Mass shooting 16+ shot 10 killed in Monterey park, Ca

Not really.
The U.S. Constitution was intended to be a dynamic document that can be changed (amended) to suit the times.
This is built INTO the document.

Maybe it is time for a change.

Because Jefferson NEVER intended the gun violence insanity that is our "norm" in 2023.
Guns don't cause violence, humans do that.
Semi-auto Tec-9 copy. It's been illegal in California since the 1980s. So what happened?
Actually handguns are (technically) illegal in almost all counties is southern Cali as far as my understanding goes.
Because you are supposed to register them to have them and when I lived there (San Diego County) I learned that San Diego Co. would not issue permits for handguns. Only long guns.
And (at that time at least) it was the same in all the surrounding, mostly urban counties.
Los Angeles
San Bernadino
Not sure about Imperial County though.
The thing is, Ms Moon Bat, is that the Libtards solution for all those things will result in massive Constitutional infringements against American citizens.

Most of the gun crime in the US takes place in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes among druggies, gangs bangers and street thugs with mostly already illegal firearms.

The Democrats running the cities are usually low IQ Negroes that have no intention of ever effectively enforcing the existing laws. The Democrat prosecutors allow convicted felons to roam the streets and in many cases don't even make them them pay bail when arrested.

Yesterday my wife and I heard about the Fox news reporter that was beat up on the subway in New York. Beaten very badly by Black street thugs. The police apprehended the thugs but just let them go. We were commenting on how unsafe it would be to live in New York nowadays with the massive crime. We remembered the times when we visited the city and it was safe. Back when Giuliani was Mayor and got tough on crime.

As long as we have dumbass stupid Democrats running the areas where we have massive gun crimes and the crimes will continue. That is what is broke. Fix that first.
Yes, they'd rather blame guns (inanimate objects) and not their own acceptance of their own lax criminal prosecution. They also ignore all the black on black violence in big cities even when their own law abiding black constituents are begging for more police presence and no more cashless bail.
We need to shut down the avenues by which criminals are getting illegal guns.
Good luck shutting down the black market, dude.
That's a no-brainer isn't it?
You can't shut down the black market, dude.
Come down HARD on illegal gun transfers.
ALL gun purchases for that matter.
Unconstitutional. The right to self defense is inherent.
Start getting them off the street in greater numbers and start making sure manufacturers are held accountable for each and every one
Manufacturers are not criminals nor are they responsible for a criminal's crimes.
in addition to every single owner in a detailed chain of custody database.
Gun owners are not criminals either, nor are they responsible for a criminal's crimes. Such a database is unconstitutional.
Sure, it will take a long time....but within a couple generations the government could easily have a detailed record of every firearm in America....where it is located and who it is assigned to.
I can hear the screaming now....
They have no business knowing such information, and such a database is unconstitutional.
To that I say get over yourself.
To that I say read and respect the constitution that you live under.
You are NOT as important as you imagine yourself to be.
As long as you are not misusing your firearms
Define "misusing your firearms". What I do with my firearms is my own business so long as I am not committing a crime (e.g. homicide) with them.
the government has got more to do than pick on you and raid your double-wide to confiscate your squirrel gun.
If you say so.
Now let's talk about ammo.
It should be HARD to get.
F-ing hard!
Same with reloading supplies.
Stringent registration procedures, insurance, tracking in a national database, etc.
If you are already sitting on a sizeable cache for the day some idiot like Donald Trump commands you to march on Washington and "take back yer guv-ment" then good on ya!
Good on me is correct. You have no right to dictate what I "need" or "don't need".
As long as you're not actually using it it can sit there till hell freezed over.
It is of no concern to you how I choose to use/not use my guns/ammo. They belong to me, not to you.
It is (temporarily) harmless.
Guns/ammo cannot cause harm on their own.
The moment you load it up and attempt another coup (treason) againstthe U.S. Government though
A peaceful protest is not a coup. The coup was already performed a couple months earlier by Demonkkkrats via election fraud. Stop projecting your own faults onto others.
then you need to be disarmed....
IF you survive.
Which you probably won't.
Either way, problem solved.
A country boy can survive.
But IF you are a criminal or a "gangster" who is out there burning up their ammo....then good.
Every shot you waste is one less round you will ever have.
Because you won't be able to buy more.
Lie. Unconstitutional. Disregard of the black market.
There is no more black market for it
You cannot destroy the black market.
and legit ammo dealers won't sell you any because according to the database you don't even legally own a weapon that requires the tound you are attempting to purchase.
So you are arrested on the spot.

Again, problem solved.
Actually handguns are (technically) illegal in almost all counties is southern Cali as far as my understanding goes.
Because you are supposed to register them to have them and when I lived there (San Diego County) I learned that San Diego Co. would not issue permits for handguns. Only long guns.
And (at that time at least) it was the same in all the surrounding, mostly urban counties.
Los Angeles
San Bernadino
Not sure about Imperial County though.
Criminals never do what they are 'supposed' to do. That causes law abiding citizens to face armed criminals while themselves being unarmed.
Nothing here changes the reality of the situation:
- US Constitution
The enshrinement of constitutional rights necessarily takes certain policy choices off the table.

When one of your supposeds or coulds or mights or maybes comes to be, let me know - until then, my statement stands.
And, given your responses so far, you know you can't argue against it.
No one allows criminals to own guns.
Sure they do.
Everyone who pisses and moans and whines about their sacred "rights" being violated anytime someone starts talking about tighter and more effective regulation.
Anyone who spouts NRA brainwashing propaganda about how "gun laws don't work and or if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns" is guilty of arming criminals.

And they have blood on their hands everytime they say "oh well, shit happens....small price to pay for MY individual freedom" following the next mass shooting.
Bullshit! You are confused Moon bat. 2guy had previously posted several examples of how armed people have stopped would be shooters. Start paying attention.

Dick Tiny focuses on these black swans to ignore the hundreds of mass shootings.

I concede that

He is the exception to the rule

What rule? Frankly, what you seem to be clinging to is the "No True Scotsman" fallacy... that when a gun nut goes on a rampage, he can't be a true gun lover.

I don't know what snapped with Mr. Tran. Maybe he was always a nutbag who never adjusted to life after someone fished him out of the South China Sea. Or maybe something happened in his life that set him off.

But contrary to the "Well, it's just those gang people" narrative. This was an elderly man who shot a bunch of people in their 50's and 60's.
Actually handguns are (technically) illegal in almost all counties is southern Cali as far as my understanding goes.
Because you are supposed to register them to have them and when I lived there (San Diego County) I learned that San Diego Co. would not issue permits for handguns. Only long guns.
And (at that time at least) it was the same in all the surrounding, mostly urban counties.
Los Angeles
San Bernadino
Not sure about Imperial County though.
My Longtime Friend from Culver City just got his CCW from LACounty Sheriff 3 months ago ( he has like 6-8 handguns ) I have 10+ in Shasta County
Dick Tiny focuses on these black swans to ignore the hundreds of mass shootings.

What rule? Frankly, what you seem to be clinging to is the "No True Scotsman" fallacy... that when a gun nut goes on a rampage, he can't be a true gun lover.

I don't know what snapped with Mr. Tran. Maybe he was always a nutbag who never adjusted to life after someone fished him out of the South China Sea. Or maybe something happened in his life that set him off.

But contrary to the "Well, it's just those gang people" narrative. This was an elderly man who shot a bunch of people in their 50's and 60's.
Do your homework

He’s 72 and grew up in Vietnam during the French-Vietminh War and the US involvement

That may be the only culture that could warp a young mind more than the woke education system we have today
Do your homework

He’s 72 and grew up in Vietnam during the French-Vietminh War and the US involvement

That may be the only culture that could warp a young mind more than the woke education system we have today
He might have discovered the Dance Hall Folks were Cong Sappers & And ARVIN deserters
IN the end there wasn't....but the area has had gang suggesting that assholes like you should wait before you go dancing in the blood of the victims......because you guys just knew it was a trump supporter who did it, you moron........was just common fucking sense....and it turned out, you were wrong......and we don't know why this asian man shot these other dumb ass...

I never speculated it was a Trump supporter, but since 35% of Asian Americans supported Trump (Despite his racist rhetoric) there's a good chance he might be.

Actually, my two standards on every mass shooting stands.

1) Everyone in his life knew he was nuts... that certainly seems to be the case, that he was known as a crank in the community.
2) It was too easy for him to get a gun.... duh...

Yeah.....keep lying.....

Indiana mall shooting...
Uh, the guy, the fact you have to go back starting in 2014 find a handful of incidents where a gun nut was able to stop another gun nut (which wouldn't be an issue of there were no guns to start with) shows your weakness.

If you guys claim there are a MILLION DGU's a year... YES A MILLION, then there should have been 2739 DGU's on January 21st, 2023.

I'm guess... you won't find one.

So go ahead, new rule. Every time there is a mass shooting, you have to find 2739 accounts of DGU's for that same day.

Instead of just repeating the same tired ones.
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