Mass Shooting in Boise....Madness.

Only partially correct.Blacks helped elect Eisenhower.Blacks like MLK
in the 50's voted mostly Republican.They also acted different.Much different than
today.Most Blacks in the 50's wouldn't be seen in pubic w/o dressing in their sunday
best.They acted polite and behaved in like fashion.
Todays Blacks know they can virtually get away with many defiant acts of
troublemaking.As if BLM isn't proof in the pudding.
Maxine Waters as prime example.BTW ... I am not in the slighest a Racist.
I had 2 hero's in High school.Marlon Brando and Bill Cosby.
Cosby had a popular TV series - The Bill Cosby Show - { 1969-1971 }
As a High school Gym teacher from California.Chet Kincaid was popular
among the student body for his open door policy of helping any student with
problems { mostly personal in nature }. He used common sense and his brand
of humor to get kids to understand how to cope.He was very observant and
his efforts usually worked like a charm.As a stand-up comic he refused to
lower his standards by cussing on stage.Like the wildly popular Richard Pryor
who popularized the abuse of the " f " word.
Are white people still dressing in 1950's clothes and behaving the same? If not why didn't you point them out?
^^ another deranged leftwing lunatic that can’t refute what I say.

So feel free to explain how single motherhood has done wonders for the black community.
What stupid point are you bloviating about now?

Few details so far.

Pure madness...
Stupid people. The damn church is at fault. They make people to think God is made of cloth, only allowing it to be seen. Church people are content with the big bang lie. Set in Genisis 1:17 is not known to them., Satan blinds them. People as a result go bang with a gun, piercing people like Jesus was pieced. What church leader has ever said that behind a pulpit? I dare say none. The church speaks soft words to bring people in. People bring money into a den of theives.
Okay, I said the shooter would be a Muslim, a black, or a disgruntled older white guy who got fired.

Wrong again ---- turns out it was a 27-year-old white male. I forgot one of the most common categories, the schizies. Very common in young men, and a common precursor of mass killings. Remember, we are told by the leftists, mentally ill people are very gentle and never hurt anyone -------------
No one? Come on kid, that is way pass stupid.
Show me then. In our entire population, there probably is someone, politician or someone fighting for those deaths. But my POINT again, that seems to be ignored by most everyone, is that we have a huge disparity between gun deaths, and the OTHER preventable deaths that I have given statistics for and yet those deaths don't have the attention, political backing or the social narrative that "gun violence" has. Please tell me why?
No one? Come on kid, that is way pass stupid.
Spoken like Sauerkraut ballbuster German Director ... Otto Preminger.
Probably The Most Uppity Movie Director of all time.
Just ask another uppity actor ... from - Carmen Jones - { 1954 } playing Joe.
He's still with us. Harry Belefonte.
Who not long ago suggested to Al Sharpton that Right-wingers may need to
be rounded-up and arrested.I'm looking for the quote.
Are white people still dressing in 1950's clothes and behaving the same? If not why didn't you point them out?
Because No One { let alone group } is behaving as those from the Disney
50's ... especially even Disney.
Dear Sherlock.

Few details so far.

Pure madness...


In the redacted report, Idaho State Police Trooper James Love wrote that on April 2, 2021, Jacob J. Bergquist entered the statehouse with a holstered handgun on his hip, admitted he had a felony conviction in Illinois, and told the receptionist for Gov. Brad Little that he wanted to interview the governor about his thoughts on persons convicted of felonies being able to carry guns. According to the report, Bergquist also said he was "trying to get the word out to others that they too could carry in Idaho."

The trooper said he asked Bergquist why he was armed if he was a felon, and that Bergquist replied by saying he could under Idaho code 18-310, and that the trooper should check it out.
The ISP trooper referred information from the investigation to the Ada County Prosecutor's Office, and asked that the office investigate potential charges for violation of Idaho Code sections 18-3316 (unlawful possession of a firearm) and 18-310.
Bergquist was not charged in connection with the statehouse incident.

A lot of these shooters look a little nutts.
Show me then. In our entire population, there probably is someone, politician or someone fighting for those deaths. But my POINT again, that seems to be ignored by most everyone, is that we have a huge disparity between gun deaths, and the OTHER preventable deaths that I have given statistics for and yet those deaths don't have the attention, political backing or the social narrative that "gun violence" has. Please tell me why?
Because we do nothing to prevent more gun deaths.

Drugs? Illegal and restricted use

Automobiles? All sorts of safety mandates and restrictions during use.

alcohol? Restrictions on purchase and use.

Guns? Everywhere with no restrictions. Funny how an out of touch supreme courts ignores 217 years of prescient with the Heller decision.
They do not need to stay in poverty; if they do, it is likely their choices that keep them there.
So you think the reason people are poor is because they consciously make the decision to be poor? Do you have any idea what is needed to climb out of poverty or do you think that the reason people are poor is because they're lazy?
Do you have any idea what is needed to climb out of poverty or do you think that the reason people are poor is because they're lazy?

Just being lazy alone won't make you poor. It also requires a fair amount of stupidity, low emotional IQ, and bad decision making skills.

A lot of things have to come together to make someone chronically poor.
Just being lazy alone won't make you poor. It also requires a fair amount of stupidity, low emotional IQ, and bad decision making skills.

A lot of things have to come together to make someone chronically poor.
Wow, I usually value your opinions but this one is just stupid.

How much easier is it to accomplish something if you have access to capital even if it weren't a tremendous amount? Would could having access to money buy you that would help you climb out of a dire situation you were born into?

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