Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

The suspects took off to the northeast "suburbs" according to one article I read.

Yea, that's the African/Algerian area but no one wants to say it.
obumble just gave a sympathy speech in which he steadfastly refused to call this attack terrorism. He never mentioned islam at all.

This attitude has been described as malignant apathy.

Fortunately you have the most up to date intelligence at your disposal. Please tell everyone who exactly committed this heinous crime.....don't keep us in suspense.

Gunmen storming a magazine that published anti Islam cartoons yelling "Allah Akbar" while mowing down all the staff.

You're right, lets not assume this had anything to do with Islam or Muslims. Let's wait and see. Maybe it's a Danish splinter group protesting the bad weather.

Maybe you should continue with pointless speculation pending the disclosure of more information.
Exactly how far have we dumbed down?

Not as far as your avatar.
Gotta agree. Al Sharpton is one of the stupidest people in the world, but I've little doubt you come pretty damned close.
The suspects took off to the northeast "suburbs" according to one article I read.

Yea, that's the African/Algerian area but no one wants to say it.
Fortunately you have the most up to date intelligence at your disposal. Please tell everyone who exactly committed this heinous crime.....don't keep us in suspense.

Gunmen storming a magazine that published anti Islam cartoons yelling "Allah Akbar" while mowing down all the staff.

You're right, lets not assume this had anything to do with Islam or Muslims. Let's wait and see. Maybe it's a Danish splinter group protesting the bad weather.

Maybe you should continue with pointless speculation pending the disclosure of more information.
Exactly how far have we dumbed down?

Not as far as your avatar.
Gotta agree. Al Sharpton is one of the stupidest people in the world, but I've little doubt you come pretty damned close.

Who? I thought that was a picture of a cherished family member.
A thread has not been started so now there has. Does this reflect the attitudes of the religion or merely some 'extremist' who misunderstood the message of peace? Will Islamic leaders make a statement about the attack? Should they? Do they need to?

I am in the middle of studies but will make another post when I get the chance.
The American Taliban (tea party) is doing the same thing there.



Angry rabid animals who don't like to be ridiculed. - Tea Party.

This is a direct accusation on a group of people, and I am using WORDS to counter WORDS, not AK's to counter pictures.

There is nothing wrong with anger at assholes like you, its when anger turns to violence that there is a problem.

And of course, as always, go fuck yourself.

You can't expect a programmed progressive hack like Hazlnut to be honest in any way.

All he can do is execute his pre-programmed responses in times of crisis like this when his pals the Islamists are shown for the barbarians they are. He must automatically attack rightwing Americans, until he receives further instruction on how to handle this delicate situation.
Gunmen storming a magazine that published anti Islam cartoons yelling "Allah Akbar" while mowing down all the staff.

You're right, lets not assume this had anything to do with Islam or Muslims. Let's wait and see. Maybe it's a Danish splinter group protesting the bad weather.

Maybe you should continue with pointless speculation pending the disclosure of more information.
Exactly how far have we dumbed down?

Not as far as your avatar.
Gotta agree. Al Sharpton is one of the stupidest people in the world, but I've little doubt you come pretty damned close.

Who? I thought that was a picture of a cherished family member.
No. Fortunately my family DNA is far more similar to you avatar, but I am sure some of your relatives are of average intelligence. Bell Curve, law of averages and all that.
Obama: “The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam”

Never said it.

You're a lying cocksuck.

yes he did you jackass.

It's funny when you leave out context.

I did not leave out any context. The video is out there and if you want to see more you can.
What's funny is Obama even goes on to say you shouldn't attack Christians and Jews. No wonder Hazlnut can't acknowledge the speech.
Obama: “The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam”

Never said it.

You're a lying cocksuck.

yes he did you jackass.

It's funny when you leave out context.

I did not leave out any context. The video is out there and if you want to see more you can.
What's funny is Obama even goes on to say you shouldn't attack Christians and Jews. No wonder Hazlnut can't acknowledge the speech.

He did say you shouldn't attack Christians and Jews.

Are you fucking stupid.
Maybe you should continue with pointless speculation pending the disclosure of more information.
Exactly how far have we dumbed down?

Not as far as your avatar.
Gotta agree. Al Sharpton is one of the stupidest people in the world, but I've little doubt you come pretty damned close.

Who? I thought that was a picture of a cherished family member.
No. Fortunately my family DNA is far more similar to you avatar, but I am sure some of your relatives are of average intelligence. Bell Curve, law of averages and all that.

Sounds like the Bell Jar is more appropriate in your case.
Does anyone here know how to say "sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me" in
Arabic? how about this "there is but one 'god' and
muhummad----a guy who cannot be hurt by words or funny
pictures---is his prophet"
'The sand monkey's' pedohille's followers are looking more and more like the "Dear Leader's" followers in N.K.
What is it with these fucking creeps? Not men enough to relate to women their own age?
A thread has not been started so now there has. Does this reflect the attitudes of the religion or merely some 'extremist' who misunderstood the message of peace? Will Islamic leaders make a statement about the attack? Should they? Do they need to?

I am in the middle of studies but will make another post when I get the chance.

There are extremists in all religions, however over and over it's always this one religion where followers act out the scriptures. We do not have religious leaders of other faiths putting together armies that go to war in order to take over the government and rule an entire country.
This religion is NOT like all others and the people of the world must finally once and for all conclude that Islam is the problem and it's growth must be stopped.

Full disclosure, I support the death penalty. For any old fucker who refuses to pay his grazing fees and points a gun at a federal agent coming to collect.
Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.

If you imagine that tens of milions of those billions are not
dancing in the streets------you have a psychotic imagination
The suspects took off to the northeast "suburbs" according to one article I read.

Yea, that's the African/Algerian area but no one wants to say it.
obumble just gave a sympathy speech in which he steadfastly refused to call this attack terrorism. He never mentioned islam at all.

This attitude has been described as malignant apathy.

Fortunately you have the most up to date intelligence at your disposal. Please tell everyone who exactly committed this heinous crime.....don't keep us in suspense.

Gunmen storming a magazine that published anti Islam cartoons yelling "Allah Akbar" while mowing down all the staff.

You're right, lets not assume this had anything to do with Islam or Muslims. Let's wait and see. Maybe it's a Danish splinter group protesting the bad weather.

Maybe you should continue with pointless speculation pending the disclosure of more information.

The shooters yelling Allah Akbar wasn't speculation. They asked for the cartoonists by name before they started shooting.

Uh-huh, conclusive evidence of what? You don't quite seem to understand my point. There is always a lot of speculation every time some lone nut job kills in the name of Allah, there's a tendency to imply that every act like that can be described as a terrorist attack. Well now you've seen what a real terrorist attack looks like. I'll speculate this far.....the attackers were trained professionals, graduates of an advanced infantry course some where......they moved like real soldiers.
Or they were fighting in Syria, or in Iraq with isis......
Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.

If you imagine that tens of milions of those billions are not
dancing in the streets------you have a psychotic imagination
Not so much psychotic as pathological. I am probably more familiar with Joey.

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