Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

And exactly what the administration did.
At least three threads on this so far.

As previously noted, a mass shooting is a shocking occurrence in France but just another day here in the US.
Just another case of workplace violence. Nothing to see here.

I was glad to see the French president not hesitate to call it terrorism. No way Obama would have.

Already has.



Sound familiar????????????????

My point is Obama would not have called it terrorism as quickly, he would have hesitated and only referred to it as terrorism if absolutely necessary.
The magazine is criminally responsible for endangering the lives of their employees by publishing the cartoon. ..... :cool:

So instead of blaming those who actually conducted the murders, you blame the newspaper.

The terrorists should be found and given the max penalty the law allows in France, which I assume is life. The newspaper did, however, knowingly agitate Muslims. I am not saying they deserved what happened, but they are not innocent victims with the exception of the police officer so far as I know at this point. This was an assassination of someone who continued to aggravate and taunt people from the perceived safety of his desk. Real world trolling can have greater consequences than a message board infraction/ban.

Congratulations. You are advocating violence as an acceptable solution to speech someone doesn't like.

"Freedom of Speech unless that speech offends someone" is not freedom of speech.

Never made such a claim, and you are an idiot troll.

You are assigning some of the blame to the victim. in this case that means in some way the response by these killers was somehow justified by the "insult" to their religion.

You couched your claim in "yes, they suck" language, but the rest of your response reads as an apologist's backhanded justification for their criminal acts.
The magazine is criminally responsible for endangering the lives of their employees by publishing the cartoon. ..... :cool:

So instead of blaming those who actually conducted the murders, you blame the newspaper.

The terrorists should be found and given the max penalty the law allows in France, which I assume is life. The newspaper did, however, knowingly agitate Muslims. I am not saying they deserved what happened, but they are not innocent victims with the exception of the police officer so far as I know at this point. This was an assassination of someone who continued to aggravate and taunt people from the perceived safety of his desk. Real world trolling can have greater consequences than a message board infraction/ban.

The moment we allow extremeists to dictate our words, we have lost everything.

So you oppose efforts to stop the publication of gun owners' home addresses, you support publishing the home address of Officer Wilson; you think Nickelodeon should show porn? They are reasonable limits that society places on speech. There is no Santa Clause and there is no freedom of speech.
The magazine is criminally responsible for endangering the lives of their employees by publishing the cartoon. ..... :cool:

So instead of blaming those who actually conducted the murders, you blame the newspaper.

The terrorists should be found and given the max penalty the law allows in France, which I assume is life. The newspaper did, however, knowingly agitate Muslims. I am not saying they deserved what happened, but they are not innocent victims with the exception of the police officer so far as I know at this point. This was an assassination of someone who continued to aggravate and taunt people from the perceived safety of his desk. Real world trolling can have greater consequences than a message board infraction/ban.

The moment we allow extremeists to dictate our words, we have lost everything.

So you oppose efforts to stop the publication of gun owners' home addresses, you support publishing the home address of Officer Wilson; you think Nickelodeon should show porn? They are reasonable limits that society places on speech. There is no Santa Clause and there is no freedom of speech.
You're a fucking moron..How do you survive in the real world?:uhoh3:
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Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.

Yeah we've heard that one before many times.

People know better. Islam is a violent, intolerant barbaric religion created by an illiterate Saudi Arabian terrorist thief.

Islam cannot coexist. The religion should be exterminated from the face of the planet as Nazism was. Make Islam illegal in the West. Do not grant visas or naturalization to anybody that doesn't denounce Islam.
How you can even compare the two, is well, just beyond reason. It tells me you haven't the slightest understanding of the right to privacy is different from freedom of expression.
The magazine is criminally responsible for endangering the lives of their employees by publishing the cartoon. ..... :cool:

So instead of blaming those who actually conducted the murders, you blame the newspaper.

The terrorists should be found and given the max penalty the law allows in France, which I assume is life. The newspaper did, however, knowingly agitate Muslims. I am not saying they deserved what happened, but they are not innocent victims with the exception of the police officer so far as I know at this point. This was an assassination of someone who continued to aggravate and taunt people from the perceived safety of his desk. Real world trolling can have greater consequences than a message board infraction/ban.

The moment we allow extremeists to dictate our words, we have lost everything.

So you oppose efforts to stop the publication of gun owners' home addresses, you support publishing the home address of Officer Wilson; you think Nickelodeon should show porn? They are reasonable limits that society places on speech. There is no Santa Clause and there is no freedom of speech.
Obama was on TV sitting in his chair next to that clown Biden mumbling some vaguely incoherent statements about France being an ally, terrorism etc. Nothing of substance and nothing with any conviction. Very weak.

Now he is going to run off to his fundraising schedule just like he did after Benghazi.

He doesn't have the courage to even mentioned the word Islam or Muslim. I guess that comes from his training as a kid in the Muslim school.

He is absolutely the weakest (in addition to being the most corrupt and incompetent) President this country ever had. Just think of the stupidity of these idiots that voted for him.
Obama was on TV sitting in his chair next to that clown Biden mumbling some vaguely incoherent statements about France being an ally, terrorism etc. Nothing of substance and nothing with any conviction. Very weak.

Now he is going to run off to his fundraising schedule just like he did after Benghazi.

He doesn't have the courage to even mentioned the word Islam or Muslim. I guess that comes from his training as a kid in the Muslim school.

He is absolutely the weakest (in addition to being the most corrupt and incompetent) President this country ever had. Just think of the stupidity of these idiots that voted for him.
you still haven't shown where the whitehouse called it workplace violence. can you do that, or did you make it up?

and i'm curious, what would you like the president to do about the events in france?
I don't blame billion people people. If we're more reasonable, We should blame about 15-20% present of them, as they are the real radicals. that makes them about 200 million people who are danger to western society. ISIS is astimated to be no more than 100,000, give or take. so you do the math, if there is a danger here or not.

No, they are a danger to the Zionist Entity, but honestly, who gives a fuck about them?

Maybe if the West stopped sticking it's dick in the MIddle East Hornet's nest, it would stop getting stung.

The better thing to do would be to not let Muslim Neanderthals like you in.

No Muslims no terror.
At least three threads on this so far.

As previously noted, a mass shooting is a shocking occurrence in France but just another day here in the US.
Just another case of workplace violence. Nothing to see here.

I was glad to see the French president not hesitate to call it terrorism. No way Obama would have.

he didn't call it Islamic Terrorism.......until Western leaders can do that, we aren't really fighting them.....
The magazine is criminally responsible for endangering the lives of their employees by publishing the cartoon. ..... :cool:

So instead of blaming those who actually conducted the murders, you blame the newspaper.

The terrorists should be found and given the max penalty the law allows in France, which I assume is life. The newspaper did, however, knowingly agitate Muslims. I am not saying they deserved what happened, but they are not innocent victims with the exception of the police officer so far as I know at this point. This was an assassination of someone who continued to aggravate and taunt people from the perceived safety of his desk. Real world trolling can have greater consequences than a message board infraction/ban.

Only because their elected officials refuse to deal with the is not their fault....any more than a woman who is raped because she was walking alone....they should not get life, they should be executed...quickly.....and buried with pigs......this stuff is not going to stop until we start actually addressing the psychology of the enemy.....America has ended our half of the war.......we need to stop their half of the war.....
Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.

Yeah we've heard that one before many times.

People know better. Islam is a violent, intolerant barbaric religion created by an illiterate Saudi Arabian terrorist thief.

Islam cannot coexist. The religion should be exterminated from the face of the planet as Nazism was. Make Islam illegal in the West. Do not grant visas or naturalization to anybody that doesn't denounce Islam.
There was a time when I would denounce a statement like this. I do not denounce it now.
Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.

Yeah we've heard that one before many times.

People know better. Islam is a violent, intolerant barbaric religion created by an illiterate Saudi Arabian terrorist thief.

Islam cannot coexist. The religion should be exterminated from the face of the planet as Nazism was. Make Islam illegal in the West. Do not grant visas or naturalization to anybody that doesn't denounce Islam.
There was a time when I would denounce a statement like this. I do not denounce it now.

Its going to keep happening until more and more people like you realize what is happening to their nation and freedoms in the name of tolerance.
Here is Andrew McCarthy....

Don t Blame the Charlie Hebdo Mass Murder on Extremism National Review Online

As night follows day, progressive governments in Europe and the United States are already straining to pretend that this latest atrocity is the wanton work of “violent extremists,” utterly unrelated to Islam. You are to believe, then, that François Hollande, Barack Obama, David Cameron, and their cohort of non-Muslim Islamophiles are better versed in sharia than the Muslim scholars who’ve dedicated their lives to its study and have endorsed such scholarly works as Reliance.

Let me repeat what I have detailed here before: Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State did not make up sharia law. Islam did. We can keep our heads tucked snug in the sand, or we can recognize the source of the problem.

As I detailed in Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy, the literalist construction of sharia that Islamic supremacists seek to enforce is “literal” precisely because it comes from Islamic scripture, not from some purportedly “extremist” fabrication of Islam. Moreover, this “classical sharia” is enthusiastically endorsed in principle by several of the most influential institutions in the Islamic Middle East, which explains why it is routinely put into practice when Islamists are given — or seize — the opportunity to rule over a territory.

Reliance is not some al-Qaeda or Islamic State pamphlet. It is a renowned explication of sharia’s provisions and their undeniable roots in Muslim scripture. In the English translation, before you get to chapter and verse, there are formal endorsements, including one from the International Institute of Islamic Thought — a U.S.-based Muslim Brotherhood think tank begun in the early Eighties (and to which American administrations of both parties have resorted as an exemplar of “moderation”). Perhaps more significantly, there is also an endorsement from the Islamic Research Academy at al Azhar University, the ancient seat of Sunni learning to which President Obama famously turned to co-sponsor his cloyingly deceptive 2009 speech on relations between Islam and the West.

There is something wrong with Islam........they cannot coexist in nations where they live.....if they want to live in peace with others, they had better do something attacking the media, they are turning one of their most powerful protectors against them.....if not for western politicians and media, excusing these attacks as "terrorism" and not muslim terrorism, and when the western journalists insult anyone who points out muslim violence for what it is, then we would already be fighting them for real....without hesitation....without self doubt....

Once we reach that point, muslims will be in real trouble......but......when the President of France still can't say muslim, in front of Terrorism.....we aren't there yet.....

How many dead westerners will it take? Obviously not 3,000 in one go.....or 12 journalists.....
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Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.

Yeah we've heard that one before many times.

People know better. Islam is a violent, intolerant barbaric religion created by an illiterate Saudi Arabian terrorist thief.

Islam cannot coexist. The religion should be exterminated from the face of the planet as Nazism was. Make Islam illegal in the West. Do not grant visas or naturalization to anybody that doesn't denounce Islam.
There was a time when I would denounce a statement like this. I do not denounce it now.

There was a time I would have never called for an end of immigration based on a religion, but this is now a fight for our cultures survival, and the West will die if we do not stand now and demand an end to immigration of Muslims into the West.

And by the way, there's another way westerners can fight these bastards, START HAVING KIDS AGAIN !!!!!!
At least three threads on this so far.

As previously noted, a mass shooting is a shocking occurrence in France but just another day here in the US.
Just another case of workplace violence. Nothing to see here.

I was glad to see the French president not hesitate to call it terrorism. No way Obama would have.

he didn't call it Islamic Terrorism.......until Western leaders can do that, we aren't really fighting them.....

obumble just gave a sympathy speech in which he steadfastly refused to call this attack terrorism. He never mentioned islam at all.

This attitude has been described as malignant apathy.

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