Mass shooting in Santa Clarita, CA.

50 people getting shot up and killed is the same as one.

It's not a numbers game, it's not statistics

No its not. 50 people being killed at one time is exponentially more damaging to society than 1 person being killed. Thats why people say thank god there werent more people killed. No one says I wish more people would have died.

Not sure what your meme has to do with what I said.

You claim that the death of 50 people at one time, in a singular, rare occurrence, is more important than all these folks being murdered by criminals. Impressive!
Probably not. Most shooters are white military or law enforcement rejects that use the AR's
30 blacks will be shot this weekend in Chicago alone by blacks lol
90% of all daily gun violence is black males.
That has nothing to do with the fact that 99% of school shooters are white males with tiny dicks.

And your afraid of white males with guns , because you might get killed robbing them..

Say the truth numb nuts
Our homicide rate is 4-5x higher than countries with strong gun control. Everyone is getting shot more. It’s sad so many white males are so scared.
Over 90% of daily gun violence are black males .. not sure how whites equate lol
Wow, those California gun laws sure make a difference, eh?

Another reason for comprehensive gun controls.
California already has universal background checks
And if you can't pass it, you can't buy one. I don't have that problem. Do you?
So what background check did a 15 (today 16) year old kid do to buy a gun?
Not a clue. Who am I, the Shell answer man?
No you're the dodge the question man
You said "if you can't pass it, you can't buy one. I don't have that problem. Do you?" I thought you would be able to tell me what background check he passed to buy a gun since you said "if you can't pass it you can't buy it."
Wow, those California gun laws sure make a difference, eh?

Another reason for comprehensive gun controls.
California already has universal background checks
And if you can't pass it, you can't buy one. I don't have that problem. Do you?
So what background check did a 15 (today 16) year old kid do to buy a gun?
The question wasn't that hard especially since you are so certain that "if you can't pass it, you can't buy one. "
Why or why not?
“But, but, but...AR-15’s!”

Damn son

how many threads are you going to make about the same tragedy?

Have you not squeezed enough points on an Internet forum out of these dead kids?

You do not have a fuck to give about two dead kids....but you sure do have many to give about getting your digs in while the blood on the ground is still damp.

Grab your balls kid..,there are no rules of engagement...New times son.

Translated...I am no different than the people I rant about and hate.
Probably not. Most shooters are white military or law enforcement rejects that use the AR's

Huh? Where do you get that? Nearly all the shooters have been godless, secular people. In fact, I can't think of a single mass shooter who regularly attended a mainstream Christian church and/or for whom Christianity was a meaningful part of his life. Humm, how about that?
You must be suffering from receptive aphasia. I didnt even mention religion.
Muskets seem to do the job just fine...


Over 6,000 dead in a single day.
By how many shooters dumbass?

And it means what? Death is death you fucker..

One person death is the same as 5,000 persons deaths..
Get off the crack. Why we still talking about 9/11 then?
Box cutters killed 3000 people… Dummy
Thats only because there was no one brave. Who is afraid of a box cutter?

Airline hijackings were actually pretty frequent in the '60s and '70s. Some enterprising terrorists even hijacked a cruise liner.

Since then, the common wisdom in all hijackings, and the policy of airlines, was for crew and pax to cooperated with the hijackers as the best way to ensure survival of the greatest number of hostages.

No one on 9-11 anticipated suicide hijackers seeking to kill as many persons as possible, including themselves. So, initially, even after the stabbing death of flight crew, pax and crew cooperated with the hijackers.

Once word of the hijackers' motives had got to the pax of Flight 93, they realized that cooperation wasn't going to save their lives and they voted to take action against the hijackers. The action was ultimately futile, but it wasn't for lack of trying.
Amazing every time it's going bad for the dims there's a school shooting.
The dead count sure is a lot less than when an AR is used...

So myopic you are...
So it’s the death count per incident that has you worried...You can’t give two fucks about the annual body count?
The death count per incident is directly factored into the annual body count. The annual body count is a sum of the death counts per incident.

Right, and follow along...2,000% more people are killed by a shooter with a handgun each and every year. Do you only care about lives taken in front of an AR-15?
If those same shooters had AR's then the count would be much higher you idiot.
Not if the victims had guns.
By how many shooters dumbass?

And it means what? Death is death you fucker..

One person death is the same as 5,000 persons deaths..
Get off the crack. Why we still talking about 9/11 then?
Box cutters killed 3000 people… Dummy
Thats only because there was no one brave. Who is afraid of a box cutter?

Airline hijackings were actually pretty frequent in the '60s and '70s. Some enterprising terrorists even hijacked a cruise liner.

Since then, the common wisdom in all hijackings, and the policy of airlines, was for crew and pax to cooperated with the hijackers as the best way to ensure survival of the greatest number of hostages.

No one on 9-11 anticipated suicide hijackers seeking to kill as many persons as possible, including themselves. So, initially, even after the stabbing death of flight crew, pax and crew cooperated with the hijackers.

Once word of the hijackers' motives had got to the pax of Flight 93, they realized that cooperation wasn't going to save their lives and they voted to take action against the hijackers. The action was ultimately futile, but it wasn't for lack of trying.
"Some enterprising terrorists even hijacked a cruise liner"

Thats putting it kindly. I wouldnt have used the word enterprising. More like idiotic.

I see someone threatening me with a box cutter and I am going to put a foot in his ass. Two people could have easily subdued a hijacker unless he had eyes in the back of his head.
Right, and follow along...2,000% more people are killed by a shooter with a handgun each and every year. Do you only care about lives taken in front of an AR-15?
50+ have been killed by one shooter with an AR type rifle. Why do you want to arm killers so well?

What does it matter if 50 people are killed or just one , Brian?
If 50 people are killed the effect is magnified much more than if one person is killed. You flunked math didnt you?

So you dying is less important then 50 dying?

Translation- you getting killed is ok

How many times have you been killed?
Your stupid knows no end. Very impressive.

No , you think 50 people is tragedy dying but one person is ok
Another reason for comprehensive gun controls.
California already has universal background checks
And if you can't pass it, you can't buy one. I don't have that problem. Do you?
So what background check did a 15 (today 16) year old kid do to buy a gun?
Not a clue. Who am I, the Shell answer man?
No you're the dodge the question man
You said "if you can't pass it, you can't buy one. I don't have that problem. Do you?" I thought you would be able to tell me what background check he passed to buy a gun since you said "if you can't pass it you can't buy it."
It was directed at you jelly brains and YOU did NOT answer.
California already has universal background checks
And if you can't pass it, you can't buy one. I don't have that problem. Do you?
So what background check did a 15 (today 16) year old kid do to buy a gun?
Not a clue. Who am I, the Shell answer man?
No you're the dodge the question man
You said "if you can't pass it, you can't buy one. I don't have that problem. Do you?" I thought you would be able to tell me what background check he passed to buy a gun since you said "if you can't pass it you can't buy it."
It was directed at you jelly brains and YOU did NOT answer.
So tell me what background check was done that a 16-year-old kid could buy a gun?
Political correctness isnt the problem. AR's and access to them is the problem. I've never seen political correctness kill anyone

You are wrong here, ARs are not the problem, nor is any type of gun. ARs are just the shiny object to keep people distracted and so you party leaders can tell you they are trying to fix the problem. Guns are not the problem because 99.9% of them are never used to harm another human. The problem is the human, if the human wants to inflict harm they will find a way to do so. We have seen basic fertilizer used, we have seen 20 dollar pressure cookers used, we have seen vehicles used.

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