Mass Shootings in 2016

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  • #41
The Mafia, the Drug Cartels in Latin America, and ISIS don't care much for each other. Too much competition amongst thugs trying to control illegal activities.

criminals do fight each other lots

it's not religion, it's business?

Ultimately, yes, imo.

They are in the end - thugs who gain significant amounts of financing through illegal drug activities, human trafficking, kidnapping ransoms etc. I think religion just the excuse for their inate bestiality. They attract thugs, people who enjoy violence for the sake of violence.
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  • #43
Perceived Risk vs Real Risk - the science of fear

...Four reasons why some risks are perceived to be more or less serious than they actually are:

  1. We over-react to intentional actions, and under-react to accidents, abstract events, and natural phenomena.
    That's why we worry more about anthrax (with an annual death toll of roughly zero) than influenza (with an annual death toll of a quarter-million to a half-million people). Influenza is a natural accident, anthrax is an intentional action, and the smallest action captures our attention in a way that the largest accident doesn't. If two airplanes had been hit by lightning and crashed into a New York skyscraper, few of us would be able to name the date on which it happened.

  2. We over-react to things that offend our morals.
    When people feel insulted or disgusted, they generally do something about it, such as whacking each other over the head, or voting. Moral emotions are the brain's call to action.

  3. We over-react to immediate threats and under-react to long-term threats.
    The brain is a beautifully engineered get-out-of-the-way machine that constantly scans the environment for things out of whose way it should right now get. That's what brains did for several hundred million years -- and then, just a few million years ago, the mammalian brain learned a new trick: to predict the timing and location of dangers before they actually happened.

    Our ability to duck that which is not yet coming is one of the brain's most stunning innovations, and we wouldn't have dental floss or 401(k) plans without it. But this innovation is in the early stages of development. The application that allows us to respond to visible baseballs is ancient and reliable, but the add-on utility that allows us to respond to threats that loom in an unseen future is still in beta testing.

  4. We under-react to changes that occur slowly and over time.
    The human brain is exquisitely sensitive to changes in light, sound, temperature, pressure, size, weight and just about everything else. But if the rate of change is slow enough, the change will go undetected. If the low hum of a refrigerator were to increase in pitch over the course of several weeks, the appliance could be singing soprano by the end of the month and no one would be the wiser.

If only gay sex caused global warming
NO ONE seems to care about the upcoming attack on the World Trade Center site. Why? Because it won't involve villains with box cutters. Instead, it will involve melting ice sheets that swell the oceans and turn that particular block of lower Manhattan into an aquarium.

The odds of this happening in the next few decades are better than the odds that a disgruntled Saudi will sneak onto an airplane and detonate a shoe bomb. And yet our government will spend billions of dollars this year to prevent global terrorism and ... well, essentially nothing to prevent global warming.

Why are we less worried about the more likely disaster? Because the human brain evolved to respond to threats that have four features -- features that terrorism has and that global warming lacks.

First, global warming lacks a mustache. No, really. We are social mammals whose brains are highly specialized for thinking about others. Understanding what others are up to -- what they know and want, what they are doing and planning -- has been so crucial to the survival of our species that our brains have developed an obsession with all things human. We think about people and their intentions; talk about them; look for and remember them.


That's why we worry more about anthrax (with an annual death toll of roughly zero) than influenza (with an annual death toll of a quarter-million to a half-million people). Influenza is a natural accident, anthrax is an intentional action, and the smallest action captures our attention in a way that the largest accident doesn't. If two airplanes had been hit by lightning and crashed into a New York skyscraper, few of us would be able to name the date on which it happened.
288 or 359 depending on source.

Mass Shooting Tracker

The most recent one, Houston is the 19th in Texas.

Almost none of the shootings are perpetrated by Muslims (gang/drug violence seems to be the biggest category).

Maybe we should be looking at real risk rather than perceived risk?

And this is a lie...there is a reason that the FBI separates out criminal activity and family and relationship killings from mass public morons like you can't lie about them.....

Mother Jones took the actual definition of mass public shootings...including the new obama definition and made a complete list including who did it, which weapons were used and where it took place......

Thanks for lying though....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2016: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation
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  • #45
288 or 359 depending on source.

Mass Shooting Tracker

The most recent one, Houston is the 19th in Texas.

Almost none of the shootings are perpetrated by Muslims (gang/drug violence seems to be the biggest category).

Maybe we should be looking at real risk rather than perceived risk?

And this is a lie...there is a reason that the FBI separates out criminal activity and family and relationship killings from mass public morons like you can't lie about them.....

Mother Jones took the actual definition of mass public shootings...including the new obama definition and made a complete list including who did it, which weapons were used and where it took place......

Thanks for lying though....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2016: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

Do you have a better source then, of mass shootings that rules those out rather than calling people liars?
Your Mass Shootings Tracker leaves most shootings as unknown shooter. Any conclusions you arrive at from that are suspect.


If you look at the shootings that they list as Mass will find gang members, at a party, shooting at each other over an insult, a dice game or a girlfriend...which is why the FBI does not consider them mass public shootings....but shootingtracker won't tell you that....they need to lie in order to inflate the numbers....
288 or 359 depending on source.

Mass Shooting Tracker

The most recent one, Houston is the 19th in Texas.

Almost none of the shootings are perpetrated by Muslims (gang/drug violence seems to be the biggest category).

Maybe we should be looking at real risk rather than perceived risk?

And this is a lie...there is a reason that the FBI separates out criminal activity and family and relationship killings from mass public morons like you can't lie about them.....

Mother Jones took the actual definition of mass public shootings...including the new obama definition and made a complete list including who did it, which weapons were used and where it took place......

Thanks for lying though....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2016: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

Do you have a better source then, of mass shootings that rules those out rather than calling people liars?

I linked to Mother Jones.....they have the complete list going back to 1982........and shootingtracker is lying......they include shootings at gang parties over dice games as mass shootings.......
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  • #49
288 or 359 depending on source.

Mass Shooting Tracker

The most recent one, Houston is the 19th in Texas.

Almost none of the shootings are perpetrated by Muslims (gang/drug violence seems to be the biggest category).

Maybe we should be looking at real risk rather than perceived risk?

And this is a lie...there is a reason that the FBI separates out criminal activity and family and relationship killings from mass public morons like you can't lie about them.....

Mother Jones took the actual definition of mass public shootings...including the new obama definition and made a complete list including who did it, which weapons were used and where it took place......

Thanks for lying though....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2016: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

Do you have a better source then, of mass shootings that rules those out rather than calling people liars?

I linked to Mother Jones.....they have the complete list going back to 1982........and shootingtracker is lying......they include shootings at gang parties over dice games as mass shootings.......

Missed the link - thank you.

This is one story....

Obama’s Gun-Control Misfire

But late last week, J. Pete Blair and M. Hunter Martaindale, two academics at Texas State University who co-authored the FBI report, acknowledged that “our data is imperfect.” They said that the news media “got it wrong” last year when they “mistakenly reported mass shootings were on the rise.”

Mind you, the authors did not issue this mea culpa in the major news outlets that supposedly misreported the original findings. Instead, the authors published it in ACJS Today, an academic journal published by the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. “Because official data did not contain the information we needed, we had to develop our own,” wrote Messrs. Blair and Martaindale. “This required choices between various options with various strengths and weaknesses.” You don’t say.
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  • #53
Regardless of which data set you use - two things are clear: with a population of some 325 million people, an event, like a mass shooting - whether it's as high as 350 or as low as a dozen is a statistically rare event. From within that you have an even smaller - much smaller - subset who are Muslim, and pared down further - the subset who are committing violence on behalf of their religion. So why are we so afraid?
Regardless of which data set you use - two things are clear: with a population of some 325 million people, an event, like a mass shooting - whether it's as high as 350 or as low as a dozen is a statistically rare event. From within that you have an even smaller - much smaller - subset who are Muslim, and pared down further - the subset who are committing violence on behalf of their religion. So why are we so afraid?

Don't ask me....the anti gunners use each of those events to call for more gun control...especially rifles with magazines.....I support your belief in how rare these events are.
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  • #55
Regardless of which data set you use - two things are clear: with a population of some 325 million people, an event, like a mass shooting - whether it's as high as 350 or as low as a dozen is a statistically rare event. From within that you have an even smaller - much smaller - subset who are Muslim, and pared down further - the subset who are committing violence on behalf of their religion. So why are we so afraid?

Don't ask me....the anti gunners use each of those events to call for more gun control...especially rifles with magazines.....I support your belief in how rare these events are.

My feelings on gun control are mixed but I do support some increased regulation. But it's important to realize that, despite the fact that they are so tragic, they are very rare and usually...gun control measures would not have been able to prevent them.
Regardless of which data set you use - two things are clear: with a population of some 325 million people, an event, like a mass shooting - whether it's as high as 350 or as low as a dozen is a statistically rare event. From within that you have an even smaller - much smaller - subset who are Muslim, and pared down further - the subset who are committing violence on behalf of their religion. So why are we so afraid?

Don't ask me....the anti gunners use each of those events to call for more gun control...especially rifles with magazines.....I support your belief in how rare these events are.

My feelings on gun control are mixed but I do support some increased regulation. But it's important to realize that, despite the fact that they are so tragic, they are very rare and usually...gun control measures would not have been able to prevent them.

I agree....the gun control measure I support is longer prison sentences for gun criminals.....that is the only one that actually works every time it is tried....we just had a shooting over the weekend here in Chicago at Millenium Park.....the shooter is a multiple time, convicted felon who cannot buy, own or carry a gun...who shot a guy over an Chicago, a city with the strictest gun control in the country......

Had he been in jail for his prior arrests......I say 30 years for felons caught with guns or any crime where a gun is used......this man would be alive.......
Regardless of which data set you use - two things are clear: with a population of some 325 million people, an event, like a mass shooting - whether it's as high as 350 or as low as a dozen is a statistically rare event. From within that you have an even smaller - much smaller - subset who are Muslim, and pared down further - the subset who are committing violence on behalf of their religion. So why are we so afraid?

Don't ask me....the anti gunners use each of those events to call for more gun control...especially rifles with magazines.....I support your belief in how rare these events are.

My feelings on gun control are mixed but I do support some increased regulation. But it's important to realize that, despite the fact that they are so tragic, they are very rare and usually...gun control measures would not have been able to prevent them.

This is what I mean.......had this guy been sentenced to 30 years on the first gun felony.....he would still be in jail, and this man would be alive.....and it would send a message to the other gang members and criminals...don't carry a gun, carry a knife....

Man charged with fatal weekend shooting at Millennium Park

CHICAGO (SUN TIMES MEDIA WIRE) - A 32-year-old man has been charged in the fatal shooting near Millennium Park downtown Saturday night.

Paul Pagan has been charged with the murder, Chicago Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi announced Monday afternoon. Pagan, 32, is a gang member and twice-convicted gun offender, Guglielmi said.
Regardless of which data set you use - two things are clear: with a population of some 325 million people, an event, like a mass shooting - whether it's as high as 350 or as low as a dozen is a statistically rare event. From within that you have an even smaller - much smaller - subset who are Muslim, and pared down further - the subset who are committing violence on behalf of their religion. So why are we so afraid?

Don't ask me....the anti gunners use each of those events to call for more gun control...especially rifles with magazines.....I support your belief in how rare these events are.

My feelings on gun control are mixed but I do support some increased regulation. But it's important to realize that, despite the fact that they are so tragic, they are very rare and usually...gun control measures would not have been able to prevent them.

Coyote....I would like to apologize for my first post and calling you a liar. I sometimes rush in my posting and type before I think.....I apologize.
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  • #59
Regardless of which data set you use - two things are clear: with a population of some 325 million people, an event, like a mass shooting - whether it's as high as 350 or as low as a dozen is a statistically rare event. From within that you have an even smaller - much smaller - subset who are Muslim, and pared down further - the subset who are committing violence on behalf of their religion. So why are we so afraid?

Don't ask me....the anti gunners use each of those events to call for more gun control...especially rifles with magazines.....I support your belief in how rare these events are.

My feelings on gun control are mixed but I do support some increased regulation. But it's important to realize that, despite the fact that they are so tragic, they are very rare and usually...gun control measures would not have been able to prevent them.

Coyote....I would like to apologize for my first post and calling you a liar. I sometimes rush in my posting and type before I think.....I apologize.
No problem - I do the same thing sometimes :eusa_shifty:
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  • #60
Regardless of which data set you use - two things are clear: with a population of some 325 million people, an event, like a mass shooting - whether it's as high as 350 or as low as a dozen is a statistically rare event. From within that you have an even smaller - much smaller - subset who are Muslim, and pared down further - the subset who are committing violence on behalf of their religion. So why are we so afraid?

Don't ask me....the anti gunners use each of those events to call for more gun control...especially rifles with magazines.....I support your belief in how rare these events are.

My feelings on gun control are mixed but I do support some increased regulation. But it's important to realize that, despite the fact that they are so tragic, they are very rare and usually...gun control measures would not have been able to prevent them.

This is what I mean.......had this guy been sentenced to 30 years on the first gun felony.....he would still be in jail, and this man would be alive.....and it would send a message to the other gang members and criminals...don't carry a gun, carry a knife....

Man charged with fatal weekend shooting at Millennium Park

CHICAGO (SUN TIMES MEDIA WIRE) - A 32-year-old man has been charged in the fatal shooting near Millennium Park downtown Saturday night.

Paul Pagan has been charged with the murder, Chicago Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi announced Monday afternoon. Pagan, 32, is a gang member and twice-convicted gun offender, Guglielmi said.

For situations like that, I support strict jail terms for crimes with guns - far better than jailing minor drug offenses. Not sure though...that gang members would care. I don't think they think that far ahead and to people like that, guns buy respect (along with the pit bull on a logging chain).

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