Mass shooting 16+ shot 10 killed in Monterey park, Ca

Sure they do.
Everyone who pisses and moans and whines about their sacred "rights" being violated anytime someone starts talking about tighter and more effective regulation.
Anyone who spouts NRA brainwashing propaganda about how "gun laws don't work and or if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns" is guilty of arming criminals.

And they have blood on their hands everytime they say "oh well, shit happens....small price to pay for MY individual freedom" following the next mass shooting.
Anyone who seeks to or actually restricts gun ownership of law abiding citizens has blood on their hands. Demonizing guns also causes people to be afraid of them which further emboldens criminals. Guns are tools not animate entities. Children should be taught gun safety from an early age as well and then later taught how to handle and shoot them. A well armed and trained populace would preclude most of this so called ‘gun violence.’
Do your homework

He’s 72 and grew up in Vietnam during the French-Vietminh War and the US involvement

That may be the only culture that could warp a young mind more than the woke education system we have today

72, he would have been born in 1951.

The French left Vietnam in 1954.

Do you really think he remembers stuff that happened in 1954.

He's have been 25 when Saigon fell to the Communists. Assuming that's when he left, the indications are that he largely lived in that Vietnamese community and really didn't assimilate, like a lot of immigrants do.
Humans choose the weapon of most violence. If it's easy to obtain and use......

Hope I don't have to explain the rest, gun nuts struggle with simple concepts. Are you a gun nut?
Most humans do not choose guns to commit violent crimes. Law abiding People who own guns are not ‘gun nuts.’ Your perspective seems warped.
Most humans do not choose guns to commit violent crimes. Law abiding People who own guns are not ‘gun nuts.’ Your perspective seems warped.
Gun nuts are the ones that choose guns as their religion. It's very telling in their speak because when confronted with common sense, they just scream, "2nd Amendment", "Come take my guns", "We kicked the Brits out". You know, those type of idiots. Not all gun owners are like that.
But according to the NRA's propaganda there shouldn't be ANY laws about anything.
Lie. That's not what the NRA says at all.
Because, they don't "work" you know?
Laws work as a guideline for how to punish people's actions that invade other people's Creator-endowed rights/freedoms. They don't control people's actions. That's why "gun free zone" laws don't work (they are implemented for a purpose other than the purpose of implementing laws)
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Gun nuts are the ones that choose guns as their religion. It's very telling in their speak because when confronted with common sense, they just scream, "2nd Amendment", "Come take my guns", "We kicked the Brits out". You know, those type of idiots. Not all gun owners are like that.
No one thinks guns are a religion. People have a right to own guns and when the government seeks to limit or take them away, people rightly push back. You call them religious gun nuts, I call them patriots.
We here in America have more guns than people yet, most violent crime does not involve a gun.
Anyone who seeks to or actually restricts gun ownership of law abiding citizens has blood on their hands. Demonizing guns also causes people to be afraid of them which further emboldens criminals. Guns are tools not animate entities. Children should be taught gun safety from an early age as well and then later taught how to handle and shoot them. A well armed and trained populace would preclude most of this so called ‘gun violence.’
I completely agree with most of what you have said here.
Agreed....PEOPLE are the we need measures in place that actually WORK that separate these PEOPLE from any "right" to possess deadly firepower.
The only question before us is WHAT are those measures going to be?

If the answer is simply "nothing." As in "there is nothing we can do" then the next logical step on the flow chart has to be this.....
If PEOPLE are the problem and there is absolutely no way to keep guns out of the wrong PEOPLE's hands....then they cannot be permitted for anyone.
We just throw our hands in the air and give up.
Admit we tried it....a constitutional experiment and it didn't work.
And we go forward from there.

I don't particularly like that scenario but hey, I'm a pragmatist and a realist.

As far as a "well armed populace" goes, I don't think that's very realistic.
All the people I know who own guns (including myself) are responsible and competent with them.
And yes, you are correct. I take comfort in knowing that these people are armed and I'd like to believe the world is a safer place because of it.

But we also live in a nation of complete, blithering idiots.
MILLIONS of them!
People I wouldn't even trust to take out my goddamed garbage!
People who probably shouldn't even be allowed to purchase gardening tools!
People who have difficulty negotiating 4 way stops in traffic.

Do I want these fools carrying around loaded guns in public.
I completely agree with most of what you have said here.
Agreed....PEOPLE are the we need measures in place that actually WORK that separate these PEOPLE from any "right" to possess deadly firepower.
The only question before us is WHAT are those measures going to be?

If the answer is simply "nothing." As in "there is nothing we can do" then the next logical step on the flow chart has to be this.....
If PEOPLE are the problem and there is absolutely no way to keep guns out of the wrong PEOPLE's hands....then they cannot be permitted for anyone.
We just throw our hands in the air and give up.
Admit we tried it....a constitutional experiment and it didn't work.
And we go forward from there.

I don't particularly like that scenario but hey, I'm a pragmatist and a realist.

As far as a "well armed populace" goes, I don't think that's very realistic.
All the people I know who own guns (including myself) are responsible and competent with them.
And yes, you are correct. I take comfort in knowing that these people are armed and I'd like to believe the world is a safer place because of it.

But we also live in a nation of complete, blithering idiots.
MILLIONS of them!
People I wouldn't even trust to take out my goddamed garbage!
People who probably shouldn't even be allowed to purchase gardening tools!
People who have difficulty negotiating 4 way stops in traffic.

Do I want these fools carrying around loaded guns in public.
‘Measures’ won’t work. A well armed populace is the only deterrent. Also stop prosecuting cops for shooting and killing bad guys.

Also, if you own guns and actually use them to thwart an attacker, you will be the suspect. That has to stop as well. Most criminals are cowards and will not want ro shoot up a place where they know they’ll face armed ‘victims.’
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Yes, they'd rather blame guns (inanimate objects) and not their own acceptance of their own lax criminal prosecution. They also ignore all the black on black violence in big cities even when their own law abiding black constituents are begging for more police presence and no more cashless bail.

We lock up 2 million people when the other industrial democracies lock up less than 100,000. Lax prosecution isn't the problem here, it's dumb policies and culture.

Criminals never do what they are 'supposed' to do. That causes law abiding citizens to face armed criminals while themselves being unarmed.

Except most gun murder is domestic violence, not street crime.
‘Measures’ won’t work. A well armed populace is the only deterrent. Also stop prosecuting cops for shooting and killing bad guys.

Also, if you own guns and actually use them to thwart an attacker, you will be the suspect. That has to stop as well. Most criminals are cowards and will not want ro shoot up a place where they know they’ll face armed ‘victims.’
I respect your opinion although I disagree with it.

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