Mass shooting 16+ shot 10 killed in Monterey park, Ca

Not really.
The U.S. Constitution was intended to be a dynamic document that can be changed (amended) to suit the times.
Let us know when the 2nd Amendment is amended.
Until then:
- US Constitution
The enshrinement of constitutional rights necessarily takes certain policy choices off the table.
Let us know when the 2nd Amendment is amended.
Until then:
- US Constitution
The enshrinement of constitutional rights necessarily takes certain policy choices off the table.
Until the SCOTUS changes it's mind. Like in Dobbs.
It's all interpretation.
Currently the Heller interpretation is in fashion.
Until it isn't.
Just like for 49 years Roe v. Wade was in fashion.
Until it wasn't.
See how it works?
All I hear here is "we're just dumb-fuck helpless Americans. We can't do nuthin' about nuthin'!"

Quit contributing to the static and being part of the problem.
The problem is that the Liberals will not enforce the existing laws against the minority assholes that commit most of the crimes in the US.

A Black street thug votes for a Democrat to run the city he lives in and the Democrat will not hold him accountable for the crimes he commits. Kinda sweet deal, isn't it?
Let us know when Heller, McDonald, Caetano, and Bruen are overturned
Until then:
- US Constitution
The enshrinement of constitutional rights necessarily takes certain policy choices off the table.
Thank you for making my point.
NONE of the case names you mention here actually WROTE this U.S. Constitution you seem to pay a lot of lip service to worshipping while appearing to know NOTHING about.
Did they?
They were only fairly recent SCOTUS decisions.....very POOR decisions that allow criminals and terrorists to own guns.
But those decisions are WAY out of line with the intent and the spirit of what James Madison intended.
Wouldn't you agree?
So you see....this imagined "right" you think is enshrined in The Constitution....somehow engraved in some stone tablet somewhere....isn't really there.
It's just fashion.
Your imagination.
And the result of very POOR legislating from the bench by SCOTUS judges with political agendas.
That's all.
You don't have a point, as none of the things you brought up have happened.
As such, my statement stands.
- US Constitution
The enshrinement of constitutional rights necessarily takes certain policy choices off the table.
You sound like a parrot.
Don't do much of your own thinking do you?
Another Non White mass Shooter ?
Couldn't give two hoots the colour of the guy, or the colour of his underpants. It's the 2ndA in action, giving every nut job a gun.

The problem that America has, it has the extreme gun nuts like 2aguy and M14 Shooter having guns, as well as the crazy mental unsuitable. But both are crazy, and America is confused on why the gun incidents and stats??
Couldn't give two hoots the colour of the guy, or the colour of his underpants. It's the 2ndA in action, giving every nut job a gun.

The problem that America has, it has the extreme gun nuts like 2aguy and M14 Shooter having guns, as well as the crazy mental unsuitable. But both are crazy, and America is confused on why the gun incidents and stats??
No the problem is “ When Liberals Attack “ they are usually on SSRIs and seeing both a Shrink and a Psychologist and have had at least 1 51/50 and been on LEO / FBI Radar
Thank you for making my point.
NONE of the case names you mention here actually WROTE this U.S. Constitution you seem to pay a lot of lip service to worshipping while appearing to know NOTHING about.
Did they?
They were only fairly recent SCOTUS decisions.....very POOR decisions that allow criminals and terrorists to own guns.
But those decisions are WAY out of line with the intent and the spirit of what James Madison intended.
Wouldn't you agree?
So you see....this imagined "right" you think is enshrined in The Constitution....somehow engraved in some stone tablet somewhere....isn't really there.
It's just fashion.
Your imagination.
And the result of very POOR legislating from the bench by SCOTUS judges with political agendas.
That's all.
No one allows criminals to own guns.

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