Mass Shooting in Orange, CA with 1 Child and 3 Adults Dead

Hey! I know! We should all buy more guns!
Nah, just let people live their lives, keep their rights, and hold criminals accountable for the evil they do. It's a winning plan. Those who seem obsessed with gun crime and the idea that the only solution is to remove the guns are going to have some serious cognitive dissonance if DC actually tries to confiscate them. There will be mass violence that will dwarf even the madness in Chiraq.
The thing is, I bet the Left will suddenly think all those extra deaths will be "worth it" to stop shootings. You really can't make this stuff up.
You're wrong.
Gun grabbers are tragically uninformed
Yep... and they are also an entitled bunch. They actually believe they have a corporate right to take the property of others and even their liberty or their life if they resist. Fortunately for those of us who will fight for 2A, most of those who talk the biggest game about gun control are also the ones who'd NEVER attempt to do that dirty work themselves. Nah, they just want cops or soldiers to provide them with entertainment while Americans who demand respect for our Constitutional rights get imprisoned or killed. I'll make all of them a sweet deal. Leave me and my rights alone and I'll do the same for you.
Strange that not a single mass shooting incident has been stopped by an armed civilian.
Not a single one?

what you mean is that the lying anti gun lib news media failed to keep you informed

Texas church shooting: Resident shot back and pursued gunman
You're right--it was the next door neighbor, wasn't it? I forgot about that one. He didn't stop the shooting, though, did he? Iirc, the shooter came running out of the church, he'd already done his damndest and was leaving, wasn't he, which is when the neighbor shot at him. But minor detail.

The best example of how useless guns are at defending against a mass shooter is the 2017 Vegas Route 91 Harvest Fest Shooting where one thug fired about 1,500 bullets, killed or injured 925 gun loving, gun toting country music fans. None of them, nor the massive armed police presence, nor armed security guards stopped the shooting. The shooter Stephen Paddock got tired of shooting the fools & suicide shot himself.

America has shown it prefers easy access to firearms to school kids' lives. I don't know what you think there is to disagree with about that.
Multiple victims found at the scene of a deadly shooting in Orange, California, police say

(CNN) — Four people, including a child, were killed in a mass shooting at an office complex in Orange, California, on Wednesday night, a police official said.

“Tonight around 5:30 pm officers arrived to a call of shots fired at the area of 202 W. Lincoln,” Lt. Jennifer Amat said, adding that officers encountered gunshots that were being fired at the scene.

An officer-involved shooting occurred and a suspect was transported to the hospital, Amat said. The department did not give any other information about the suspect or about the four victims.

Oh this is just terrible. The child was under 10 years old.
High possibility of the childs sperm donor being the culprit....we shall see though....
Hey! I know! We should all buy more guns!

Not everyone. Just those who wish to defend themselves.
Strange that not a single mass shooting incident has been stopped by an armed civilian. Not at the grocery store, the massage parlor, the nightclubs, the movies, the concerts, WalMart, walking down the street of their village, picking up their luggage...nowhere. Not One person armed to defend themself prevented themselves or others from being murdered during one of these murder fests.

Your argument doesn't work with mass shootings, and those are the ones we most fear because they are just people minding their business, doing nothing risky or unusual, being murdered by a stranger for no reason and without warning. Forget the kids in school who have been sitting ducks at Columbine, at Sandy Hook, and at Parkland.

At some point, these type of shootings will be the ones that trigger actual control of guns. Not because they are statistically the most deadly, but because they are the most terrifying to all of us.
Thats not true sweetheart--------take for instance the church shooting in Texas---------Armed neighbor stopped the carnage.

In florida, lots of armed elderly able to stop criminals.
Criminals mostly look for 1) proximity when choosing victims and the 2) ease of crime/opportunity in choosing victims. AN armed population means harder targets----more chance to criminals so they are less likely to choose a victim that they think is armed.
Yeah yeah. Next you'll say an armed society is a polite society as you exchange school kids for easy access to firearms.
Why does this bother you when major cities log shooting death counts like this every day? I guess as long as the murders are 'civilized' and one-on-one and not *gasp* :omg: a "mass murder", everything is cool.

What a stupid, twisted accusation. Its no wonder Trump lost the election.

Mike is right and you are confused.

The great majority of the shooting in this country are in Democrat controlled big city shitholes among minority street thugs, druggies and gang bangers and you Libtards don't give a shit. You still keep electing the Democrats that won't do a damn thing about it.
Hey! I know! We should all buy more guns!

Not everyone. Just those who wish to defend themselves.
Strange that not a single mass shooting incident has been stopped by an armed civilian. Not at the grocery store, the massage parlor, the nightclubs, the movies, the concerts, WalMart, walking down the street of their village, picking up their luggage...nowhere. Not One person armed to defend themself prevented themselves or others from being murdered during one of these murder fests.

Your argument doesn't work with mass shootings, and those are the ones we most fear because they are just people minding their business, doing nothing risky or unusual, being murdered by a stranger for no reason and without warning. Forget the kids in school who have been sitting ducks at Columbine, at Sandy Hook, and at Parkland.

At some point, these type of shootings will be the ones that trigger actual control of guns. Not because they are statistically the most deadly, but because they are the most terrifying to all of us.

The thing is a very small percentage of the public actually legally carry concealed firearms. So your point is moot.

And is it your assertion that all people who get murdered outside of mass shootings are engaging in risky behavior?

And the thing is you have less of a chance of being murdered in a mass shooting than you do getting murdered in any of a thousand other ways so your fear of being killed in a mass shooting is irrational.

And your fears are yours and I for one will not allow my life to be ruled by your fears
Hey! I know! We should all buy more guns!

Not everyone. Just those who wish to defend themselves.
Strange that not a single mass shooting incident has been stopped by an armed civilian. Not at the grocery store, the massage parlor, the nightclubs, the movies, the concerts, WalMart, walking down the street of their village, picking up their luggage...nowhere. Not One person armed to defend themself prevented themselves or others from being murdered during one of these murder fests.

Your argument doesn't work with mass shootings, and those are the ones we most fear because they are just people minding their business, doing nothing risky or unusual, being murdered by a stranger for no reason and without warning. Forget the kids in school who have been sitting ducks at Columbine, at Sandy Hook, and at Parkland.

At some point, these type of shootings will be the ones that trigger actual control of guns. Not because they are statistically the most deadly, but because they are the most terrifying to all of us.

Actually, there are many that are stopped. The media refuses to print those stories however.

One they couldn't cover up was the neighbor in Texas that engaged a church mass shooter with an AR15.

The cases are out there, but the media does its best to bury them.

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