Mass shooting in France at magazine that published Mohammed cartoons

He isn't apathetic.....he sympathizes with the grievances these killers have against the before you lefties go nuts....I am not saying he condones the violence....but he understands why they are committing the violence.....that is just how he thinks..........he was twisted by his mother, by his grandfather and by frank marshal davis.......
At least three threads on this so far.

As previously noted, a mass shooting is a shocking occurrence in France but just another day here in the US.
Just another case of workplace violence. Nothing to see here.

I was glad to see the French president not hesitate to call it terrorism. No way Obama would have.

he didn't call it Islamic Terrorism.......until Western leaders can do that, we aren't really fighting them.....

obumble just gave a sympathy speech in which he steadfastly refused to call this attack terrorism. He never mentioned islam at all.

This attitude has been described as malignant apathy.

Fortunately you have the most up to date intelligence at your disposal. Please tell everyone who exactly committed this heinous crime.....don't keep us in suspense.
The suspects took off to the northeast "suburbs" according to one article I read.

Yea, that's the African/Algerian area but no one wants to say it.
Obama was on TV sitting in his chair next to that clown Biden mumbling some vaguely incoherent statements about France being an ally, terrorism etc. Nothing of substance and nothing with any conviction. Very weak.

Now he is going to run off to his fundraising schedule just like he did after Benghazi.

He doesn't have the courage to even mentioned the word Islam or Muslim. I guess that comes from his training as a kid in the Muslim school.

He is absolutely the weakest (in addition to being the most corrupt and incompetent) President this country ever had. Just think of the stupidity of these idiots that voted for him.
you still haven't shown where the whitehouse called it workplace violence. can you do that, or did you make it up?

and i'm curious, what would you like the president to do about the events in france?

Obama's dumbass press secretary was one of the talking heads on TV this morning and said that. It was around 8:00

After it was clear that it was terrorism then it was changed, around 9:00.

I wonder if Obama is going to blame the Muslim terrorist attack on a video or something? He has done that before. Maybe he will say that it is justified because of the cartoons drawn by the people who were killed.
At least three threads on this so far.

As previously noted, a mass shooting is a shocking occurrence in France but just another day here in the US.
Just another case of workplace violence. Nothing to see here.

I was glad to see the French president not hesitate to call it terrorism. No way Obama would have.

he didn't call it Islamic Terrorism.......until Western leaders can do that, we aren't really fighting them.....

obumble just gave a sympathy speech in which he steadfastly refused to call this attack terrorism. He never mentioned islam at all.

This attitude has been described as malignant apathy.
He isn't apathetic.....he sympathizes with the grievances these killers have against the before you lefties go nuts....I am not saying he condones the violence....but he understands why they are committing the violence.....that is just how he thinks..........he was twisted by his mother, by his grandfather and by frank marshal davis.......

Correct. Obama is a divider not a uniter. His divisiveness isn't limited to the US.
ninj 10491708
libs and terrorism; friends forever.

Obama has killed and wounded more terrorists and their offspring and spouses of terrorists than any president before him. That is not a friend of terrorism or a friend of terrorists. Good for him. I'm surprised you are not aware of it or you think Obama is not a lib? Which is it?
Obama was on TV sitting in his chair next to that clown Biden mumbling some vaguely incoherent statements about France being an ally, terrorism etc. Nothing of substance and nothing with any conviction. Very weak.

Now he is going to run off to his fundraising schedule just like he did after Benghazi.

He doesn't have the courage to even mentioned the word Islam or Muslim. I guess that comes from his training as a kid in the Muslim school.

He is absolutely the weakest (in addition to being the most corrupt and incompetent) President this country ever had. Just think of the stupidity of these idiots that voted for him.
you still haven't shown where the whitehouse called it workplace violence. can you do that, or did you make it up?

and i'm curious, what would you like the president to do about the events in france?

Obama's dumbass press secretary was one of the talking heads on TV this morning and said that. It was around 8:00

After it was clear that it was terrorism then it was changed, around 9:00.

I wonder if Obama is going to blame the Muslim terrorist attack on a video or something? He has done that before. Maybe he will say that it is justified because of the cartoons drawn by the people who were killed.
if it was said, why are you the only source?
still curious about what you want the president of the united states to do about a crime committed in france?
The suspects took off to the northeast "suburbs" according to one article I read.

Yea, that's the African/Algerian area but no one wants to say it.
At least three threads on this so far.

As previously noted, a mass shooting is a shocking occurrence in France but just another day here in the US.
Just another case of workplace violence. Nothing to see here.

I was glad to see the French president not hesitate to call it terrorism. No way Obama would have.

he didn't call it Islamic Terrorism.......until Western leaders can do that, we aren't really fighting them.....

obumble just gave a sympathy speech in which he steadfastly refused to call this attack terrorism. He never mentioned islam at all.

This attitude has been described as malignant apathy.

Fortunately you have the most up to date intelligence at your disposal. Please tell everyone who exactly committed this heinous crime.....don't keep us in suspense.

Gunmen storming a magazine that published anti Islam cartoons yelling "Allah Akbar" while mowing down all the staff.

You're right, lets not assume this had anything to do with Islam or Muslims. Let's wait and see. Maybe it's a Danish splinter group protesting the bad weather.
ninj 10491708
libs and terrorism; friends forever.

Obama has killed and wounded more terrorists and their offspring and spouses of terrorists than any president before him. That is not a friend of terrorism or a friend of terrorists. Good for him. I'm surprised you are not aware of it or you think Obama is not a lib? Which is it?

For every terrorist Oblahblah has killed he's created thousands, if not entirely new Islamic terrorist groups.
The suspects took off to the northeast "suburbs" according to one article I read.

Yea, that's the African/Algerian area but no one wants to say it.
Just another case of workplace violence. Nothing to see here.

I was glad to see the French president not hesitate to call it terrorism. No way Obama would have.

he didn't call it Islamic Terrorism.......until Western leaders can do that, we aren't really fighting them.....

obumble just gave a sympathy speech in which he steadfastly refused to call this attack terrorism. He never mentioned islam at all.

This attitude has been described as malignant apathy.

Fortunately you have the most up to date intelligence at your disposal. Please tell everyone who exactly committed this heinous crime.....don't keep us in suspense.

Gunmen storming a magazine that published anti Islam cartoons yelling "Allah Akbar" while mowing down all the staff.

You're right, lets not assume this had anything to do with Islam or Muslims. Let's wait and see. Maybe it's a Danish splinter group protesting the bad weather.

Maybe you should continue with pointless speculation pending the disclosure of more information.
ninj 10491708
libs and terrorism; friends forever.

Obama has killed and wounded more terrorists and their offspring and spouses of terrorists than any president before him. That is not a friend of terrorism or a friend of terrorists. Good for him. I'm surprised you are not aware of it or you think Obama is not a lib? Which is it?

Obama lets the military and other agencies carry out their missions because he doesn't have the political power to stop them. If he did he would find himself alienated and removed from office in the blink of an eye. He does not consider Islamists his enemy, hell, his father was Muslim. But he values his political career more.
The suspects took off to the northeast "suburbs" according to one article I read.

Yea, that's the African/Algerian area but no one wants to say it.
I was glad to see the French president not hesitate to call it terrorism. No way Obama would have.

he didn't call it Islamic Terrorism.......until Western leaders can do that, we aren't really fighting them.....

obumble just gave a sympathy speech in which he steadfastly refused to call this attack terrorism. He never mentioned islam at all.

This attitude has been described as malignant apathy.

Fortunately you have the most up to date intelligence at your disposal. Please tell everyone who exactly committed this heinous crime.....don't keep us in suspense.

Gunmen storming a magazine that published anti Islam cartoons yelling "Allah Akbar" while mowing down all the staff.

You're right, lets not assume this had anything to do with Islam or Muslims. Let's wait and see. Maybe it's a Danish splinter group protesting the bad weather.

Maybe you should continue with pointless speculation pending the disclosure of more information.

The shooters yelling Allah Akbar wasn't speculation. They asked for the cartoonists by name before they started shooting.
The suspects took off to the northeast "suburbs" according to one article I read.

Yea, that's the African/Algerian area but no one wants to say it.
I was glad to see the French president not hesitate to call it terrorism. No way Obama would have.

he didn't call it Islamic Terrorism.......until Western leaders can do that, we aren't really fighting them.....

obumble just gave a sympathy speech in which he steadfastly refused to call this attack terrorism. He never mentioned islam at all.

This attitude has been described as malignant apathy.

Fortunately you have the most up to date intelligence at your disposal. Please tell everyone who exactly committed this heinous crime.....don't keep us in suspense.

Gunmen storming a magazine that published anti Islam cartoons yelling "Allah Akbar" while mowing down all the staff.

You're right, lets not assume this had anything to do with Islam or Muslims. Let's wait and see. Maybe it's a Danish splinter group protesting the bad weather.

Maybe you should continue with pointless speculation pending the disclosure of more information.
Exactly how far have we dumbed down?
Maybe not, but their government is taking obvious side, and it's the wrong one. Multiple terror attacks in France, but they still dig their hands in the sand, calling those doing it "disturbed" and "crazy" instead of realizing they are in war, and on the losing side.

Again, trying to blame 1 billion people for the actions of a few nuts is, well, nutty.

Yeah we've heard that one before many times.

People know better. Islam is a violent, intolerant barbaric religion created by an illiterate Saudi Arabian terrorist thief.

Islam cannot coexist. The religion should be exterminated from the face of the planet as Nazism was. Make Islam illegal in the West. Do not grant visas or naturalization to anybody that doesn't denounce Islam.

Agreed. Islam is the single greatest threat to humankind since Nazism. The libs who use the excuse that only a "few" zealots in Islam commit the acts of violence, should remember that the same was true for Nazism. Most members of the Nazi party were "normal" people who just had a set of beliefs, but didn't act on them themselves. But they did enable the few to take action, and carry out the Agenda. Islam has its Agenda, and any Muslim who isn't an active terrorist at least supports them, makes excuses for them, and enables them.
The suspects took off to the northeast "suburbs" according to one article I read.

Yea, that's the African/Algerian area but no one wants to say it.
he didn't call it Islamic Terrorism.......until Western leaders can do that, we aren't really fighting them.....

obumble just gave a sympathy speech in which he steadfastly refused to call this attack terrorism. He never mentioned islam at all.

This attitude has been described as malignant apathy.

Fortunately you have the most up to date intelligence at your disposal. Please tell everyone who exactly committed this heinous crime.....don't keep us in suspense.

Gunmen storming a magazine that published anti Islam cartoons yelling "Allah Akbar" while mowing down all the staff.

You're right, lets not assume this had anything to do with Islam or Muslims. Let's wait and see. Maybe it's a Danish splinter group protesting the bad weather.

Maybe you should continue with pointless speculation pending the disclosure of more information.

The shooters yelling Allah Akbar wasn't speculation. They asked for the cartoonists by name before they started shooting.

Uh-huh, conclusive evidence of what? You don't quite seem to understand my point. There is always a lot of speculation every time some lone nut job kills in the name of Allah, there's a tendency to imply that every act like that can be described as a terrorist attack. Well now you've seen what a real terrorist attack looks like. I'll speculate this far.....the attackers were trained professionals, graduates of an advanced infantry course some where......they moved like real soldiers.
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The suspects took off to the northeast "suburbs" according to one article I read.

Yea, that's the African/Algerian area but no one wants to say it.
he didn't call it Islamic Terrorism.......until Western leaders can do that, we aren't really fighting them.....

obumble just gave a sympathy speech in which he steadfastly refused to call this attack terrorism. He never mentioned islam at all.

This attitude has been described as malignant apathy.

Fortunately you have the most up to date intelligence at your disposal. Please tell everyone who exactly committed this heinous crime.....don't keep us in suspense.

Gunmen storming a magazine that published anti Islam cartoons yelling "Allah Akbar" while mowing down all the staff.

You're right, lets not assume this had anything to do with Islam or Muslims. Let's wait and see. Maybe it's a Danish splinter group protesting the bad weather.

Maybe you should continue with pointless speculation pending the disclosure of more information.
Exactly how far have we dumbed down?

Not as far as your avatar.

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