Mass shooting reported at Michigan State University in multiple locations around campus. many injuries reported/2nd shooting@university fitness center

Marion Morrison fucked your sense of reality, shit for brains. That's why you strut around with guns, your only history is Hollywood.

If Americans had a sense of present day reality and didn't live on Hollywood made up shite, you wouldn't be in such a mess with weapons.

America, built on brawn, void of brains.
You need to be dropped off in the middle of the woods with a pack of coyotes circling. I know just the spot!

You should have an option of a six-gun, an AR, or no gun.
How about I go on a rampage and then you kick me out? Actually, after you guys repeal all gun laws I won't be guilty of anything. Since none of the gun laws work, why have them? Right dummy?
Aw, look at Silly Boo Boo tryin' to be the next mass shooter. Who ya gonna kill, faggot?
So what do you propose, Government trucks driving down the streets gathering up all the guns?
Buy them. After a certain period, make handguns and categories of long guns restricted. You know, like other nations have done.
I agree that all mass shooters have some degree of mental illness and sociopathic behavior. That is the common denominator and what needs to be addressed, NOT stronger gun laws. If you are a sociopath hellbent on killing, you are just going to get an illegal gun.
As opposed to the experience of the other developed nations.
Requiring safety instruction would serve to filter many problem people.

I certainly have no problem with that, and states do have a right to set that standard. The right wingers will snivel and say 'no', despite the legal history and states' rights traditions.
and it's exactly 5 years after Parkland. we never learn, do we?

I'm not a fan of democracy. Why do you hate a republic?
I don't like it how the founders didn't really trust the people so they rigged the system with such things like electoral colleges.

And I don't like it that little states like Kentucky have 2 senators just like big old California does.

Or that Republicans can lose the popular vote and still win. Clearly Cali doesn't get their fair share of electoral power.

The whole process is shady.

Do you know Trump could win the GOP primaries and the GOP can reject him as their candidate? The GOP is a private group. So is the DNC. They can do whatever they want. All you can do is not vote for them if you don't like it.

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