Mass shooting 16+ shot 10 killed in Monterey park, Ca

We lock up 2 million people when the other industrial democracies lock up less than 100,000. Lax prosecution isn't the problem here, it's dumb policies and culture.

Except most gun murder is domestic violence, not street crime.

They don't have 50 million foreign criminal scum swarming their borders to feed along with a violent racist black subculture running around murdering each other at records levels. White America has a lower murder rate than most of Europe. We're doing fine, it's you dopers and deviants who don't
play well with others.
Anyone who seeks to or actually restricts gun ownership of law abiding citizens has blood on their hands. Demonizing guns also causes people to be afraid of them which further emboldens criminals. Guns are tools not animate entities. Children should be taught gun safety from an early age as well and then later taught how to handle and shoot them. A well armed and trained populace would preclude most of this so called ‘gun violence.’

Again, the vast majority of people murdered with guns know their murderer. Guns are a problem because most people just aren't responsible enough to handle them.


They don't have 50 million foreign criminal scum swarming their borders to feed along with a violent racist black subculture running around murdering each other at records levels. White America has a lower murder rate than most of Europe. We're doing fine, it's you dopers and deviants who don't
play well with others.

This racist screed is laughable, but I'll just address this part.

Yet the disturbing truth, according to the FBI's most recent homicide statistics, is that the United States is in the wake of an epidemic of white-on-white crime. Back in 2011, the most recent year for which data is available, a staggering 83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians.

To understand the level of cultural pathology at work here, it's important to understand that 36 percent of those killed by whites are women — a far higher share than you see with black murderers.
It'll be abused by anti-gunners.
Yeah because next the left would say "just to keep it fair", and we know where that bull shite will go. They would be trying to test everyone in order to keep from hurting anyone's feweengs..... Damned communist socialist pig's.

They use everything as a reason, otherwise they want full control of everything so they can be as deplorable as they want without any resistance or feedback.
They don't have 50 million foreign criminal scum swarming their borders to feed along with a violent racist black subculture running around murdering each other at records levels. White America has a lower murder rate than most of Europe. We're doing fine, it's you dopers and deviants who don't
play well with others.
Why do you hate your country so that you would speak so poorly of your fellow citizens just because they are black?

Is racial ignorance a cultural thing with you resulting from where you grew up or something?
Couldn't give two hoots the colour of the guy, or the colour of his underpants. It's the 2ndA in action, giving every nut job a gun.

The problem that America has, it has the extreme gun nuts like 2aguy and M14 Shooter having guns, as well as the crazy mental unsuitable. But both are crazy, and America is confused on why the gun incidents and stats??

This guy used a gun that's been illegal in California for 40 years. All their gun laws failed.
lol which of course is part of the point dumbass. Duh.
They don't have 50 million foreign criminal scum swarming their borders to feed along with a violent racist black subculture running around murdering each other at records levels. White America has a lower murder rate than most of Europe. We're doing fine, it's you dopers and deviants who don't
play well with others.
Well done sir !
Okay, so if they see that Uncle Tran is starting to act a little nutty and they can go off to the cops and ask to have his guns confiscated.

Oh, no, wait, the Red Flag Laws got repealed because the National Ramage Association sent lawyers to fight them.

I guess we just need to keep out of Uncle Tran's way.
The answer that would be best is that Uncle tran realizes that the civilian population is just as armed as he is or could be, and if he decides to go stupid, then the civilian population will very much oblige his stupidity with equal force before the second blink of his eye takes place. Civilian's are the first line of defense against a perp whether he is armed with a bat, knife, box truck, pipe bomb, pistol, rifle, fire, trap etc. The police usually get there in time to pull the crime tape, and do the paperwork.
72, he would have been born in 1951.

The French left Vietnam in 1954.

Do you really think he remembers stuff that happened in 1954.

He's have been 25 when Saigon fell to the Communists. Assuming that's when he left, the indications are that he largely lived in that Vietnamese community and really didn't assimilate, like a lot of immigrants do.
3-year olds are not exempt from war

Toddlers may not remember but that doesnt mean it didnt have an impact on them. And then there was the next 20 years
No one thinks guns are a religion. People have a right to own guns and when the government seeks to limit or take them away, people rightly push back. You call them religious gun nuts, I call them patriots.
Gun nuts do. Patriots my arse.
Why do you hate your country so that you would speak so poorly of your fellow citizens just because they are black?

Is racial ignorance a cultural thing with you resulting from where you grew up or something?

lol you suck at trolling. Advertising your own racial ignorance is certainly a cultural thing with you.
Yeah because next the left would say "just to keep it fair", and we know where that bull shite will go. They would be trying to test everyone in order to keep from hurting anyone's feweengs..... Damned communist socialist pig's.

They use everything as a reason, otherwise they want full control of everything so they can be as deplorable as they want without any resistance or feedback.

Most of them are chickenshits, so they have a political party protect them from their victims.
Again, the vast majority of people murdered with guns know their murderer. Guns are a problem because most people just aren't responsible enough to handle them.


This racist screed is laughable, but I'll just address this part.

Yet the disturbing truth, according to the FBI's most recent homicide statistics, is that the United States is in the wake of an epidemic of white-on-white crime. Back in 2011, the most recent year for which data is available, a staggering 83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians.

To understand the level of cultural pathology at work here, it's important to understand that 36 percent of those killed by whites are women — a far higher share than you see with black murderers.
lol your own 'data' show over 50% don't know their killer, dumbass. There was nothing racist about anything I said. Facts aren't racist, except to you and your phony ilk. It's all you have, babbling idiot claims and hoping we give a shit about your worthless fraud of an opinion. We don't.

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