Mass shooting in tribal area by woman

Sounds like that whole family/tribe has some problems. One's statement about his dead relatives, "I've gotten over worse." is pretty screwed up. Or how the tribe 'drove her too far' about the shooting justifying it.

Be interesting to see how it unfolds legal-wise. Don't think state law even applies on native reservations. Think just federal law does.
Not surprising, BBC News is usually better overall. American news can't be expected to cover Native issues lest they remind us all we'd conqueored, stole, and commited genocide in order to be here now.
Not surprising, BBC News is usually better overall. American news can't be expected to cover Native issues lest they remind us all we'd conqueored, stole, and commited genocide in order to be here now.

WE didnt do any of that shit. Explain to me why people like you act as though "we" have something to be ashamed about. What does that have to do with me?

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