Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

Just heard on NPR that the three shooters have been arrested.

They said it's unconfirmed, but they did report the arrest.
You would have to be an utter moron, an absolute fool, or a violent extremist to be a Muslim today.

I mean seriously, who the fuck would choose to be associated in any way with a religion that now clearly has this kind of reputation ?

So take your pick, you're stupid, been duped, or you want to conduct jihad on the non-Muslim world.

It's time the rest of the world take back their welcome mats, and stop making excuses for these people !!!
or, and i'm just putting this out there, they believe their faith to be true.
Just another case of workplace violence. Nothing to see here.

I was glad to see the French president not hesitate to call it terrorism. No way Obama would have.

he didn't call it Islamic Terrorism.......until Western leaders can do that, we aren't really fighting them.....

obumble just gave a sympathy speech in which he steadfastly refused to call this attack terrorism. He never mentioned islam at all.

This attitude has been described as malignant apathy.

Fortunately you have the most up to date intelligence at your disposal. Please tell everyone who exactly committed this heinous crime.....don't keep us in suspense.

I will give you three guesses and then tell you the answer.

"Gunmen stormed the offices of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris Wednesday and opened fire, killing at least 12 people in what French authorities are calling the worst terror attack in four decades.The masked gunmen shouted Islamist slogans and exchanged gunfire with police as they fled, and a massive manhunt for the suspects is underway. Follow Yahoo News' live coverage below."

Live 12 killed in shooting at satirical newspaper office in Paris - Yahoo News

I'm not interested in guessing.
Never said it.

You're a lying cocksuck.

yes he did you jackass.

It's funny when you leave out context.

I did not leave out any context. The video is out there and if you want to see more you can.
What's funny is Obama even goes on to say you shouldn't attack Christians and Jews. No wonder Hazlnut can't acknowledge the speech.

He did say you shouldn't attack Christians and Jews.

Are you fucking stupid.

Go fuck yourself up the ass with a chain saw, you low life, mouth breathing, worthless shit stain on humanity.

Spoken with your usual poetic flair.
Suspects Have Been Identified, French Media Reports

Citing unnamed police sources, the French daily Le Monde reportsthat three suspects have been identified.

De sources policières obtenues par “Le Monde”, les trois suspects de l’attaque ont été identifiés Charlie Hebdo vis par une attaque terroriste la r daction d cim e

Le Monde Live (@lemondelive) 7 Jan 15

The newspaper Le Point adds that the police are looking for two brothers, identified only as Saïd and Cherif K., who have been on the radar of the intelligence services, and an 18-year-old accomplice who might have driven the car for the gunmen.

According to Le Point, investigators discovered an ID card for one of the men in the Citroën C3 they abandoned after the attack.

Police sources told Reuters that they are searching for two brothers from the Paris region and a man from the northeastern city of Reims, all French nationals, and that one of the brothers had previously been tried on terrorism charges.

You would have to be an utter moron, an absolute fool, or a violent extremist to be a Muslim today.

I mean seriously, who the fuck would choose to be associated in any way with a religion that now clearly has this kind of reputation ?

So take your pick, you're stupid, been duped, or you want to conduct jihad on the non-Muslim world.

It's time the rest of the world take back their welcome mats, and stop making excuses for these people !!!
or, and i'm just putting this out there, they believe their faith to be true.

So you check the "stupid" box then.
Suspects Have Been Identified, French Media Reports

Citing unnamed police sources, the French daily Le Monde reportsthat three suspects have been identified.

De sources policières obtenues par “Le Monde”, les trois suspects de l’attaque ont été identifiés Charlie Hebdo vis par une attaque terroriste la r daction d cim e

Le Monde Live (@lemondelive) 7 Jan 15

The newspaper Le Point adds that the police are looking for two brothers, identified only as Saïd and Cherif K., who have been on the radar of the intelligence services, and an 18-year-old accomplice who might have driven the car for the gunmen.

According to Le Point, investigators discovered an ID card for one of the men in the Citroën C3 they abandoned after the attack.

Police sources told Reuters that they are searching for two brothers from the Paris region and a man from the northeastern city of Reims, all French nationals, and that one of the brothers had previously been tried on terrorism charges.


French nationals, wonder how they were turned ?
You would have to be an utter moron, an absolute fool, or a violent extremist to be a Muslim today.

I mean seriously, who the fuck would choose to be associated in any way with a religion that now clearly has this kind of reputation ?

So take your pick, you're stupid, been duped, or you want to conduct jihad on the non-Muslim world.

It's time the rest of the world take back their welcome mats, and stop making excuses for these people !!!
or, and i'm just putting this out there, they believe their faith to be true.

So you check the "stupid" box then.
not a muslim. just pointing out that not everyone chooses their faith based upon how others will view them.
You would have to be an utter moron, an absolute fool, or a violent extremist to be a Muslim today.

I mean seriously, who the fuck would choose to be associated in any way with a religion that now clearly has this kind of reputation ?

So take your pick, you're stupid, been duped, or you want to conduct jihad on the non-Muslim world.

It's time the rest of the world take back their welcome mats, and stop making excuses for these people !!!

The sad thing is that this weak President does not have the courage to call the Muslims out by name.

That makes him pretty pathetic.

I wonder if it is because of the yellow streak he has down his back or if it is the result of being raised in a Muslim school? Maybe both.
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I want to make it ABSOLUTELY clear-----that the
white house did not ask me about either Sadaam or Bin Laden-------the white house had enough information on
those two islamo Nazi pigs to know them for what they
were. The lesson that "the west" missed. (btw---
could you define "the west" ) is NEVAH TRUST AN
ISLAMO NAZI PIG It took more than a decade for the
US to stop kissing Adolf Hitler too. No one asked
the right people ---------da jooooos knew. I was not around
back then-------but my grandfather knew -----and he was
functionally illiterate. As to the Taliban and Osama----
I knew. And as for Sadaam Hussein--------I knew.
and as for the ASSADS------I knew. I did not know
about pol pot

Okay, but you miss they point of WHY we threw in with those clowns. We armed Bin Laden because he was willing to fight the Russians. We armed Saddam because he was willing to fight the Iranians. We had a goal, we didn't care who were worked with to get there.
I want to make it ABSOLUTELY clear-----that the
white house did not ask me about either Sadaam or Bin Laden-------the white house had enough information on
those two islamo Nazi pigs to know them for what they
were. The lesson that "the west" missed. (btw---
could you define "the west" ) is NEVAH TRUST AN
ISLAMO NAZI PIG It took more than a decade for the
US to stop kissing Adolf Hitler too. No one asked
the right people ---------da jooooos knew. I was not around
back then-------but my grandfather knew -----and he was
functionally illiterate. As to the Taliban and Osama----
I knew. And as for Sadaam Hussein--------I knew.
and as for the ASSADS------I knew. I did not know
about pol pot

Okay, but you miss they point of WHY we threw in with those clowns. We armed Bin Laden because he was willing to fight the Russians. We armed Saddam because he was willing to fight the Iranians. We had a goal, we didn't care who were worked with to get there.

And at the time the Russians were the worst of the bunch....and Iran was the worst of the bunch....the world doesn't give you good guys to work with all the time.....and it wasn't just bin laden's nuts we were arming in Afghanistan....we again, left them to their own devices and we paid the price....and we are now doing it again because of people like you joe, bitching and moaning about keeping our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and now the nuts are taking guys never learn from the past....we should leave enough troops there for as long as it takes we have in Germany, Japan, Italy, and South Korea....but for some reason you guys don't want us to make sure the nuts don't take over in Iraq and Afghanistan......
Now....are those who want gun control happy with what happened as far as guns go?

I mean....not one French citizen used a gun for self defense today........right? Gun control worked today in France....Right? They don't let the average French citizen walk around with pistols....let alone gun control is a complete success....right?

I know, I know.....let's look past the fact these 3 guys not only got illegal guns in a gun control country......but they were apparently military grade Russian rifles....and also, if reports are accurate, a rocket propelled grenade? so....all together a successful day for supporters of gun control....congratulations on your win today....

Not one law abiding, peaceful, innocent French citizen had a gun on their person today....put one in the win column.....
This was France's worst case of work place violence. ..... :cool:

This was France's wake up call, for letting millions of Islamic savages into their country.

Not sure what the French can about Muslim animals conducting more of what just occurred today, but there will be more anti Islam legislation, and a definite tamping down on visas issued to people from Muslim countries.
French Police Identify Gunmen in Magazine Massacre

Hassen Chalghoumi, imam of the Drancy mosque in Paris's Seine-Saint-Denis northern suburb, said, "I am extremely angry. These are criminals, barbarians. They have sold their soul to hell. This is not freedom. This is not Islam and I hope the French will come out united at the end of this."

Chalghoumi, who also went to the site of the attack, said of the gunmen: “We must be firm with them, because they want terror, they want racism, they want to pit people against each other.”
Now....are those who want gun control happy with what happened as far as guns go?

I mean....not one French citizen used a gun for self defense today........right? Gun control worked today in France....Right? They don't let the average French citizen walk around with pistols....let alone gun control is a complete success....right?

I know, I know.....let's look past the fact these 3 guys not only got illegal guns in a gun control country......but they were apparently military grade Russian rifles....and also, if reports are accurate, a rocket propelled grenade? so....all together a successful day for supporters of gun control....congratulations on your win today....

Not one law abiding, peaceful, innocent French citizen had a gun on their person today....put one in the win column.....
Presumably your point is that no one gets murdered in states with liberal gun ownership laws.
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The suspects took off to the northeast "suburbs" according to one article I read.

Yea, that's the African/Algerian area but no one wants to say it.
obumble just gave a sympathy speech in which he steadfastly refused to call this attack terrorism. He never mentioned islam at all.

This attitude has been described as malignant apathy.

Fortunately you have the most up to date intelligence at your disposal. Please tell everyone who exactly committed this heinous crime.....don't keep us in suspense.

Gunmen storming a magazine that published anti Islam cartoons yelling "Allah Akbar" while mowing down all the staff.

You're right, lets not assume this had anything to do with Islam or Muslims. Let's wait and see. Maybe it's a Danish splinter group protesting the bad weather.

Maybe you should continue with pointless speculation pending the disclosure of more information.

The shooters yelling Allah Akbar wasn't speculation. They asked for the cartoonists by name before they started shooting.

Uh-huh, conclusive evidence of what? You don't quite seem to understand my point. There is always a lot of speculation every time some lone nut job kills in the name of Allah, there's a tendency to imply that every act like that can be described as a terrorist attack. Well now you've seen what a real terrorist attack looks like. I'll speculate this far.....the attackers were trained professionals, graduates of an advanced infantry course some where......they moved like real soldiers.

Sure they did. They could French Muslim citizens who went a raid and fought for an Islamic terrorist group like ISIS and they came back to conduct this mission. Or they could be a group of lone wolf radicals doing a hit job that looked like a bank robbery. They initially got the office of the magazine wrong, that's a mistake amateurs make. One thing for sure, they're Muslims trying to avenge their religion being insulted, the way their religion dictates.

You must be a rocket scientist.

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