Mass Shootings in 2016

Regardless of which data set you use - two things are clear: with a population of some 325 million people, an event, like a mass shooting - whether it's as high as 350 or as low as a dozen is a statistically rare event. From within that you have an even smaller - much smaller - subset who are Muslim, and pared down further - the subset who are committing violence on behalf of their religion. So why are we so afraid?

Don't ask me....the anti gunners use each of those events to call for more gun control...especially rifles with magazines.....I support your belief in how rare these events are.

My feelings on gun control are mixed but I do support some increased regulation. But it's important to realize that, despite the fact that they are so tragic, they are very rare and usually...gun control measures would not have been able to prevent them.

This is what I mean.......had this guy been sentenced to 30 years on the first gun felony.....he would still be in jail, and this man would be alive.....and it would send a message to the other gang members and criminals...don't carry a gun, carry a knife....

Man charged with fatal weekend shooting at Millennium Park

CHICAGO (SUN TIMES MEDIA WIRE) - A 32-year-old man has been charged in the fatal shooting near Millennium Park downtown Saturday night.

Paul Pagan has been charged with the murder, Chicago Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi announced Monday afternoon. Pagan, 32, is a gang member and twice-convicted gun offender, Guglielmi said.

For situations like that, I support strict jail terms for crimes with guns - far better than jailing minor drug offenses. Not sure though...that gang members would care. I don't think they think that far ahead and to people like that, guns buy respect (along with the pit bull on a logging chain).

At least the actual criminal would be kept from using a gun to commit murder for 30 years....
Coyote, this site has the list of mass shootings back to 1966. Thought this would be useful to share for some context.

Sorry......can you show here the actual information on the incidents.......these sites too often use any shooting and count it as a mass shooting...and this is not accurate because when people here mass shooting, the believe you are talking about a mass public shooting where an individual walks into a public space and shoots innocent I have pointed out...the site Shootingtracker includes gang fights, shootouts by gangmembers at parties over craps games and girlfriends....

The list from Mother Jones actually lists mass public shootings and gives all of the details.....any site that doesn't give the details is trying to bump numbers up......
Coyote, this site has the list of mass shootings back to 1966. Thought this would be useful to share for some context.

Sorry......can you show here the actual information on the incidents.......these sites too often use any shooting and count it as a mass shooting...and this is not accurate because when people here mass shooting, the believe you are talking about a mass public shooting where an individual walks into a public space and shoots innocent I have pointed out...the site Shootingtracker includes gang fights, shootouts by gangmembers at parties over craps games and girlfriends....

The list from Mother Jones actually lists mass public shootings and gives all of the details.....any site that doesn't give the details is trying to bump numbers up......

Fair enough. Yes, it's difficult to find a complete Mass Shooting incidents with the criteria you mentioned. Mother Jones is good. Stanford maintains a list of mass shootings too. Check this out Mass Shootings in America

The Excel spreadsheet posted on Mass Shootings in America: Statistics and Database 1966-2016 - Demographic Data has filterable columns with attributes likes number of fatalities, injuries, venue types and incident details.
Maybe we should be looking at real risk rather than perceived risk?
2005-2015 -- 11 years
Total murders 135900, 12354/yr average
Total murders w/ guns: 92183, 8380/yr average
Total murders w/ rifles 3594, 326/yr average

Each year, we see 12354 murders
Of those murders, 326 - 2.6% - are perpetrated with rifles of all kinds.

'Assault weapons': Real or perceived risk?

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