Massive Debate Backlash for ABC and Kamala

That is the argument. This is the holding:

"We therefore hold that the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion. Roe and Casey must be overruled"

Nothing in the opinion says that Congress cannot regulate abortions.

Where does it say congress has that authority? It says State legislatures do, in very plain language.

News alert
A slaughtered pig is not a pet dog or cat

Trump either lied or is just plain stupid
busted! He's only as good as his source info and more people state it's true than the 1 official who the media uses as a source= are known liars.
You just called your media & leftist party dumb or liars for spewing falsehoods about laptop, about spygate, about Russia Russia Russia, about all the other hoaxes and just about everything they conveniently sais "oops we got that wrong"
You just blasted your whole house-BRILLIANT!

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