Mass shooting reported at Michigan State University in multiple locations around campus. many injuries reported/2nd shooting@university fitness center

How can Republicans sleep at night or look themselves in the mirror knowing that every day they fail to act, more lives are being put in danger? It's disgusting and they all must be voted out. All of them. They will never learn.
It is clear you are a foreign subversive that has no idea how American government works.

Tomorrow is the 5-year anniversary of the Parkland massacre. Many Stoneman Douglas survivors are in college today. They will be walking up to the devastating news from Michigan State and with a feeling that too many of us share — that the threat of gun violence is inescapable.
""The suspect description is a short male with a mask, possibly Black"

So, black SUSPECT or black MASK?
Democrats had the Presidency AND Congress and did NOTHING!!!

The BLOOD is all on the shooter/s you moron!!!

You are just as bad as he is.

Neither party can do shit. This is part of the DNA of America.

You foreigners just don't get it.


The only way the global elites, and foreigners are going to get their way on this, is to change enough minds of the American population, to pass an Amendment, repealing the 2nd Amendment.

And not enough of the American public, believes these incidents are happening organically, as a result of the availability of GUNS, but rather, as an intentional and calculated result of the bureaucratic establishment unwillingness to enforce gun laws, criminal codes, and mental health policy.

The corporate media is DISHONEST.

They public can see right through what the global oligarchs did in Great Britain, Australia, and other nations where folks used to be able to own guns.

The whole paradigm is bullshit.

Any oligarch controlled reform of gun laws, will still enable their private security firms to own them, and folks KNOW THIS. Just like in other modern democracies. The masses in America know this. It is why no repeal or reform of the Second Amendment will never happen, because the government and corporate propagandists, and their inept governing on these issues IS TRANSPARENT AS HELL.


How long did they wait to do something about Uvalde? They just stood around, didn't they? And now? There are security cameras down at MSU, EVERYWHERE! And they want us to believe they can't just go nab this guy? :dunno:

No, on the as basq pointed out. . .

exactly 5 years after Parkland

The corporate propagandists, in combo with our fascists overlords, are going to draw this out and get as many deaths as they can out of it. . . WE NEED SOME CITIZEN DOWN THERE TO END THIS.
"’It's far too late for this to be called a wake up call,’ said a Michigan State University student who was hiding under a pile of dirty laundry in his room with his blinds closed and lights off. ‘The sad truth is I doubt we're going to be the last.’”

You will never get through the brain of a gun nut, guns are their religion.
"You will never get through the brain of a gun liberty nut, guns liberty are their religion."
Both....Short, black, and a wearing a mask per the cop doing the update..
It was a joke. The sentence was poorly worded. But because "Black" was capitalized, of course the gunman was BLACK.

But that's impossible since we are told school shootings are a white male problem
Police telling Michigan State University parents not to come to campus to be with their children because it could add to the chaos: “I can only imagine the emotions you’re feeling.”

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