Mass shooting reported at Michigan State University in multiple locations around campus. many injuries reported/2nd shooting@university fitness center

If they can't bring themselves to bring back the death penalty, perhaps they could bring themselves tp
give the perp life in prison.......with isolation 24/7
I don't want to be cruel. I do but the human in me says no. But very limited luxuries.

OMG yesterday I heard all the prisoners of this one prison in IL is being closed because it's unfixable. But now all those hard criminals will be ruining other prisons. The prison system needs to do better. Stop putting non violent criminals in with violent criminals.

This jewish mother is telling how they put her son in a exercise room with 2 white supremes. Valhalla tatoos. Swastikas. Why would guards do such things?

I know it's easier said than done but prisons need to be reformed too. Police, prisons, politics, schools, unions, healthcare, environmental policies, the Supreme Court. Everything's a mess.

P.S. Watch those shows where they catch a murderer but who knows what the jury is going to do if you charge him with murder 1. So they "cop a plea". 2nd degree murder. And those guys get out. Do you want to change it so 2nd degree murderers get life too? I bet there are a million cases where you would not. You would agree they should get out in 10-30 years depending on the circumstances.
I said75-80% of black males do not have who fathered him living with them. Misdirection attempt defeated,

You did err by stating that whites commit X numbers of murders so, you concluded, they”murder more “ than blacks. You failed to provide in your failed statements that whites are 7 times the population of blacks.

I doubt seriously that even now after this latest detailed explanation, that you comprehend .
No I do get that. I saw someone (not you) throw out a number that was not true. Sorry my bad.
This is so funny. People like you and superdumbniger keep saying this, yet over and over violent crimes are committed by blacks. Young blacks, old blacks, doesn't matter. They're all the same. They're all rapid animals with no respect for life. Its no wonder that whites are starting to get enough of this shit. 80% of all violent crime committed by 13% of the population, with half of those being black women who do very little, so 80% of all violent crime committed by 6.5% of the population. Black males. Yup. Rabid animals.
Well I can't completely disagree with you. I also can't completely agree with you. But I do think it's necessary that whites don't just bend over and take black people's bullshit. If we make cops stop treating them like suspects wherever they go, they have to stop BEING suspects. In other words they have to solve their inner city violent crime problem. Otherwise, business will not come. Good teachers will not come. Doctors won't want to work in those communities.

So it really is on them to stop having kids they don't raise properly.

My neighbor works at LuLu Lemon. High end clothing store. Blacks love that shit. But it's expensive. The store has regulars. Regular black people who come in and shoplift. Then come back and say the shit doesn't fit. They are making black people look bad. Then when the cops have an altercation with the scumbags, they play the race card. Security in the mall doesn't confront shoplifters. They just call security. Who comes in 20 minutes and never catches the perps. The cops are finally involved because LuLu is fed up with all the blatant shoplifting. In your face.

Hey black people. This is why the malls left Detroit. Between shoplifting and paying security guards, it's not worth it. So please don't come out to our white malls now and start stealing and shooting us up. We have enough white men shooting us up we don't need you coming to our communities pulling that shit. Keep it black on black.

I was watching this show where the black guy was saying they need to have black stores and only buy from blacks and only hire blacks. Ok fine. Then us whites will only buy white and only hire whites. How will that work out for blacks? Wake up black people! You're going to have to do better to shut these conservatives up. You're making yourselves look bad.
I was watching this show where the black guy was saying they need to have black stores and only buy from blacks and only hire blacks.

And he's right. You just don't like it when white people look after their own like everybody else on the planet does. You're just clueless and ignorant, is all.
And he's right. You just don't like it when white people look after their own like everybody else on the planet does. You're just clueless and ignorant, is all.
No you are right. I get the hypocrisy. They can say black power but we can't say white power. But I also see why we can't and they can. We're in power. That's dangerous.

Ultimately, maybe they shouldn't be saying black power. It's not that we should be saying WP. They should not be saying BP.
When the United States first won its independence, there were restrictions on who could vote. In some states, only white male landowners that were at least 21 years old could vote. Beginning in 1870, a series of Constitutional Amendments and other laws have extended voting privileges to more and more citizens.
A Republic Is an Elitist Oligarchy

Electing is not voting; it is giving up our natural right to vote on the issues to pre-owned politicians. Political self-determination disappeared with the imposition of the ruling class's Constitution. Only the pre-owned politicians in the states were allowed to ratify it, so it should be nullified.
If poor blacks are shooting up schools, they aren't even up to tenth-class citizens.
Most aren't yet you treat all of them like 2nd class citizens.

I get it. Fear of a Black Man. But we created these monsters. I mean their mama's created them but we put their great great great grandfathers in ghettos and we've pretty much kept them there even to this day. Sure Ben Carson's get out but the majority of them are kept in ghettos. Not because us liberals give them welfare no. Because YOU won't hire them for high paying jobs. Only janitors and doormen.
Most aren't yet you treat all of them like 2nd class citizens.

I get it. Fear of a Black Man. But we created these monsters. I mean their mama's created them but we put their great great great grandfathers in ghettos and we've pretty much kept them there even to this day. Sure Ben Carson's get out but the majority of them are kept in ghettos. Not because us liberals give them welfare no. Because YOU won't hire them for high paying jobs. Only janitors and doormen.
If they could DO better jobs, they'd get hired for such jobs. Indians do. Iraqis do. Latinos do. Asians do.

Many blacks have inferior job performance, if they show up for work at all, and no one can fix stupid, so the government makes all these quota requirements so people have to hire blacks despite their poor performance and tendency to steal and kill at surprisingly high levels. That isn't going to fix the problem, obviously, just make normal people ever more afraid of blacks, as we should be, rationally.

Going back to pure meritocracy is the only answer I see: either blacks shape up one by one and qualify ---- or they lose out. Not many would qualify, but that would not be our problem. Propping them up falsely by all this Woke craziness isn't the way. It's not really going to fool anyone but young people who have lived a few years of protected life, but will learn not to trust blacks, as we all have.
If they could DO better jobs, they'd get hired for such jobs. Indians do. Iraqis do. Latinos do. Asians do.

Many blacks have inferior job performance, if they show up for work at all, and no one can fix stupid, so the government makes all these quota requirements so people have to hire blacks despite their poor performance and tendency to steal and kill at surprisingly high levels. That isn't going to fix the problem, obviously, just make normal people ever more afraid of blacks, as we should be, rationally.

Going back to pure meritocracy is the only answer I see: either blacks shape up one by one and qualify ---- or they lose out. Not many would qualify, but that would not be our problem. Propping them up falsely by all this Woke craziness isn't the way. It's not really going to fool anyone but young people who have lived a few years of protected life, but will learn not to trust blacks, as we all have.
Yeah, hire that white trailer trash with an opioid addition.

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