Mass shooting 16+ shot 10 killed in Monterey park, Ca

Again, the vast majority of people murdered with guns know their murderer. Guns are a problem because most people just aren't responsible enough to handle them.


This racist screed is laughable, but I'll just address this part.

Yet the disturbing truth, according to the FBI's most recent homicide statistics, is that the United States is in the wake of an epidemic of white-on-white crime. Back in 2011, the most recent year for which data is available, a staggering 83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow Caucasians.

To understand the level of cultural pathology at work here, it's important to understand that 36 percent of those killed by whites are women — a far higher share than you see with black murderers.
lol your beloved wetbacks self-identify as 'whites', and most govt. fraudsters will do that for them to massage their 'data', idiot.
There is no such thing as a gun religion and no such thing as a 'gun nut.'
Oh yes there is. I would say many gun owners keep their head down, but meet the vocal anti common sense gun nut, the rhetoric they spew is repetitive/constant. It's as though they parrot fashion some kind of gun nut 10 commandments.
Oh yes there is. I would say many gun owners keep their head down, but meet the vocal anti common sense gun nut, the rhetoric they spew is repetitive/constant. It's as though they parrot fashion some kind of gun nut 10 commandments.
That's your make believe. I would say you are detached somewhat from reality in this issue. What exactly is the rhetoric to which you object? There is no 'gun nut ten commandments' either.
That's your make believe. I would say you are detached somewhat from reality in this issue. What exactly is the rhetoric to which you object? There is no 'gun nut ten commandments' either.
It's what I've witnessed on the internet, oh, and listening to my relatives in North Carolina.

On my mother's side, my grandmother was one of 13, the youngest moved to America and married a guy in the merchant navy. They've both died, but we keep in touch with their family over there. I know more than you think.
It's what I've witnessed on the internet, oh, and listening to my relatives in North Carolina.
Exactly what have you witnessed on the Internet? Do you actively look for loonies? Why do you smear a whole State? I have relatives there and they are not 'gun nuts'....I think your make believe is getting out of hand.
Anyone else notice the MSM was quick to call this shooting 'white supremacy' and 'Asian hate crime?' Turns out the perp was himself an Asian. Don't look for CNN or any of the MSM to clarify though.
I completely agree with most of what you have said here.
Agreed....PEOPLE are the we need measures in place that actually WORK that separate these PEOPLE from any "right" to possess deadly firepower.
You cannot demonstrate this necessity.
If the answer is simply "nothing." As in "there is nothing we can do" then the next logical step on the flow chart has to be this.....
If PEOPLE are the problem and there is absolutely no way to keep guns out of the wrong PEOPLE's hands....then they cannot be permitted for anyone.
You cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship between these two concepts
But we also live in a nation of complete, blithering idiots.
MILLIONS of them!
People I wouldn't even trust to take out my goddamed garbage!
People who probably shouldn't even be allowed to purchase gardening tools!
People who have difficulty negotiating 4 way stops in traffic.
Do I want these fools carrying around loaded guns in public.
Bad news. If these people have not had their right to keep and bear arms removed through due process, the constitution says they get to.
Don't like it? Amend it.
Until then, the right is there and there's nothing you can do about it.
You cannot demonstrate this necessity.

You cannot demonstrate the necessary relationship between these two concepts

Bad news. If these people have not had their right to keep and bear arms removed through due process, the constitution says they get to.
Don't like it? Amend it.
Until then, the right is there and there's nothing you can do about it.
Notice how 'Mikey' thinks everyone is a 'blithering idiot' but him? That's a real 'tell.'
I grew up with Blacks; most were thugs.
I'm sure they dunked your Yarmulke in the toilet a bunch of times...while you were still wearing it.

lol your own 'data' show over 50% don't know their killer, dumbass. There was nothing racist about anything I said. Facts aren't racist, except to you and your phony ilk. It's all you have, babbling idiot claims and hoping we give a shit about your worthless fraud of an opinion. We don't.

No, that data is for murders that aren't solved, so they don't know what the relationship was.

The majority where the killer IS know, it's someone the victim knew, too.

3-year olds are not exempt from war

Toddlers may not remember but that doesnt mean it didnt have an impact on them. And then there was the next 20 years

Despite his name, I'm not sure he actually WAS Vietnamese. His ex-wife said he was from China.

The answer that would be best is that Uncle tran realizes that the civilian population is just as armed as he is or could be, and if he decides to go stupid, then the civilian population will very much oblige his stupidity with equal force before the second blink of his eye takes place. Civilian's are the first line of defense against a perp whether he is armed with a bat, knife, box truck, pipe bomb, pistol, rifle, fire, trap etc. The police usually get there in time to pull the crime tape, and do the paperwork.

Despite all you wank fantasies, that almost never happens. We have more guns than people in this country, and mass shooters are almost never stopped by a civilian with a gun... and on the few occassions where that does happen, it's after he's already taken a bunch of lives.
Anyone else notice the MSM was quick to call this shooting 'white supremacy' and 'Asian hate crime?' Turns out the perp was himself an Asian. Don't look for CNN or any of the MSM to clarify though.

No, I didn't see anyone in the media say that at all.

Perhaps you can point out where they did.
Now a 67 year old Ornamental ( Asian ) has killed 7 People at Pot Farms in Half Moon Bay Ca. Another When Senior Slopes Attack Incident ?

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