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Massachuettes orders residents to surrender bump stocks

It is a range toy....for unserious shooters......if you want to kill large numbers of people, don't use a bumpstock....
The guy in Vegas used one, fired over 1,000 rounds into a huge, 22,000 person crowd, that was tightly packed....and only managed to murder 58 people....
You are talking thousands of dollars in guns, with thousands in ammo, plus the bump stock......
A Muslim terrorist in Nice, France with a rental truck that probably cost him 100 bucks murdered 86 people in 5 minutes.......
Killing lots of people your goal? Use a rental truck.

Fair point, thanks - It would appear Rustic is all in favor because he's selling them by the buttload.
And that's about it .. hell, the NRA was open to banning them until they heard from their constituents ...
Bump stock manufacturers ;-)

No....until they saw the secret, added ingredient to the legislation the democrats wanted to pass.....that would also outlaw any device that increased the fire rate of a gun...which means that if you trade out a bad factory trigger on your new gun, you have made it fire faster...so you are now a felon....that was the issue...
Might even ban revolver speedloaders, depending on the wording.
Only a fool thinks more frivolous laws will save a single soul, gun control is all about control of people they disagree with, and has nothing to do with saving any lives.
In fact opposite is true

Apparently you are a firearms dealer. I know one of our local gun shop owners pretty well.

Even he (along with a vast majority of NRA members and Republicans) wants to see universal BG checks.

QU Poll Release Detail

Voters also support 73 - 25 percent, including 62 - 34 percent among Republicans and 67 - 29 percent among voters in households where there is a gun, a ban on modifications to make a semi-automatic weapon fire more like an automatic weapon, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds.
Consistent with every Quinnipiac University poll since February 2013, in the wake of the Sandy Hook Massacre, American voters support 94 - 5 percent requiring background checks for all gun purchases. Voters in gun households support universal background checks 93 - 6 percent. Support for other nationwide gun measures is:
  • 79 - 19 percent for a mandatory waiting period for all gun purchases;
  • 64 - 32 percent for a ban on the sale of assault weapons;
  • 86 - 12 percent for a ban of the sale of guns to people convicted of a violent crime;
  • 58 - 38 percent for stricter regulations on ammunition sales;
  • 64 - 34 percent for a ban on high-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.
Of course he does...because they would mean he can CHARGE FOR THEM!
The state of Massachusetts is ordering residents to surrender any bump stocks in their possession, making clear that even keeping such an accessory at home is prohibited.
Massachusetts Orders Residents to Surrender Bump Stocks

No, they haven't been trying to take the guns.........They have been working on it since Obama and a little during Bush.
States are starting to wheedle away the peopel's rights.


you have no right to0 bumpstocks.

I told you to stay away from infowars. :cuckoo:
It is a range toy....for unserious shooters......if you want to kill large numbers of people, don't use a bumpstock....
The guy in Vegas used one, fired over 1,000 rounds into a huge, 22,000 person crowd, that was tightly packed....and only managed to murder 58 people....
You are talking thousands of dollars in guns, with thousands in ammo, plus the bump stock......
A Muslim terrorist in Nice, France with a rental truck that probably cost him 100 bucks murdered 86 people in 5 minutes.......
Killing lots of people your goal? Use a rental truck.

Fair point, thanks - It would appear Rustic is all in favor because he's selling them by the buttload.
And that's about it .. hell, the NRA was open to banning them until they heard from their constituents ...
Bump stock manufacturers ;-)

No....until they saw the secret, added ingredient to the legislation the democrats wanted to pass.....that would also outlaw any device that increased the fire rate of a gun...which means that if you trade out a bad factory trigger on your new gun, you have made it fire faster...so you are now a felon....that was the issue...
Might even ban revolver speedloaders, depending on the wording.

again, good.

I'm not sure why the NRA and it's brainwashed minions think there is no ability to regulate.

But even Scalia said regulation was permissible. only a total ban wasn't. *shrug*
I'm not sure why the NRA and it's brainwashed minions think there is no ability to regulate.

I'm still not sure why people on the Left think gun owners are just going to smile and turn our private property over to the Government without a fight.
I would trade Germany`s murder rate for ours in a heartbeat. What a sad day it will be when we no longer have the freedom to shoot 500 people at a concert or gun down a classroom full of second graders.

Liar. Move to Germany if it's so horrible here.
You're a clueless prick.
My wife won`t leave the country where our adult children live or we would`ve been in Costa Rica or Canada by now. Most of the people on this planet are offended by mass murders but here it`s considered death by natural causes. WTF is wrong with you anyway that you find these massacres acceptable and a sign of our freedom?
Nobody needs a bumpstock for self defense

I disagree.....
When the Left is endowed by the ignorant masses with too much power.......(an example would be Venezuela).....
Then everybody needs one or two...along with fully automatic weapons, armored vehicles, body armor, tanks, missiles etc

If you ever bothered to learn about that Document the Left loathes called the Constitution, you'd know exactly why the intent of the Constitution was to arm The People in such a way as to be able to DEFEND themselves against Leftist tyranny.
The founders wanted us to shoot our elected officials when we don`t like them? I don`t think so. The well regulated militia was a substitute for a standing army which we didn`t have at the time. Now YOU know something about the Constitution I hope. If not I can see the problems your teachers were faced with.
.... Most of the people on this planet are offended by mass murders but here it`s considered death by natural causes. WTF is wrong with you anyway that you find these massacres acceptable and a sign of our freedom?

The ability to defend ourselves from others, including the Government is whst separates Americans from the sheep that inhabit other countries. That occasionally leaves the potential for unpleasant events to occur.
The founders wanted us to shoot our elected officials when we don`t like them? I don`t think so. The well regulated militia was a substitute for a standing army which we didn`t have at the time. Now YOU know something about the Constitution I hope. If not I can see the problems your teachers were faced with.
Your founders were dope. Crazy, wild, independents.

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith
Paris Nov. 13. 1787.
the people can not be all, & always, well informed. the part which is wrong [. . .] will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. if they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. we have had 13. states independant 11. years. there has been one rebellion. that comes to one rebellion in a century & a half for each state. what country before ever existed a century & half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure.
If they're not paying owners of such stocks fair market value for any such stocks turns in, then they are violating the Fifth Amendment prohibitions against taking private property without just compensation and without due process of law.

If they are giving such compensation, then they are fraudulently misusing taxpayer funds to do so.

Either way, even without taking into consideration the Second Amendment, Massachusetts is acting illegally, here.

Oh for Gawd's sake, what hyperbole.

#1 If a person owns a bump stock, which it is now illegal to possess in MA, a person can voluntarily turn it in to the police. No harm no foul as the voluntary surrender demonstrates compliance with the law.

#2 If a person owns a bump stock, which it is now illegal to possess in MA, a person can voluntarily destroy it on their own without turning it into the government. (I would suggests maintaining documentation showing the destruction.) No harm no foul as the voluntary surrender demonstrates compliance with the law as the individual no longer is in possession of a bump stock.

#3 If a person owns a bump stock, which is now illegal to possess in MA and decides to violate the law and retrain the bump stock then they are subject to arrest. Upon arrest the bump stock becomes evidence of a crime and will be confiscated and held for trial. Having a trial is the very embodiment of "due process".


Do you even care that ex post facto laws are unConstitutional?

The government cannot take something away from you without just compensation. Otherwise, they can just pass law saying your car is illegal and take it from you.
The state of Massachusetts is ordering residents to surrender any bump stocks in their possession, making clear that even keeping such an accessory at home is prohibited.
Massachusetts Orders Residents to Surrender Bump Stocks

No, they haven't been trying to take the guns.........They have been working on it since Obama and a little during Bush.
States are starting to wheedle away the peopel's rights.
If they are caught with them in their possession

Lock them up

FK that, LOL it's unconstitutional for these pricks to even do this bs.

Second amendment says nothing about bump stocks

1st amendment says nothing about radio, television or the internet either, so what's your point?
The point is you have no constitutional right to own a bump stock

No one has said that, did they?

Your constitutional rights are compensation for seizing your property and passing an ex post facto law.
The “authorities” were the ones making that distinction, and call. Not the citizens. That’s a problem... Did you entertain the notion that the Sarnyev brothers might actually be in your house?

I do not remember seeing a single story about ANYONE resisting the evacuation or searches.

I don' live in that area of Massachusetts. I would have known they weren't in the house. I would still have enthusiastically let the police into the house.

Those who are willing to trade freedom for safety, and security deserve neither; and will lose both.

And just out of curiosity... What do you think would have happened to the citizen who stood his ground, and actively denied the police entry without a warrant?

I hate to break it to many of the folks reading this; but... When they come for your guns, they aren’t going to send out a memo, or warn you in advance. No ones going to knock on your door, and say “I’m here to take away your guns.”

In all likelihood, anyone barring admittance would have been served a search warrant and the only result would have been delayed.

How many people objected to the search and were arrested?
It is a range toy....for unserious shooters......if you want to kill large numbers of people, don't use a bumpstock....
The guy in Vegas used one, fired over 1,000 rounds into a huge, 22,000 person crowd, that was tightly packed....and only managed to murder 58 people....
You are talking thousands of dollars in guns, with thousands in ammo, plus the bump stock......
A Muslim terrorist in Nice, France with a rental truck that probably cost him 100 bucks murdered 86 people in 5 minutes.......
Killing lots of people your goal? Use a rental truck.

Fair point, thanks - It would appear Rustic is all in favor because he's selling them by the buttload.
And that's about it .. hell, the NRA was open to banning them until they heard from their constituents ...
Bump stock manufacturers ;-)

No....until they saw the secret, added ingredient to the legislation the democrats wanted to pass.....that would also outlaw any device that increased the fire rate of a gun...which means that if you trade out a bad factory trigger on your new gun, you have made it fire faster...so you are now a felon....that was the issue...
Might even ban revolver speedloaders, depending on the wording.

again, good.

I'm not sure why the NRA and it's brainwashed minions think there is no ability to regulate.

But even Scalia said regulation was permissible. only a total ban wasn't. *shrug*
Do you even know what a speedloader IS?

(Of course not.)

Just sent $50 to the NRA.

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