scum are dead.
It can all be tracked to the lack of discipline and no respect for authority taught in the government halls of indoctrination over the law 50+ years. Society has been on a steady decline since.


Bullshit. It can all be tracked to demonizing ā€œothersā€ and to the easy availability of mass killing weapons.

Then perhaps you commies should stop demonizing everyone who disagrees with you. But semiauto weapons have been available to the public for more than 110 years. The steady decline of morality and personal responsibility in the country is relatively new and can be tracked directly to the removal of discipline in the schools, starting in the early 60's. That's about the time you commies started taking over the education system and the very reason I chose not to bring children into this world.


We havenā€™t referred to conservatives as an ā€œinfestationā€ or said ā€œAmerica will never be great again until we get rid of all the conservativesā€. I read shit like this board every single day.

ā€œLiberals are scumā€ ā€œliberals favour open bordersā€. ā€œKill them allā€. None of the liberals here are spouting racist violent rhetoric of the kind I read every single day.
dumb ass.. Obama said EXACTLY that...

The American Spectator : No, You Can't!
Funny how the same worthless lying scum CON$ervoFascists who always bitch that THEY are being taken out of context, always take everyone else out of context. If you didn't dishonestly edit the quote you woulds know that Obama was talking about roads and bridges. But then again if you didn't dishonestly edit the quote you couldn't be a worthless lying scum CON$ervoFascist.

I edited nothing. Those are his exact words, in order.

dumb ass.
A perfect example of what worthless LYING scun CON$ervoFascists are. You edited out what he said in the sentences before your dishonestly edited quote which made it clear he was talking about roads and bridges, and then you lied about not editing it. CON$ervoFascists are SHAMELESS worthless lying scum.

When it comes to abortion, conservative scum will side with rapists, every time. It does not matter what they say. Their word is hollow and meaningless. The people who need to be aborted are these worthless Republican shitlords in Arkansas who wrote this bill.

"When it comes to abortion, conservative scum will side with rapists, every time."

You are the scum for making such an outrageous and ignorant statement.

The majority of people on the Right would tell you that we support the exceptions for rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

Please educate yourself before you make such ludicrous statements as you've just made.

Key phrase bolded. "Would tell you." Again, I don't give a shit what conservative scum "say" about anything. What they "say" is irrelevant. You only watch what a conservative POS does, not what they say. Nothing out of their mouth is truthful.

And this case is a perfect example. Conservatives scum "say" they might support the exceptions for rape and incest, yet here we have conservative maggots writing a bill enabling a a rapist to sue his victim if she wants to get an abortion.

How many times do I have to say this? Never, EVER listen to a goddamn thing a conservative says.

The terrorist are conservatives and I think they all should die.

Name one liberal posting on this board who has wished death on conservatives.

He just did, are you blind?

How 8chan Became A Breeding Ground For Violent Extremism

Violent hate sites must be shut down and prosecuted.

Yes no one can say anything you disagree with right, Comrade?

Not when it calls for the violent extermination of non-whites! That is not free speech - that is hate speech and should be prosecuted.

No such thing.

Speech is speech

I guess we have fallen a long way from the "I disagree with what you're saying but I will defend your right to say it" attitude these days
The pen is mightier than the sword. It was mightier than King George and it was mightier than von Hindenburg. Its power can be used for great good or great evil. It is time people stopped ignoring that.
Last edited:
The mentally ill can not heal themselves.

Mental illness isn't new either.


It isn't and we have had issues for decades.

Actually people have had issues with mental illness from the beginning of time. But in the past even they knew they would be held responsible for their actions, if they were functional, that's not necessarily the case now.


People have mental illness elsewhere in the world too. But itā€™s not being manifested in other first world countries by mass shootings every week. Mass shootings are a uniquely American phenomenon.

There are a couple of factors at play that other nations donā€™t have:

1. Easy access to mass killing guns; and

2. A long, miserable history of violence, genocide, segregation and institutionalize racism towards non-whites going back to the founding of the nation.

Trump isnā€™t the first President to use race for political gain, but he is the first to directly embolden them to commit violence and heā€™s using the same rhetoric that Hitler used to vilify Jews. ā€œVerminā€, ā€œinfestationā€, ā€œdangerousā€, words that both dehumanize and condemn, virtually painting a target on these people.

You're a fucking idiot, tell the people in Europe there is no access to mass killing weapons, they've experienced shooting, bombings and chemical attacks. And note to the clueless, this is the 21st century, perhaps you should stop judging people of the past by todays standards. Also Trump never said an area was infested with people, never called people vermin and some areas are dangerous. Perhaps you should change the channel or stop watching the commie propaganda media all together, they're lying to ya.



IN DEPTH: What's behind the rise in gang violence across Sweden?

The weapon of choice for gangs are Kalashnikov automatic rifles. Imported from the Balkans, they are available for between 2,500 and 3,500 euros (around $2,800 to $3,950), although they become "more expensive in the event of an open conflict," according to Appelgren.

Honour, debts, and prestige are serving as the pretext for an increasing number of deadly shootings that challenge the ideals of equality and social harmony on which modern Sweden was built.

Last year more than 300 shootings resulted in 45 deaths and 135 injuries in Sweden.

While the overall homicide rate remains one of the lowest in the world, with one per 100,000 inhabitants according to police statistics, deadly shootings have been steadily rising and last year reached record levels. 2019 is also on track to create another unwanted record. In Stockholm the first six months of the year have seen as many killings as the whole of 2018.

Sweden's gang members have also been using grenades and explosives to settle their scores.
How 8chan Became A Breeding Ground For Violent Extremism

Violent hate sites must be shut down and prosecuted.

Yes no one can say anything you disagree with right, Comrade?

Not when it calls for the violent extermination of non-whites! That is not free speech - that is hate speech and should be prosecuted.

No such thing.

Speech is speech

I guess we have fallen a long way from the "I disagree with what you're saying but I will defend your right to say it" attitude these days
The pen is mightier than the sword. It was mightier than King George and it was mightier than von Hindenburg. Its power can be used for great good or great evil. It is time people stopped ignoring that.

So you want your speech to be censored or do you just want to censor the speech of other people?
The mentally ill can not heal themselves.

Mental illness isn't new either.


It isn't and we have had issues for decades.

Actually people have had issues with mental illness from the beginning of time. But in the past even they knew they would be held responsible for their actions, if they were functional, that's not necessarily the case now.


People have mental illness elsewhere in the world too. But itā€™s not being manifested in other first world countries by mass shootings every week. Mass shootings are a uniquely American phenomenon.

There are a couple of factors at play that other nations donā€™t have:

1. Easy access to mass killing guns; and

2. A long, miserable history of violence, genocide, segregation and institutionalize racism towards non-whites going back to the founding of the nation.

Trump isnā€™t the first President to use race for political gain, but he is the first to directly embolden them to commit violence and heā€™s using the same rhetoric that Hitler used to vilify Jews. ā€œVerminā€, ā€œinfestationā€, ā€œdangerousā€, words that both dehumanize and condemn, virtually painting a target on these people.

You're a fucking idiot, tell the people in Europe there is no access to mass killing weapons, they've experienced shooting, bombings and chemical attacks. And note to the clueless, this is the 21st century, perhaps you should stop judging people of the past by todays standards. Also Trump never said an area was infested with people, never called people vermin and some areas are dangerous. Perhaps you should change the channel or stop watching the commie propaganda media all together, they're lying to ya.


Europe has FAR fewer mass killing events....because they don't have the number of guns that we have
Mental illness isn't new either.


It isn't and we have had issues for decades.

Actually people have had issues with mental illness from the beginning of time. But in the past even they knew they would be held responsible for their actions, if they were functional, that's not necessarily the case now.


People have mental illness elsewhere in the world too. But itā€™s not being manifested in other first world countries by mass shootings every week. Mass shootings are a uniquely American phenomenon.

There are a couple of factors at play that other nations donā€™t have:

1. Easy access to mass killing guns; and

2. A long, miserable history of violence, genocide, segregation and institutionalize racism towards non-whites going back to the founding of the nation.

Trump isnā€™t the first President to use race for political gain, but he is the first to directly embolden them to commit violence and heā€™s using the same rhetoric that Hitler used to vilify Jews. ā€œVerminā€, ā€œinfestationā€, ā€œdangerousā€, words that both dehumanize and condemn, virtually painting a target on these people.

You're a fucking idiot, tell the people in Europe there is no access to mass killing weapons, they've experienced shooting, bombings and chemical attacks. And note to the clueless, this is the 21st century, perhaps you should stop judging people of the past by todays standards. Also Trump never said an area was infested with people, never called people vermin and some areas are dangerous. Perhaps you should change the channel or stop watching the commie propaganda media all together, they're lying to ya.


Europe has FAR fewer mass killing events....because they don't have the number of guns that we have

I can as easily argue that Europe has far better health care coverage for everyone being the reason.
Mental illness isn't new either.


It isn't and we have had issues for decades.

Actually people have had issues with mental illness from the beginning of time. But in the past even they knew they would be held responsible for their actions, if they were functional, that's not necessarily the case now.


People have mental illness elsewhere in the world too. But itā€™s not being manifested in other first world countries by mass shootings every week. Mass shootings are a uniquely American phenomenon.

There are a couple of factors at play that other nations donā€™t have:

1. Easy access to mass killing guns; and

2. A long, miserable history of violence, genocide, segregation and institutionalize racism towards non-whites going back to the founding of the nation.

Trump isnā€™t the first President to use race for political gain, but he is the first to directly embolden them to commit violence and heā€™s using the same rhetoric that Hitler used to vilify Jews. ā€œVerminā€, ā€œinfestationā€, ā€œdangerousā€, words that both dehumanize and condemn, virtually painting a target on these people.

You're a fucking idiot, tell the people in Europe there is no access to mass killing weapons, they've experienced shooting, bombings and chemical attacks. And note to the clueless, this is the 21st century, perhaps you should stop judging people of the past by todays standards. Also Trump never said an area was infested with people, never called people vermin and some areas are dangerous. Perhaps you should change the channel or stop watching the commie propaganda media all together, they're lying to ya.


Europe has FAR fewer mass killing events....because they don't have the number of guns that we have

They don't have our freedom either. Name one new law that would be constitutional and make a difference. Both from this weekend cleared background checks.

It isn't and we have had issues for decades.

Actually people have had issues with mental illness from the beginning of time. But in the past even they knew they would be held responsible for their actions, if they were functional, that's not necessarily the case now.


People have mental illness elsewhere in the world too. But itā€™s not being manifested in other first world countries by mass shootings every week. Mass shootings are a uniquely American phenomenon.

There are a couple of factors at play that other nations donā€™t have:

1. Easy access to mass killing guns; and

2. A long, miserable history of violence, genocide, segregation and institutionalize racism towards non-whites going back to the founding of the nation.

Trump isnā€™t the first President to use race for political gain, but he is the first to directly embolden them to commit violence and heā€™s using the same rhetoric that Hitler used to vilify Jews. ā€œVerminā€, ā€œinfestationā€, ā€œdangerousā€, words that both dehumanize and condemn, virtually painting a target on these people.

You're a fucking idiot, tell the people in Europe there is no access to mass killing weapons, they've experienced shooting, bombings and chemical attacks. And note to the clueless, this is the 21st century, perhaps you should stop judging people of the past by todays standards. Also Trump never said an area was infested with people, never called people vermin and some areas are dangerous. Perhaps you should change the channel or stop watching the commie propaganda media all together, they're lying to ya.


Europe has FAR fewer mass killing events....because they don't have the number of guns that we have

They don't have our freedom either. Name one new law that would be constitutional and make a difference. Both from this weekend cleared background checks.

Banning assault weapons. Banning Hi-cap magazines.

Re-instating the mental health law that has lapsed...for starters. Universal background checks would have stopped some previous mass shootings and will prevent future one.

Let's not play games.

You want NOTHING to be done
Actually people have had issues with mental illness from the beginning of time. But in the past even they knew they would be held responsible for their actions, if they were functional, that's not necessarily the case now.


People have mental illness elsewhere in the world too. But itā€™s not being manifested in other first world countries by mass shootings every week. Mass shootings are a uniquely American phenomenon.

There are a couple of factors at play that other nations donā€™t have:

1. Easy access to mass killing guns; and

2. A long, miserable history of violence, genocide, segregation and institutionalize racism towards non-whites going back to the founding of the nation.

Trump isnā€™t the first President to use race for political gain, but he is the first to directly embolden them to commit violence and heā€™s using the same rhetoric that Hitler used to vilify Jews. ā€œVerminā€, ā€œinfestationā€, ā€œdangerousā€, words that both dehumanize and condemn, virtually painting a target on these people.

You're a fucking idiot, tell the people in Europe there is no access to mass killing weapons, they've experienced shooting, bombings and chemical attacks. And note to the clueless, this is the 21st century, perhaps you should stop judging people of the past by todays standards. Also Trump never said an area was infested with people, never called people vermin and some areas are dangerous. Perhaps you should change the channel or stop watching the commie propaganda media all together, they're lying to ya.


Europe has FAR fewer mass killing events....because they don't have the number of guns that we have

They don't have our freedom either. Name one new law that would be constitutional and make a difference. Both from this weekend cleared background checks.

Banning assault weapons. Banning Hi-cap magazines.

Re-instating the mental health law that has lapsed...for starters. Universal background checks would have stopped some previous mass shootings and will prevent future one.

Let's not play games.

You want NOTHING to be done

People who are planning to go out and kill as many people as they can care to follow laws up to that point? You can buy a gun all kinds of places that are never going to require a check.
Actually people have had issues with mental illness from the beginning of time. But in the past even they knew they would be held responsible for their actions, if they were functional, that's not necessarily the case now.


People have mental illness elsewhere in the world too. But itā€™s not being manifested in other first world countries by mass shootings every week. Mass shootings are a uniquely American phenomenon.

There are a couple of factors at play that other nations donā€™t have:

1. Easy access to mass killing guns; and

2. A long, miserable history of violence, genocide, segregation and institutionalize racism towards non-whites going back to the founding of the nation.

Trump isnā€™t the first President to use race for political gain, but he is the first to directly embolden them to commit violence and heā€™s using the same rhetoric that Hitler used to vilify Jews. ā€œVerminā€, ā€œinfestationā€, ā€œdangerousā€, words that both dehumanize and condemn, virtually painting a target on these people.

You're a fucking idiot, tell the people in Europe there is no access to mass killing weapons, they've experienced shooting, bombings and chemical attacks. And note to the clueless, this is the 21st century, perhaps you should stop judging people of the past by todays standards. Also Trump never said an area was infested with people, never called people vermin and some areas are dangerous. Perhaps you should change the channel or stop watching the commie propaganda media all together, they're lying to ya.


Europe has FAR fewer mass killing events....because they don't have the number of guns that we have

They don't have our freedom either. Name one new law that would be constitutional and make a difference. Both from this weekend cleared background checks.

Banning assault weapons. Banning Hi-cap magazines.

Re-instating the mental health law that has lapsed...for starters. Universal background checks would have stopped some previous mass shootings and will prevent future one.

Let's not play games.

You want NOTHING to be done

So you're good at ignoring the facts, the previous weapons ban had zero effect on crime. Magazines are out there by the millions, how do you plan to get them all? Also provide one example of of a mass shooting that would have been prevented by more background checks. Your right, we don't need additional gun laws, the ones we have aren't being enforced.

Actually people have had issues with mental illness from the beginning of time. But in the past even they knew they would be held responsible for their actions, if they were functional, that's not necessarily the case now.


People have mental illness elsewhere in the world too. But itā€™s not being manifested in other first world countries by mass shootings every week. Mass shootings are a uniquely American phenomenon.

There are a couple of factors at play that other nations donā€™t have:

1. Easy access to mass killing guns; and

2. A long, miserable history of violence, genocide, segregation and institutionalize racism towards non-whites going back to the founding of the nation.

Trump isnā€™t the first President to use race for political gain, but he is the first to directly embolden them to commit violence and heā€™s using the same rhetoric that Hitler used to vilify Jews. ā€œVerminā€, ā€œinfestationā€, ā€œdangerousā€, words that both dehumanize and condemn, virtually painting a target on these people.

You're a fucking idiot, tell the people in Europe there is no access to mass killing weapons, they've experienced shooting, bombings and chemical attacks. And note to the clueless, this is the 21st century, perhaps you should stop judging people of the past by todays standards. Also Trump never said an area was infested with people, never called people vermin and some areas are dangerous. Perhaps you should change the channel or stop watching the commie propaganda media all together, they're lying to ya.


Europe has FAR fewer mass killing events....because they don't have the number of guns that we have

They don't have our freedom either. Name one new law that would be constitutional and make a difference. Both from this weekend cleared background checks.

Banning assault weapons. Banning Hi-cap magazines.

Re-instating the mental health law that has lapsed...for starters. Universal background checks would have stopped some previous mass shootings and will prevent future one.

Let's not play games.

You want NOTHING to be done

We're not banning any more weapons. You got your ban in the 1990s and it did cocksucking shit. We already tolerate way more than we should.

Sorry. Find another course of action.

Actually people have had issues with mental illness from the beginning of time. But in the past even they knew they would be held responsible for their actions, if they were functional, that's not necessarily the case now.


People have mental illness elsewhere in the world too. But itā€™s not being manifested in other first world countries by mass shootings every week. Mass shootings are a uniquely American phenomenon.

There are a couple of factors at play that other nations donā€™t have:

1. Easy access to mass killing guns; and

2. A long, miserable history of violence, genocide, segregation and institutionalize racism towards non-whites going back to the founding of the nation.

Trump isnā€™t the first President to use race for political gain, but he is the first to directly embolden them to commit violence and heā€™s using the same rhetoric that Hitler used to vilify Jews. ā€œVerminā€, ā€œinfestationā€, ā€œdangerousā€, words that both dehumanize and condemn, virtually painting a target on these people.

You're a fucking idiot, tell the people in Europe there is no access to mass killing weapons, they've experienced shooting, bombings and chemical attacks. And note to the clueless, this is the 21st century, perhaps you should stop judging people of the past by todays standards. Also Trump never said an area was infested with people, never called people vermin and some areas are dangerous. Perhaps you should change the channel or stop watching the commie propaganda media all together, they're lying to ya.


Europe has FAR fewer mass killing events....because they don't have the number of guns that we have

They don't have our freedom either. Name one new law that would be constitutional and make a difference. Both from this weekend cleared background checks.

Banning assault weapons. Banning Hi-cap magazines.

Re-instating the mental health law that has lapsed...for starters. Universal background checks would have stopped some previous mass shootings and will prevent future one.

Let's not play games.

You want NOTHING to be done

No they won't because no background check will ever stop a straw purchase or an illegal sale
Has Elizabeth Warren Denounced Her Satan Worshipping Antifa Murdering Supporter?

Branding Antifa a terrorist organization and Warren denouncing her Satan worshipping Antifa mass murderer supporter will be a good start to ending violence / racial violence ... especially since they took Russian cash to spread racial division and violence...


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