Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

French Police Identify Gunmen in Magazine Massacre

Hassen Chalghoumi, imam of the Drancy mosque in Paris's Seine-Saint-Denis northern suburb, said, "I am extremely angry. These are criminals, barbarians. They have sold their soul to hell. This is not freedom. This is not Islam and I hope the French will come out united at the end of this."

Chalghoumi, who also went to the site of the attack, said of the gunmen: “We must be firm with them, because they want terror, they want racism, they want to pit people against each other.”

Yeah yeah yeah. There are are now 50,000 Frenchmen now protesting this attack by Muslims on their freedom. How many Muslims do you think are in that crowd. One? Two? LOL.

Fake quote.

You know what Muslims do with gays, right?
French Police Identify Gunmen in Magazine Massacre

Hassen Chalghoumi, imam of the Drancy mosque in Paris's Seine-Saint-Denis northern suburb, said, "I am extremely angry. These are criminals, barbarians. They have sold their soul to hell. This is not freedom. This is not Islam and I hope the French will come out united at the end of this."

Chalghoumi, who also went to the site of the attack, said of the gunmen: “We must be firm with them, because they want terror, they want racism, they want to pit people against each other.”

Yeah yeah yeah. There are are now 50,000 Frenchmen now protesting this attack by Muslims on their freedom. How many Muslims do you think are in that crowd. One? Two? LOL.
most would stay home for fear of being attacked. mobs suck
The French should grow a set of nuts and get rid of these bastards
Hassen Chalghoumi, imam of the Drancy mosque in Paris's Seine-Saint-Denis northern suburb, said, "I am extremely angry. These are criminals, barbarians. They have sold their soul to hell. This is not freedom. This is not Islam and I hope the French will come out united at the end of this.
Hassen Chalghoumi is derogatory referred to by French muslims as the "Imam of the Jews" for his pro Israel stance and stanch support of the government.

So I seriously doubt many French muslims will pay attention to his rant. ...... :cool:
Now....are those who want gun control happy with what happened as far as guns go?

I mean....not one French citizen used a gun for self defense today........right? Gun control worked today in France....Right? They don't let the average French citizen walk around with pistols....let alone gun control is a complete success....right?

I know, I know.....let's look past the fact these 3 guys not only got illegal guns in a gun control country......but they were apparently military grade Russian rifles....and also, if reports are accurate, a rocket propelled grenade? so....all together a successful day for supporters of gun control....congratulations on your win today....

Not one law abiding, peaceful, innocent French citizen had a gun on their person today....put one in the win column.....
Presumably your point is that no one gets murdered in states will liberal gun ownership laws. point is that France has strict gun control laws....right? They always throw Europe at us as gun control paradise....right? That tell us we don't know what we are talking about when we tell them, if you make guns illegal, the criminals will still get them when they want or need them.......and only law abiding citizens won't have guns......and then the law abiding citizens won't be able to defend themselves against criminals who get guns, knives, clubs, or attack in groups......because a gun would make it possible for the weak, the old, the injured, the out numbered, and the handicapped to actually defend themselves against those very criminals....

And here we have strictly gun controlled France..........and 3 guys on the watch list by the French authorities....not only got illegal guns....they got, apparently, illegal military grade Russian Rifles and a rocket propelled strictly gun controlled France....

And the law abiding French citizens....who complied with the theories of the anti gunners to a "T".......were slaughtered in under 5 a country with strict gun control laws.....that those 12 people were promised would make them safer.......and they willingly gave up their right to self defense.....probably happily since it was a left wing magazine....a hard core left wing magazine.....

No, this is not the magazine's responsibility. This is solely the responsibility of mad dog cowards who think a cartoon justifies murder.
The magazine published the cartoon without thinking about the consequences.

And the employees paid for it with their lives. ..... :cool:

Consequences?? The consequences of a cartoon are, at the most, lawsuits or a drop in readers. Not murders.
Sunni man openly supports Muslim terrorists has from day one.

He was cheering and supporting ISIS openly on this board before, with chants of "go team Sunni"

He might even be a sleeper cell or lone wolf wanna be, who knows.
Hassen Chalghoumi, imam of the Drancy mosque in Paris's Seine-Saint-Denis northern suburb, said, "I am extremely angry. These are criminals, barbarians. They have sold their soul to hell. This is not freedom. This is not Islam and I hope the French will come out united at the end of this.
Hassen Chalghoumi is derogatory referred to by French muslims as the "Imam of the Jews" for his pro Israel stance and stanch support of the government.

So I seriously doubt many French muslims will pay attention to his rant. ...... :cool:

Men of peace are always targeted by hatred
No, this is not the magazine's responsibility. This is solely the responsibility of mad dog cowards who think a cartoon justifies murder.
The magazine published the cartoon without thinking about the consequences.

And the employees paid for it with their lives. ..... :cool:

Consequences?? The consequences of a cartoon are, at the most, lawsuits or a drop in readers. Not murders.
Sunni man openly supports Muslim terrorists has from day one.

He was cheering and supporting ISIS openly on this board before, with chants of "go team Sunni"

He might even be a sleeper cell or lone wolf wanna be, who knows.
a sleep maybe but sleeper cell:alirulz:
Now.....moment of honesty that the thread has gone on a while.....

Come on anti gunners......if you had the chance....and could give those 12 people pistols that they could have carried with them that day....and you knew what was going to happen wouldn't give them those pistols....would you?

Right....? And like questions like this that I have posed guys won't answer.....
Hassen Chalghoumi, imam of the Drancy mosque in Paris's Seine-Saint-Denis northern suburb, said, "I am extremely angry. These are criminals, barbarians. They have sold their soul to hell. This is not freedom. This is not Islam and I hope the French will come out united at the end of this.
Hassen Chalghoumi is derogatory referred to by French muslims as the "Imam of the Jews" for his pro Israel stance and stanch support of the government.

So I seriously doubt many French muslims will pay attention to his rant. ...... :cool:
Supporting the terrorists again I see.
Now....are those who want gun control happy with what happened as far as guns go?

I mean....not one French citizen used a gun for self defense today........right? Gun control worked today in France....Right? They don't let the average French citizen walk around with pistols....let alone gun control is a complete success....right?

I know, I know.....let's look past the fact these 3 guys not only got illegal guns in a gun control country......but they were apparently military grade Russian rifles....and also, if reports are accurate, a rocket propelled grenade? so....all together a successful day for supporters of gun control....congratulations on your win today....

Not one law abiding, peaceful, innocent French citizen had a gun on their person today....put one in the win column.....
Presumably your point is that no one gets murdered in states will liberal gun ownership laws. point is that France has strict gun control laws....right? They always throw Europe at us as gun control paradise....right? That tell us we don't know what we are talking about when we tell them, if you make guns illegal, the criminals will still get them when they want or need them.......and only law abiding citizens won't have guns......and then the law abiding citizens won't be able to defend themselves against criminals who get guns, knives, clubs, or attack in groups......because a gun would make it possible for the weak, the old, the injured, the out numbered, and the handicapped to actually defend themselves against those very criminals....

And here we have strictly gun controlled France..........and 3 guys on the watch list by the French authorities....not only got illegal guns....they got, apparently, illegal military grade Russian Rifles and a rocket propelled strictly gun controlled France....

And the law abiding French citizens....who complied with the theories of the anti gunners to a "T".......were slaughtered in under 5 a country with strict gun control laws.....that those 12 people were promised would make them safer.......and they willingly gave up their right to self defense.....probably happily since it was a left wing magazine....a hard core left wing magazine.....

So, it suits your purposes to suggest that a shooting incident in a state with gun control proves that gun control doesn't work however, shootings in a state with liberal ownership laws does not mean that lax gun ownership laws makes that state a more dangerous place.
Got it.
Now.....moment of honesty that the thread has gone on a while.....

Come on anti gunners......if you had the chance....and could give those 12 people pistols that they could have carried with them that day....and you knew what was going to happen wouldn't give them those pistols....would you?

Right....? And like questions like this that I have posed guys won't answer.....
Great point.
Although, if I knew all that I'd probably suggest that they don't go into work that day.
Now....are those who want gun control happy with what happened as far as guns go?

I mean....not one French citizen used a gun for self defense today........right? Gun control worked today in France....Right? They don't let the average French citizen walk around with pistols....let alone gun control is a complete success....right?

I know, I know.....let's look past the fact these 3 guys not only got illegal guns in a gun control country......but they were apparently military grade Russian rifles....and also, if reports are accurate, a rocket propelled grenade? so....all together a successful day for supporters of gun control....congratulations on your win today....

Not one law abiding, peaceful, innocent French citizen had a gun on their person today....put one in the win column.....
Presumably your point is that no one gets murdered in states will liberal gun ownership laws. point is that France has strict gun control laws....right? They always throw Europe at us as gun control paradise....right? That tell us we don't know what we are talking about when we tell them, if you make guns illegal, the criminals will still get them when they want or need them.......and only law abiding citizens won't have guns......and then the law abiding citizens won't be able to defend themselves against criminals who get guns, knives, clubs, or attack in groups......because a gun would make it possible for the weak, the old, the injured, the out numbered, and the handicapped to actually defend themselves against those very criminals....

And here we have strictly gun controlled France..........and 3 guys on the watch list by the French authorities....not only got illegal guns....they got, apparently, illegal military grade Russian Rifles and a rocket propelled strictly gun controlled France....

And the law abiding French citizens....who complied with the theories of the anti gunners to a "T".......were slaughtered in under 5 a country with strict gun control laws.....that those 12 people were promised would make them safer.......and they willingly gave up their right to self defense.....probably happily since it was a left wing magazine....a hard core left wing magazine.....

So, it suits your purposes to suggest that a shooting incident in a state with gun control proves that gun control doesn't work however, shootings in a state with liberal ownership laws does not mean that lax gun ownership laws makes that state a more dangerous place.
Got it.

Well, for one you are the United States, we have more and more Americans owning and carrying guns....and our gun murder rate, gun accident rate....are going down, not up....

How would you explain that....?

There are on average 8-9,000 gun murders each year in the United States, confined to small, multi block areas of inner cities....but there are 1.6 million times a year that a gun is used to stop a violent criminal attack and save lives.......

So......I would prefer to be armed, and not use my gun unless I had to....than to be unarmed facing a violent criminal, armed with an illegal gun, or a knife, a club, or a group of violent criminals, armed or unarmed......

Because in France, Britain, Australia, Germany....they still have rape, robberies, beatings and knifings....the only difference is that those citizens have no option but to accept the rape, the beatings and the knifings....and don't tell me empty hand martial arts....tell that to the victims of much stronger, more aggressive violent young males.....especially women, the elderly, the handicapped the injured and the physically small or weak.....
Now.....moment of honesty that the thread has gone on a while.....

Come on anti gunners......if you had the chance....and could give those 12 people pistols that they could have carried with them that day....and you knew what was going to happen wouldn't give them those pistols....would you?

Right....? And like questions like this that I have posed guys won't answer.....
Great point.
Although, if I knew all that I'd probably suggest that they don't go into work that day.

I agree.....but would you give them the pistols........that is the question....?
Now....are those who want gun control happy with what happened as far as guns go?

I mean....not one French citizen used a gun for self defense today........right? Gun control worked today in France....Right? They don't let the average French citizen walk around with pistols....let alone gun control is a complete success....right?

I know, I know.....let's look past the fact these 3 guys not only got illegal guns in a gun control country......but they were apparently military grade Russian rifles....and also, if reports are accurate, a rocket propelled grenade? so....all together a successful day for supporters of gun control....congratulations on your win today....

Not one law abiding, peaceful, innocent French citizen had a gun on their person today....put one in the win column.....
Presumably your point is that no one gets murdered in states will liberal gun ownership laws. point is that France has strict gun control laws....right? They always throw Europe at us as gun control paradise....right? That tell us we don't know what we are talking about when we tell them, if you make guns illegal, the criminals will still get them when they want or need them.......and only law abiding citizens won't have guns......and then the law abiding citizens won't be able to defend themselves against criminals who get guns, knives, clubs, or attack in groups......because a gun would make it possible for the weak, the old, the injured, the out numbered, and the handicapped to actually defend themselves against those very criminals....

And here we have strictly gun controlled France..........and 3 guys on the watch list by the French authorities....not only got illegal guns....they got, apparently, illegal military grade Russian Rifles and a rocket propelled strictly gun controlled France....

And the law abiding French citizens....who complied with the theories of the anti gunners to a "T".......were slaughtered in under 5 a country with strict gun control laws.....that those 12 people were promised would make them safer.......and they willingly gave up their right to self defense.....probably happily since it was a left wing magazine....a hard core left wing magazine.....

So, it suits your purposes to suggest that a shooting incident in a state with gun control proves that gun control doesn't work however, shootings in a state with liberal ownership laws does not mean that lax gun ownership laws makes that state a more dangerous place.
Got it.

Well, for one you are the United States, we have more and more Americans owning and carrying guns....and our gun murder rate, gun accident going down, not up....

How would you explain that....?

There are on average 8-9,000 gun murders each year in the United States, confined to small, multi block areas of inner cities....but there are 1.6 million times a year that a gun is used to stop a violent criminal attack and save lives.......

So......I would prefer to be armed, and not use my gun unless I had to....than to be unarmed facing a violent criminal, armed with an illegal gun, or a knife, a club, or a group of violent criminals, armed or unarmed......

Because in France, Britain, Australia, Germany....they still have rape, robberies, beatings and knifings....the only difference is that those citizens have no option but to accept the rape, the beatings and the knifings....and don't tell me empty hand martial arts....tell that to the victims of much stronger, more aggressive violent young males.....especially women, the elderly, the handicapped the injured and the physically small or weak.....
I don't care, I'm discussing the logic of your argument.
And there are also countries with strict gun control.......that have far higher gun murder rates than the United States....

How do you explain that.....?
Now.....moment of honesty that the thread has gone on a while.....

Come on anti gunners......if you had the chance....and could give those 12 people pistols that they could have carried with them that day....and you knew what was going to happen wouldn't give them those pistols....would you?

Right....? And like questions like this that I have posed guys won't answer.....
Great point.
Although, if I knew all that I'd probably suggest that they don't go into work that day.

I agree.....but would you give them the pistols........that is the question....?
There are all sorts of things I would do first.
Arming untrained citizens would be my last option.
Remember the premise is that I know what is going to happen.

I fell off my bike the other day...if I'd known that was going to happen I would have put a mattress at the very spot it happened.

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