Mass shooting reported at Michigan State University in multiple locations around campus. many injuries reported/2nd shooting@university fitness center

are you still fighting about this black thug who murdered people? his dad is blaming his mothers death for it.
His gun rights were not infringed. And you did a happy dance.
Thats lib lunacy

The man should have been in jail for carrying a gun illegally

But the suck ass soros appointed DA turned him loose

Libs caused those innocent people to die
only? EVERY human life is precious and priceless whether it's in Michigan or Mozambique, Detroit or Djibouti
You don't care about human life. Abortion is killing of human life. Taking firearms from law abiding citizens is taking of human life.
Between 1982 and January 2023, 73 out of the 139 mass shootings in the United States 73 were carried out by white shooters. By comparison, the perpetrator was African American in 24 mass shootings, and Latino in 11. When calculated as percentages, this amounts to 53 percent, 17 percent, and eight percent respectively.

So mostly white men.

Most blacks, hispanics, women, jews, everyone else associate as liberals.

Aren't most white men conservatives?

If not, man are we a minority or what?

But even though we are a minority, most of the mass shooters are white men.

You will claim they are liberals but then god damn you white cons make up a very very small minority in America huh?

I think most of the white male shooters are anti cons not libs.
Incorrect math attempt: the percentages of killings have to be compared against percentage of population
You did not do that so it’s fake
This method of mixing hard numbers up with percentages(to a liberal advantage) became vogue at the start of Covid . We dont deal in reality last 4 years so the errors don’t get caught and corrected .
Incorrect math attempt the percentages of killings have to be compared against percentage of population
You did not do that so it’s fake
This method of mixing hard numbers up with percentages became vogue at the start of Covid . We do t deal in reality last 4 years so the errors don’t get caught and corrected .
I just pointed out that person's numbers were wrong. I wasn't wrong. 73 of the 139 mass shooters were white guys. I don't disagree that blacks should not make up 24% of the shootings when they only represent 12% of the population. So you are correct their numbers are too high.

But that doesn't change the fact you were wrong. I think you said 80% of the mass shooters were black? Or something like that? I forget exactly what you said, but you were flat out wrong. So don't try to change the topic or move the goal post. If you said blacks commit 80% of the crimes, you are wrong. Or a liar. You're a liar if you know you are wrong and continue to push the lie.
Incorrect math attempt: the percentages of killings have to be compared against percentage of population
You did not do that so it’s fake
This method of mixing hard numbers up with percentages(to a liberal advantage) became vogue at the start of Covid . We dont deal in reality last 4 years so the errors don’t get caught and corrected .
Oops. The guy said

According to a 2021 study published in the International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, a staggering 73 percent of 139 mass shootings recorded worldwide between 1998 and 2019 occurred in the U.S.

So of the 139 mass shootings in the United States 73 were carried out by white shooters. That's 53%. Blacks do 17% of the mass shootings. They are a little over represented but so are white men.
I just pointed out that person's numbers were wrong. I wasn't wrong. 73 of the 139 mass shooters were white guys. I don't disagree that blacks should not make up 24% of the shootings when they only represent 12% of the population. So you are correct their numbers are too high.

But that doesn't change the fact you were wrong. I think you said 80% of the mass shooters were black? Or something like that? I forget exactly what you said, but you were flat out wrong. So don't try to change the topic or move the goal post. If you said blacks commit 80% of the crimes, you are wrong. Or a liar. You're a liar if you know you are wrong and continue to push the lie.
I said75-80% of black males do not have who fathered him living with them. Misdirection attempt defeated,

You did err by stating that whites commit X numbers of murders so, you concluded, they”murder more “ than blacks. You failed to provide in your failed statements that whites are 7 times the population of blacks.

I doubt seriously that even now after this latest detailed explanation, that you comprehend .
When the United States first won its independence, there were restrictions on who could vote. In some states, only white male landowners that were at least 21 years old could vote.

And that was a good idea; it kept unassimilated immigrants from swinging elections, like they were doing in New York City, Boston, and Philly.
It isn't children who are shooting places up. It's white old men listening to Fox News and Con talk radio.

This is so funny. People like you and superdumbniger keep saying this, yet over and over violent crimes are committed by blacks. Young blacks, old blacks, doesn't matter. They're all the same. They're all rapid animals with no respect for life. Its no wonder that whites are starting to get enough of this shit. 80% of all violent crime committed by 13% of the population, with half of those being black women who do very little, so 80% of all violent crime committed by 6.5% of the population. Black males. Yup. Rabid animals.
I see why they want to let people out. I agree with you guys that we should never let violent people out. If you violently murdered someone, unless you had a good reason like they raped your daughter or something, I don't think you should ever get out. I watch those shows the First 48 hours or Forensic Files and I see guys who should have gotten 30 to life instead got 6 years manslaughter because the prosecutor didn't have a rock solid case.

If we had this argument over how long people should be kept in prison, a lot of these cases that bite us in the ass I would agree with you. Why did we take a chance? I don't like it either.

Non violent criminals I think you guys leave locked up too long. But I agree us liberals let violent criminals out too soon and a lot of those cases if I knew all the details, I would agree lock them up for life. Or kill them.

I wish Michigan would bring back the death penalty. I don't want to hear a guy who murdered 20 people got life. That doesn't sit well with me. I want death.

In the case we're discussing, your fellow DemoKKKrat, the Soros-backed "prosecutor" declined to press charges AT ALL, making sure this animal was free to murder more innocents. Because that's what Soros-backed "prosecutors" do, they keep criminals on the streets killing people.

I oppose the death penalty because I'm pro-life.

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