Massive gunfight, French SWAT police vs rag heads; 1155pm edt right now

I grew up in New York, a city with nearly a million Muslims in it. Some of my closest friends growing up were Muslim. Every corner store I bought beer and ham sandwichs at was owned by Muslims.

Now I know you're making up shit.

Please change your name to thedoctorisanidiot. Thank you.

Nailed it!![/QUOTE]

He says NYC has "nearly a million" Muslims when he grew up in it. Hmmm. In 2015....NYC only has 400K.

The Doc is a damn liar baha.
You're weird, you know that?

Great analysis. Tell us how racist we are now for giving the evil eye at young Muslim males on planes.

This is what I mean.

Do you ever get sick of knocking down straw men and putting words in other people's mouths?

Blah blah blah...... is reporting North Paris is a war zone right now.

Hey...maybe these Syrian refugees can come to your neighborhood!! Call your HOA board. Be tolerant and accepting.

I live in the city, not some pussy suburban subdivision. No HOA for me.

I have no problem with Syrian refugees moving to my neighborhood, though. Maybe we'd get some decent falafel.

In the city? Ha. You'll be the first to go. Sissified city folks. You'll flee the city and beg country folk for protection if it ever goes all to hell. You're all the same. Loud mouths. Tough talk. But wouldn't have a clue how to survive without a Starbucks and escalator on every corner.
Be very afraid.
Hey must hate this. FRENCH SWAT teams....heavily armed and an all out gun battle in Paris at 1155 edt Tuesday night with camel jockeys. French police aren't fucking around. It's about time.

All this shit is from decades of liberal policies and practices that have allowed, tolerated and even celebrated this cancer of radical Islam.

WW3 is beginning and libs will be the first ones either gone...or running to hide behind the men with guns.
What a right winged sexual deviants analogy..
Blah blah blah...... is reporting North Paris is a war zone right now.

Hey...maybe these Syrian refugees can come to your neighborhood!! Call your HOA board. Be tolerant and accepting.

I live in the city, not some pussy suburban subdivision. No HOA for me.

I have no problem with Syrian refugees moving to my neighborhood, though. Maybe we'd get some decent falafel.

In the city? Ha. You'll be the first to go. Sissified city folks. You'll flee the city and beg country folk for protection if it ever goes all to hell. You're all the same. Loud mouths. Tough talk. But wouldn't have a clue how to survive without a Starbucks and escalator on every corner.


Whatever you say, clown. Better go into the bunker and make sure your urine still is working.
You do not see a problem allowing military aged SINGLE Muslims in? What exactly are they fleeing?

Less than a quarter of the people on the refugee list are males, age 18-59. More than half are children, more than half are women.

There is no reason at all to believe that "military age SINGLE" Muslims represent a significant percentage of those seeking refugee status.
You see what happens. Some RW source states that most refugees are single men of military age and they swallow it without ever checking.
Hey must hate this. FRENCH SWAT teams....heavily armed and an all out gun battle in Paris at 1155 edt Tuesday night with camel jockeys. French police aren't fucking around. It's about time.

All this shit is from decades of liberal policies and practices that have allowed, tolerated and even celebrated this cancer of radical Islam.

WW3 is beginning and libs will be the first ones either gone...or running to hide behind the men with guns.
We won't be either. We pay the cannon fodder to die fighting the cannon fodder. Doesn't cost us much actually, some kind patriotic words, a flag, and a box.

What you faggots don't get is....they're not "over there" anymore. It's gonna be you liberal pussies who begged for these Muslims to flood into here that are first ones down when they start hitting public places.
What a frightened little boy you are.

You have no clue what's in the neighborhoods you never drive through. You would've been gang raped within an hour in places I patrolled. And that was 20 years ago. So live in a bubble of shelter and safety. You wouldnt have a realistic idea of what's out there. least 900 ISIS operatives already here.
FBI Director: About 900 Active ISIS Investigations In U.S.

Sleep tight sweet tits!!! If these animals get near you....well....say your prayers.

Bucky's in his happy place now.
You gotta brush up on your arithmetic. 22.1% (Males 18-59) + 23.7% (Females 18-59) = 45.8%. That's less than half.

It's also by far the biggest age range on that chart.
Brush up on your reading. I said between 12 and 59. Add another 12.8% to your figure. And you can more if you take into consideration that Islamic scumbags like to use children and elderly as suicide bombers.

I saw that and edited my post. I apologize, I misread.

But again - about 75% of the population of the world is between the ages of 12 and 59. Do you really think it's strange or unusual that "more than half of the refugees" would be between pre-teens and retirement age?
No, but I DO find it strange that as an American you're not concerned about 10,000 muslims being dispersed throughout our country without knowing a damn thing about any of them. Your family could be one of their first victims, you're thinking is extremely irresponsible and reckless. And why aren't the men 18 to 59 in Syria fighting for their country? Are they cowards?

I grew up in New York, a city with nearly a million Muslims in it. Some of my closest friends growing up were Muslim. Every corner store I bought beer and ham sandwichs at was owned by Muslims.

I'm just simply not afraid of them. I understand that you guys are, but I just don't get it.

As for whether those males age 18-59 are "cowards", I have no idea. But I have no reason to believe that they're not just trying to make a better life for their families.
Yeah, I'm not afraid of them either but this isn't about me, it's about my family. Your macho attitude may be fine for you but how are you gonna feel if a family member is killed by some of these people you're not afraid of?

I would feel the same way as if a family member died in an accident....or a robber shot them....or a meteorite hit them.
You gotta brush up on your arithmetic. 22.1% (Males 18-59) + 23.7% (Females 18-59) = 45.8%. That's less than half.

It's also by far the biggest age range on that chart.
Brush up on your reading. I said between 12 and 59. Add another 12.8% to your figure. And you can more if you take into consideration that Islamic scumbags like to use children and elderly as suicide bombers.

I saw that and edited my post. I apologize, I misread.

But again - about 75% of the population of the world is between the ages of 12 and 59. Do you really think it's strange or unusual that "more than half of the refugees" would be between pre-teens and retirement age?
No, but I DO find it strange that as an American you're not concerned about 10,000 muslims being dispersed throughout our country without knowing a damn thing about any of them. Your family could be one of their first victims, you're thinking is extremely irresponsible and reckless. And why aren't the men 18 to 59 in Syria fighting for their country? Are they cowards?
He thinks because he waves them in and encourages them, they'll overlook him. It's the coward traitor way.
Those are the ones they hate the most and will kill more slowly.
Ooooooo, you are very scared, aren't you?
I grew up in New York, a city with nearly a million Muslims in it. Some of my closest friends growing up were Muslim. Every corner store I bought beer and ham sandwichs at was owned by Muslims.

Now I know you're making up shit.

Please change your name to thedoctorisanidiot. Thank you.

Nailed it!!

He says NYC has "nearly a million" Muslims when he grew up in it. Hmmm. In 2015....NYC only has 400K.

The Doc is a damn liar baha.[/QUOTE]
I grew up in NYC. I never saw a single one.
Look at the largest age group from both male and female. Very few are children. More than half of them are between 12 and 59.

You gotta brush up on your arithmetic. 22.1% (Males 18-59) + 23.7% (Females 18-59) = 45.8%. That's less than half.

It's also by far the biggest age range on that chart.
Brush up on your reading. I said between 12 and 59. Add another 12.8% to your figure. And you can more if you take into consideration that Islamic scumbags like to use children and elderly as suicide bombers.

I saw that and edited my post. I apologize, I misread.

But again - about 75% of the population of the world is between the ages of 12 and 59. Do you really think it's strange or unusual that "more than half of the refugees" would be between pre-teens and retirement age?
No, but I DO find it strange that as an American you're not concerned about 10,000 muslims being dispersed throughout our country without knowing a damn thing about any of them. Your family could be one of their first victims, you're thinking is extremely irresponsible and reckless. And why aren't the men 18 to 59 in Syria fighting for their country? Are they cowards?
Even Chrissy Matthews asked why the ''young Syrian males were not in Syria fighting for their country instead of trying to get to a country they routinely claim to hate".
You're weird, you know that?

Great analysis. Tell us how racist we are now for giving the evil eye at young Muslim males on planes.

This is what I mean.

Do you ever get sick of knocking down straw men and putting words in other people's mouths?

Blah blah blah...... is reporting North Paris is a war zone right now.

Hey...maybe these Syrian refugees can come to your neighborhood!! Call your HOA board. Be tolerant and accepting.

What your dumb ass fails to understand is that Syrian refugees are not ISIS, Syrian refugees are trying to ESCAPE from ISIS ... Just because one ISIS fuckwad might have slipped into the country pretending to be a refugee doesn't mean that that somehow cancels the refugee's right to safe haven. Their humanity and worth - and equal rights to those of yours - are still intact.

Also, you share one thing with common with ISIS - you hate the Western 'Liberals' and liberal ideas. ISIS also wants to start the WWIII and the way they are trying to go about it is to set Muslims against non-muslims. They are succeeding exactly because of idiots like you that can't move past the knee-jerk reaction to an actual deep thought.
Of course the French aren't fucking around.

They have been dealing with these Muslim assholes for decades and they just had over a hundred of their citizens killed.

Of course they let them all in and have been doing so for all those decades. Now they have a chance to clean house. Hope they do.

I wouldn't be surprised if they deported every Muslim in France.
The French said today that they are going to bring in 30,000 Syrian refugees.
Planned attack thwarted...

Fate of Suspected Paris Attack 'Mastermind' Unknown After Raid
November 18, 2015 - The fate of the suspected "mastermind" of last week's Paris terrorist attacks was not immediately known Wednesday after heavily armed police raided a suburban Paris apartment building where they believed he was holed up.
In the predawn hours, police stormed the apartment building in Saint-Denis where they believed the 27-year-old Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a Belgian of Moroccan descent, was hiding. But when the raid ended, with two deaths and seven arrests, authorities said they could not immediately determine the militants' identities.


This undated image taken from a Militant Website shows Belgian Abdelhamid Abaaoud. A French official said Abaaoud is the suspected mastermind of the Paris attacks was also linked to thwarted train and church attacks.​

Western intelligence agencies have been tracking Abaaoud for months, but he has proved elusive, bragging that he could move undetected between Syria and Europe. His own family has disowned him, with his older sister Yasmina saying she was "praying that Abdelhamid really is dead," when erroneous reports surfaced that he had been killed in Syria fighting for the Islamic State group a year ago.

Bomb, gun attacks

Earlier this week, French authorities identified him as the suspected chief planner of last Friday's bomb and gun attacks on a Paris concert hall, a soccer stadium, and restaurants and bars that killed 129 people and injured more than 300 others. Abaaoud is also suspected of involvement in two thwarted attacks, one in August against passengers on a Paris-bound high-speed train that was foiled by three young Americans on vacation and another against a French church.

He once attended one of Brussels' most prestigious high schools, Saint-Pierre d'Uccle, but either flunked out after a year or was dismissed for poor behavior. It is unclear when he became radicalized, but Abaaoud dedicated himself to a Muslim holy war to the extent that he recruited his 13-year-old brother to join him Syria. In a French-language Islamic State recruiting video made public a year ago, Abaaoud said, "All my life, I have seen the blood of Muslims flow. I pray that Allah will break the backs of those who oppose him, his soldiers and his admirers, and that he will exterminate them."

Fate of Suspected Paris Attack 'Mastermind' Unknown After Raid

See also:

Seeds of Jihad Planted in the Balkans
November 17, 2015 — Editor's note: VOA's Jeff Swicord visited Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo to examine radical extremism in the Balkans. This is the second of three parts.
In September 1993, a battalion of foreign Islamic fighters overran a village near the Croat-held town of Vitez in central Bosnia-Herzegovina. They rounded up the prisoners and the wounded and summarily killed them all. Even in a war infamous for its carnage, it was a particularly gruesome moment. These mujahedeen, fresh from the Afghan-Russian war, began streaming into Bosnia the year before. They hoped to carry out a broader jihad in a war that started with the breakup of Yugoslavia and had descended into pitting Orthodox Christians, Catholics and Muslims against each other.


A Muslim brigade of the Bosnian Army marches in a military parade in Zenica in this 1995 photo. Muslim fighters from Afghanistan, North Africa and the Middle East joined the fighting in Bosnia in the early 1990s.​

Other fighters recruited from North Africa and the Middle East followed. Aiman Dean, a Saudi, was among them. "Many of the mujahedeen in Afghanistan felt alienated from what was happening in Afghanistan. So when the war in Bosnia started, they saw in that war an outlet in which they could channel their jihadist ambitions." Dean, who would later join al-Qaida then leave the terrorist group disillusioned, says the mujahedeen unit started as a few dozen foreign fighters. Later, they would petition the Bosnian government to formally become part of the army. "The reason why the mujahedeen wanted official recognition was because they wanted to incorporate Bosnians with them," said Dean.


Aimen Dean went to Bosnia in 1994 to join jihadist fighters. He later joined al-Qaida but eventually defected and worked for British intelligence.​

Sarajevo University political science professor Vlado Azinovic has another take on the foreign Islamist fighters who came to Bosnia. He says some fighters were tied to an effort by Muslim countries to skirt the ongoing U.N. arms embargo and gain influence in the region. "The Bosnian leadership from the outset declared they didn't need any fighters. What they needed was arms; but, some of these illegal at times arms shipments were tied to a deal to accommodate an influx of mujahedeen."

Summary executions, beheadings
I grew up in New York, a city with nearly a million Muslims in it. Some of my closest friends growing up were Muslim. Every corner store I bought beer and ham sandwichs at was owned by Muslims.

Now I know you're making up shit.

Please change your name to thedoctorisanidiot. Thank you.

Nailed it!!

He says NYC has "nearly a million" Muslims when he grew up in it. Hmmm. In 2015....NYC only has 400K.

The Doc is a damn liar baha.
I grew up in NYC. I never saw a single one.[/QUOTE]

When did you "grow up"? 1900?

As for how many Muslims are in New York, there are well more than 400,000 Muslims in NYC. The numbers I've seen are between 750,000 and 1,000,000.
Brush up on your reading. I said between 12 and 59. Add another 12.8% to your figure. And you can more if you take into consideration that Islamic scumbags like to use children and elderly as suicide bombers.

I saw that and edited my post. I apologize, I misread.

But again - about 75% of the population of the world is between the ages of 12 and 59. Do you really think it's strange or unusual that "more than half of the refugees" would be between pre-teens and retirement age?
No, but I DO find it strange that as an American you're not concerned about 10,000 muslims being dispersed throughout our country without knowing a damn thing about any of them. Your family could be one of their first victims, you're thinking is extremely irresponsible and reckless. And why aren't the men 18 to 59 in Syria fighting for their country? Are they cowards?
He thinks because he waves them in and encourages them, they'll overlook him. It's the coward traitor way.
Those are the ones they hate the most and will kill more slowly.
Ooooooo, you are very scared, aren't you?
Ooooooo, you are very stupid, aren't you?
I saw that and edited my post. I apologize, I misread.

But again - about 75% of the population of the world is between the ages of 12 and 59. Do you really think it's strange or unusual that "more than half of the refugees" would be between pre-teens and retirement age?
No, but I DO find it strange that as an American you're not concerned about 10,000 muslims being dispersed throughout our country without knowing a damn thing about any of them. Your family could be one of their first victims, you're thinking is extremely irresponsible and reckless. And why aren't the men 18 to 59 in Syria fighting for their country? Are they cowards?
He thinks because he waves them in and encourages them, they'll overlook him. It's the coward traitor way.
Those are the ones they hate the most and will kill more slowly.
Ooooooo, you are very scared, aren't you?
Ooooooo, you are very stupid, aren't you?
Bode is a drooling cretin. Seriously.
I grew up in New York, a city with nearly a million Muslims in it. Some of my closest friends growing up were Muslim. Every corner store I bought beer and ham sandwichs at was owned by Muslims.

Now I know you're making up shit.

Please change your name to thedoctorisanidiot. Thank you.

Nailed it!!

He says NYC has "nearly a million" Muslims when he grew up in it. Hmmm. In 2015....NYC only has 400K.

The Doc is a damn liar baha.[/QUOTE]

Aaaaannd....there goes Docs credibility.
Not that he had any to begin with.....

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